Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dancing with Life

You know, it is easy to dance with life when things are going your way. But is it easy to dance all the same steps, when things aren't going your way?

Can you dance when things arise that you may not want or that you do want, but cannot have for some reason or another? Is there really a way to truly dance in that, and come out alright? And not just alright, but really good with it all? I believe, and have experienced so. It doesn't mean it will be easy, but you'll always come out OK. These little machines aren't this intricate for just grins.

Maybe things do happen for a reason. Forced situations happen and you are left to deal with the remnants of how it affects your being.

Isn't that life though?

I can't help but to remember when my mom was dying, and she saw me there, so incredibly sad, and grieving beyond belief. She looked at me with such compassion and said, "Honey, this is part of life".

I tell you, those words will never leave me. They have been applicable in every area of my life!
Am I still dancing? I will ALWAYS DANCE, but that doesn't mean I will not feel the pain, or grieve, or be affected in some way, if I did not choose that happening. After all, would ANY OF US CHOOSE PAIN to really be a part of our world?

I'm not talking spiritually, or sub-consciously or anything like that, just forget all of that.

Does any of us really want to feel anything other than light, fluffy, cozy, loving, loved back, free, and happy?

I think I can guarantee that one. How bout I just say so for myself, and you can make up your own mind. Maybe some people like that. I highly doubt it.

But, as we all know, and get intimately acquainted with our partner for life..........called......LIFE, we see, feel, touch, hear, and smell, with the greatest of passion, because we WANT TO. We just can't guarantee what those passions will attract. It comes with this pseudo road map, luring you in with some sort of direction, and then BOOM, you get side tracked on some road, when you thought for sure, your passion was heading you in the right direction. LIFE...........THIS IS LIFE!!! CAN YOU SWING WITH THAT?

It's like we innocently say, "I would love to have this or that thing", and somehow if it doesn't come the way you dreamt it or fantasized about it, but it DOES come, we want to send it back because, hay, I didn't ask for it in THAT WAY.

The reasons why it happened are still there.You cannot negate that. Looks a bit different, but someone out there was listening to your request, and they gave it, but shaded it with a few different colors. Don't worry, trust me, it's the SAME THING as what you asked, just pretend and artist threw it your way.

Look at it from a different perspective, other than what meets the eye. Pretend you are in an art gallery, and you are dissecting an incredible piece, and then the artist comes up and notices you admiring the painting, and asks, "how do you perceive my painting"? And you confidently say, "Well, I think this, and I think that!"

The artist says,"Well, thank you for your input, that was beautiful, but, here is where I was coming from."

It winds up being a completely different perspective, but all in all, the end result was the same. You got the gist of what was happening, it just was painted in a different form.

It's not a mistake, you see. It was what you perceived. It didn't make it wrong, just a perception, outside of the real reality.

There is always a jewel in everything. In pain, in discomfort, and in any nook and cranny, whether it be good, bad, silly, sad, horrible, or disastrous.


I am in for the ride. And want to smile the whole crazy way.

Come with me.

We all need each others hand.



  1. for years I felt comfort in thinking I had a hand in my life
    somehow if I took responsibility nothing could be "seen" as bad or wrong

    consider for a moment...what if chaos is at the heart of "life"
    would that make it less "do able" or able to be appreciated

    let's say two people have misfortune...
    just generalized "bad luck"
    what follows is usually what we do with what we have

    can we 'make lemonade out of lemons"?

    why even have a responsible party?
    does that change anything?

    my sense is that the notion of causation is what gets us into pain
    some spend their lives asking "why"?...maybe they end up inventing penicillin
    or maybe they just end up with a bad headache

    anyway ...just sharing some thoughts

  2. Maybe we are not choosing

    what about that

    would it make "life" any less than what it is

    consider if no one...no God no person no thing

    was in control

    would life be any less
    or any more than it is

