Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Accepting What is Real

Sometimes we see things about ourselves that we like, some things we see that we don't like, and then there are the things that we do like, but no one else does! There is a huge responsibility that comes along with liking what you do, or how you dress, or what you say, or your opinions that you have, or how you choose to live your life, especially if it is against the norm or what society deems as good or bad. The responsibility lies within how true you stay to what you do believe in, even if it is against all odds, and how you choose to act in the world, based on your own beliefs. If, in fact, it IS against all odds, I hope that there won't be a compromise, just to satiate the broad percentage. That is your homework, to do whatever you can to stay true to your own beliefs, accepting that reality as your own, and owning it, with pride! It really is OK that Sally could care less about your beliefs, because more than likely, Sally's life is of no interest to you! I don't say that with a mean streak, by any means, it is just that Sally's life is........Sally's life, and simply, IT IS OF NO INTEREST to you and your evolvement or your plan in life. Let Sally go on and be in Sally land, and you can be in your own little land that is important to you. The unfortunate thing is, is that, not everyone feels this way. People want to judge you, for your choices, your Independence, your balls for taking the risk to live freely in your own skin.I don't care if Sally has a tongue piercing. If Sally wants that, let Sally get an infection, hahaha. No, seriously........ that is Sally's deal. Who cares? I don't want to be a politician, but I can certainly have my own opinions.........but that is just what it is..........an opinion. I happen to share my opinions when it is conducive. I am not a push over, or don't try to push anything on anyone........maybe a supplement or two, but really, nothing crazy. (supplements are good) :) I also have to realize that as much as I have an opinion about things, so do others, and I want to give them the same freedom to share their thoughts, and listen, with an open heart, even if it doesn't resonate with me. That is a perfect exchange right there......... just listen. Ok, so what was my point in all of this? To accept what is real. Maybe you see something about yourself that needs work, or you see a reality in your life that doesn't need to be, but it just IS. Accept it, see it, and work through it. It is there for some reason or another, and even if it seems daunting or hard, or you don't want to see the truth in something, push through it, and you will grow, grow, grow. Accept the things you cannot change and find the beauty in them. And also, find the charm and beauty in the catalyst. Find the catalyst and thank them. Those will be my last words, even put it on my gravestone OK? FIND THE CATALYST AND THANK THEM. It's potent stuff. I'll have a cigarette please............

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