Sunday, April 19, 2009

Privileged Journey

I think man has forgotten the sheer privilege of being able to wake up knowing that you actually can breathe! Everything else after that is complete and utter luxury!! The lattes first thing in the morning, the access to phone, Internet, vehicles, broadcast media, and we know the rest of the list, as it is so very long and predictable.

I sit here, lucky as all get out, doors wide open, the breeze from the lake pouring in, the view of the lighthouse on the lake, city lights glaring on the water, and THE MOST PRECIOUS animals lying by my side, ever so innocent, staring at me, as if I was the last person on the face of the earth.

One is leaving the pack soon. He was supposed to be put to sleep last week, but my intuition said to wait. In that waiting, my life has changed! An "animal", who I really don't consider an animal, but a soul mate, has been with me for almost 13 years. The extreme amount of pleasure in that span of time has taken my life to the most simple, soulful gratification. Then, times that by 5.

Yes, 6 animals! There are no ties to that, just pure love. I don't have to pay for it, don't have to expect anything or worry, tell them I am going to be late, or that I don't feel like making dinner....... it is just .........I'm home........and the love begins!

I look at them and am so grateful for the simplicity, the remembrance of how easy and uncomplicated life can be, and IS.

Did you ever notice how you are with your animals? How uninhibited, how loving, sweet, and unprotected you are? All defenses down? An out pouring of love that is without armor and given so effortlessly?

That is the way I want to be in life.

Check it out. How are YOU with your little furry ones? Really? Next time you are with them, see how you are, and if that is the way you are in real life. What are we so afraid of? I can make a list myself, but to unravel it, and change things up is always another thing. But, not unattainable.

Love is a bunch of baby steps in the little end of the pool. You walk slowly till you get to the deep end, and then you just JUMP........AND SWIM........... AND MAKE A BUNCH OF WAVES AND LAUGH.

When you get out, all you know is that you risked it, you said, "what the hey", and wadya know....... you didn't sink.

Let whoever is in your life teach you to love, love, love, and keep loving.......... there are a ton of things to make you say no, no, no.............but keep saying, yes, yes, yes!

Yes, Virginia Wolf, there is a Santa Claus!

1 comment:

  1. the same unguarded consciousness goes on With Elana..pure connectedness..

    then I go to work..they call me scandalous...

    does the Dalai Lama worry about what the "Chinese politicians" think of him...but he does worry about the impact on the people of Tibet...

    where is the freedom space...and is it "protectable"?

