Friday, April 17, 2009

I am in total amazement tonight! Totally amazed at the level of consciousness that is available to us. Truly, if we are quiet enough, the most amazing revelations happen. Doors open to our infinite soul, and we are blessed with being able to see things that normally would just pass us by, because we are too preoccupied with daily life, and the business of our minds.

It's not even that you have to STOP! Just slow down and let something conducive happen in your environment. That could be just listening to great inspirational music, doing laundry, or just hanging out at home, doing chores, but you are so content and quiet, by yourself, enjoying some "me" time, that you become so still inside, and all of a sudden your body gets soothed, even if you are thinking through some ruff stuff that is happening, or how busy you are at work, or whatever the case may be. Because you are just "being", all of the business becomes a vehicle of clarity, and you can process where you are at.

It's good to cleanse yourself of whatever you are feeling, to let the old out, and the new in, and hopefully, you learned from the old, and the new, truly becomes something new, and not repeated old stuff.

I think it is time for re-invention. Always, but now, it is in the air. Everywhere I turn, people are wanting a change for the better. More simple, less complex, and kind of pure, too. Not saintly or anything, but really, people are stepping up to the plate, and actually saying how they want to be good in life, and actually making steps toward some sort of action that would back those statements up.

I love that! I admire that, and will support and help who ever is ready to make a plan and stick with it.

I have a friend who is inspiring to me right now.

She could do anything she wants, and make great money doing anything. (she wouldn't agree). But what she has chosen to do, makes hardly any money at all, but she is so utterly passionate about it, and cannot wait to wake up to do what she is doing, even though it doesn't quite cut the bills, no pun intended.

I said to her this morning, "It really doesn't matter". When you are THAT passionate about something, YOU WILL BE COMPENSATED! If your heart and soul is into it, and you derive that much satisfaction out of doing for other people, or animals, whichever it is........ you will be taken care of. Any act of the heart, will be taken care of with kid gloves.

Any act of kindness, any act of genuine love, will always be "rewarded" with 10 times that love and appreciation.

That is my guidepost these days. Do what makes you happy, even if you seem to be getting nothing out of it. YOU WILL. Just don't expect anything. Just keep doing what it is that you love, and sit back and watch it all unfold.

It is much easier said than done. I'm in that process myself.

Gather whatever information you have about yourself.........blow it up, and make it big!!

Get the plane ticket, start the business, do the act, love beyond yourself, and give yourself up to the thing that makes your heart bubble.

Do I make money doing this every night?

NO! Would I like to? Let's see........get compensated for what you love doing? YES!

The point is........... I'm not, and I sit here every night because I WANT TO!!

It gives me great pleasure to empty myself, and to explore wherever my mind wants to go to express.

The icing? Someone hears something, and changes them.

Those emails I get, make my every day perfect, so pleasurable, no matter what is going on, and I ain't makin' a single dime.


Here's to staying true to our own personal calling!

It doesn't matter what it's yours...........and no one else's.........make it real, make it true, and keep it alive! VISUALIZE!

Remember your canvas......... color on it, paint on it, sketch, erase, do it all over, again and again and again, until you see what you want..............then................. it will be delivered!

Happy Trails.......... keep those colors alive.......don't let the paint brush get stale and hard...........keep painting or you won't have a picture!

MUCHO heart is pounding with excitement for you , for me, and for the opportunity to live exactly the way we want!


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