Monday, April 27, 2009


If you quickly think about those words, following through, most people will say" yea, I was supposed to follow through with that diet, but it didn't work out, I gave in", or a New Years resolution that they waned from, something to that effect. I am sure there are more typical ones, but you get what I'm sayin'........ those are the general ones that come to mind.

I'm learning that following through comes in a myriad of ways, and gets more subtle for us as we need it to, to apply it for ourselves, in daily life, in accordance to our beliefs about ourselves, and what we think is good or not good for us. Basically, we believe the things we tell ourselves, therefore, our thoughts become what we live, how we live and the story that plays in our heads, gets played out in our everyday lives.

Like I said, it gets tricky because half the time, we don't see it coming.

Following through, for example, could mean something as simple as, you know, I really do want to recycle. I have been meaning to do that forever and I haven't. Well, pick up the phone, call the waste company, set up a plan, and ........recycle! Yeah, you FOLLOWED THROUGH~

You could say a lot of things, really, just listen to all the promises you make yourself, in your heads, and see if you do anything about them. You may not think they are promises, or even that you are telling yourself something, but I will bet you .......lemme think of something good...........I will bet you......a huge dark chocolate bar, that you tell yourself things all day long that by the end of the day, you don't even remember all of the sweet thoughts of, I really need to get to see grandma, I haven't seen her in ages, and she is getting old, or man, I really have to organize the house, it's on my last nerve, or............and you see, how the list goes on.

I am going to stand up to that guy who talks like crap to me. It is disrespectful and I don't deserve it, or that woman who has no right to say those things to you, or talk that way, or act that way. Next time he/she does that I will tell them exactly how I feel without backing down.

The next time it happens, do you? Do you actually stand up for yourself? Did you go see grandma yet? Did you organize the house like you said in your head 58 times today?


Take one thing............just one, don't get crazy now and start adding up all the things you said you were going to do, and all of a sudden start beating yourself up cuz you didn't get to them like you said you would. Take the first one that comes to your mind, and start there.

If it is going to see grandma, and the reason you haven't gone is because you think you have no time.......then take a pan over your day or week and think, well, what is one thing in my day or week that I can go without doing, just this one time, or whatever. And chisel it down and I am sure you will find 10 minutes, 20, even an hour, even if it pains you because your routine, of course is your routine, and you don't wanna give it up............JUST DO IT.

Chances are, grandma won't be around too long, GO.......... MAKE HER HAPPY.

If you keep telling yourself that Joe or Sally will never treat you like that again because you don't deserve it, than follow through with a plan that supports your belief. How can you NOT let that happen again? What can you do to follow through with a plan that will enable you to finally put your foot down, to stand up and respect your being, and to get out of the rut that is making you think that THAT is what you deserve? Change it up...follow through with a plan.

Recycle? Get the phone book out. Dial. Ask, and you shall receive. Done deal.


I am doing a lot of following through that doesn't feel easy. It actually is a pain in the butt, but as I move into it, I feel such a sense of freedom inside. One that feels responsible for me, for how I feel, for how I live, and how I act in the world, alone and with people.

Whatever it is that you feel you cannot get up and do, to follow through with, realize probably it is more thinking than you need to be doing. It's not as bad as you think. Once you get going on it, and don't do too much complaining, you find yourself in a flow, and it is quite the empowerment.

Don't dig a big list out, just start with one thing.

I have mine. It's keeping me occupied, keeping me humble, reverent, and grateful, without a doubt.

I'm following through on a life long task that is long overdue. Recycling? Not a problem.

Wadyou kiddin' me?

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