Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finding The Clues

Sometimes there is so much going on in our lives that we miss out on the clues that are given to us that lead us further on down the road, on our personal journey. The things that we ask for, the things that we want to overcome, the kind of people we want to attract in our lives. It truly takes a lot to actually sit back, get quiet enough, to assess the situation and see if we are on track with our own selves. Are we attracting the energy that we want? The people that we want? Is it in alignment to our higher selves? Or do we feel a big fat itch to change something? Are we fearful that we won't be able to actually hang with the changes that come our way? Afraid that if we stay true to ourselves that somehow we won't be supported for taking the risk?

In the past I have taken risk after risk, moment to moment, daring myself to be oh so true to what I believe in, and really, I did some crazy stuff. Times were a bit different. I didn't have a zoo to take care of, and instead of a nice house, I was willing to camp out in some tent.........ANYWHERE, as long as I could see the stars and hang out with some cool people that were conscious. Oh, and as long as there was good food........... are you kidding? I am Sally Pseudo Camper. I won't bathe if I don't have to, but damn if I don't have 2 good grills, one with veggies, one with all kinds of meats, and some marshmallows, forget it........... gotta have good is good too! Wine and stars go together..........we can ad to that list too..........

OK, back to the story..............What is the driving force? Money? Money helps, but even with a ton of responsibilities, I think that bar code still remains.......... we CAN REMAIN TRUE........ It is a vigilance........... we HAVE TO WANT IT! THE CHANGES AND THE FREEDOM. And to take on the individual work and responsibility that comes along with having your own freedom. It always boils down to the question of, "What is most important to me?" Right now, what is most important? Is it to make money? Be happy? Both? If so, how do I achieve that? And then there you have it....your own puzzle to put together. But at least, it is YOUR PUZZLE, and not someone Else's puzzle that you don't relate to.

I mean, I don't think we can actually escape the responsibility of work, although it is appealing to just meander in the woods, journal, and be simple with nature and animals. There is a process of getting to your goal, and it can be fun, if we take those risks. I know I don't want to be afraid. Especially when it comes to that love/hate sign............ this one...........$$$$$. Love it, hate it, or embrace the sucker! Turn the light on the demon and it will go away..........look at it for what it is, and embrace it........move forward, and try your best to do whatever it is that you want to do. The L/H sign will show up throughout your entire existence. It's not a fortunate or unfortunate thing, it JUST IS. So love it......... hug it, and treat it as your BFF. (can't believe I wrote that).

FYI..........I am laughing.

The moral?

Find the clues!

Look around at who and what is in your life right now. Get specific. Who are they? Why are they? Why the job? \Why those friends? Why the new ones? Are you changing?

Is it good? How is the energy? Is it conducive? Is your heart heavy or calm? Are you happy or sad? Are you bummin'? Or are you feeling a great surge of energy?

You will know it, and you will also hear the call..........the call inside to make a move, to do something different, or not. If you look around at the clues, you won' t have too, too much to think about.

Also, see how things get effortlessly put in front of you, like tiny little angels, whispering, "I want to give this gift to you", and you have no idea why.

Don't question it!!!!

Ya know, don't EVER question it!!! Those angels are so straight up............. they won't lie! They'll just take you somewhere you've never been before, and ask you to keep quiet about it, for your sake, and your sake only!


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