Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Timing is Everything

Did you ever notice that when you want things to happen, of course, they don't happen. You can plan, plot, and organize all you want, I don't know about you, but in my life, I plot, plan, and organize, and someone out there says...........Good one, but.........NOT.
As if I am on someone elses clock. Who? I have no idea, but I have determined that pretty much...... (and I do hate saying this), it works out better than I would have planned, and it does all happen and get done, just NEVER THE WAY I PLANNED IT. So, after awhile you get the gist of it, but it isn't always easy dealing with the waiting process. Oh, you'll find yourself goin'........aaaaaahhhhhhhhh, but it's already Tuesday, or ahhhhhh, I only have 10 minutes, or but aaahhhhh IT'S DUE TODAY...........TODAY AND WHERE IS IT? How bout that timing thing? Something is going to kick into gear any moment...........right??? All the if and's or butts, and nowhere in the forefront is there that voice that says, "Everything will be ok", just TRUST.

I have to say that does come into consciousness, but when you start playing Russian roulette everyday, you start searchin' out for the heavenly angels. They've got to be somewhere right?
I know your hiding, and then at some point, when it all seems so ridiculous, you actually laugh at the absurdity of your worries.

Life can be funny, it can be a pain in the ashtray, and it can be glorious! It's a mix and mingle cocktail party. All different flavors, highs and lows, great fun, sweet people, mean people, rude and ugly, and then.............there is your own cocktail party, sitting in the corner looking at your colorful life, from a distance, and either you chuckle at the variety pack of flavors, or you stand up and scream and rant what a screwed up party it is, and leave.

In this moment, I am chuckling. I don't know, I'll check in later and see if that chuckle remains, but for now, it's all good. It's all a bouquet of absurdities.

Timing. Trust. Patience. Willingness. Strength, and therapy.......... :)

Stay good, stay strong, and love the craziness in your life. It's showing you some pretty cool things about yourself.

Tons of love,

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