Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trying Every Angle

I think that when we compromise ourselves, the only price that we are paying, is the selling of our soul, for one thing or another.

It could be to be validated by someone, something, or even doing things that just aren't in alignment with that place inside of us that exudes extreme joy.

Granted, I have been on both spectrum's, and sometimes you just either fall into a pattern or you do things that you need to do because you have to.It doesn't mean I want to "sell my soul", for lack of better words, but I am doing things's a NEED.

For example, I was a hard core vegan for years and years, and I had moved to New Mexico. I caravaned with two friends after some huge riots that were happening in LA. We literally sold all of our stuff, got in a big van, and took off to New Mexico to start a new little life. Well, once we got there, it was evident that we needed jobs. I wound up finding some spiritual retreats to do cooking and such, but that only lasted a few weekends.

Times were hard so we took whatever we could to make it. Well, it just so happened that the outdoor market that I wanted to get into to sell herbs and do Shiatsu was filled but they needed someone for the concession stand. I thought, "Oh My God, a @#*&$%! concession stand? Yes ma'am.......selling corn dogs, Frito pies, brisket, and you name any other foul food that a nice little vegan girl would want to eat. I sold ice-cream all day long, pig, cow, preservative after preservative, colors 9 thru 62 on the artificial ladder, and everyone laughed at me because they knew I needed to make money. Don't laugh, IT WAS A VERY DIFFICULT THING FOR ME. ( I do laugh now, it's funnier than hell), but the staunch vegan that I was, I had things to say to those customers, like......"and just so ya know........ I normally wouldn't condone this, but I'm broke". hahah What a trip that was. You know they looked at me like I had 10 heads. Who cared? I didn't!

Anyway, so the story goes. The main thing is...........I had a plan. Really, I did. I wanted to work for myself, do what I knew well, which was to go out during the week to physically harvest fresh herbs from the most beautiful places in New Mexico, gather them, clean them, and with the rest of what I had either bought wholesale, or combined with the fresh stuff, I made combination remedies for every ailment you can think of. And it was great, no one was the same, it was individual for the person, so I concocted it there, in front of them, and did this whole lovely exchange with people. I also made herbal tinctures as well. Anyway, the point is....... I did what I had to do, to get to where I wanted to be. Didn't seem great at the time, but man, what lessons I learned.

I finally made my way into getting a permanent spot at the "Famous Outdoor Market" in Sante Fe New Mexico, and made a killing do herbal combinations/massage therapy etc....... What a blast I had. I made more money from Thursday Thru Sunday, than most people do in a month. Go figure herbal girl!

Do whatever it is that you need to do to be responsible, but don't ever forget the fact that you are a PASSIONATE HUMAN BEING WITH DESIRES TO FULFILL. Fun ones, creative ones, intelligent ones, all kinds of adjectives to describe your personal journey and what that entails.

What is it that you want to do? Are you happy where you are? Is work fulfilling? What do you get out of it? Are you making money and that is your driving force to stay? But, are you truly satisfied? Think it over.

Don't compromise your tender little soul that wants to express itself!! By all means, get to the bottom of your lust for life. Figure it out and go for it. Even if it isn't exactly it, try every angle, and maybe you are halfway there, but can't do it all just yet. You will, but do the first step first.

Get your booty goin. Time is a tickin'.

I say to you, what I say to myself.

And.......if it doesn't happen right away, then no biggie........just don't lose sight of what it is.

Go on, go about your day............. you'll be thinking today.......I promise you that!

Mirror Mirror, on the wall!

Gnite guys!

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