Friday, April 10, 2009

Life is like Reading a Good Book

Did you ever sit down to read, and all of a sudden your sinking in your pillow, or slouching in your chair, to get more comfortable because what you are reading is so intriguing, incredibly compelling, fascinating, disturbing, or just sheer good writing?

You scratch your head after a chapter, go in the kitchen, get some tea, or a snack, think about what you just read, and contemplate. You go back, get comfortable again, and start dwelling in the story, one more time, one more chapter. Each chapter seems to get more intense. All of a sudden, you've become the detective you never knew you were. Figuring out the whys and hows, peoples motives, why they did the things they did, who is the catalyst, who is the protagonist...... all of it. It is like out lives. A MYSTERY. RIGHT?

We never really do know, but along the way, we become the detectives of our own story.

It's funny how that is, but if we are honest, it is just like that. We try to figure others out, why they are the way they are, why we are the way we are, in relation to them, how it works, why it works, and wondering what the end result will be.

I know when I am reading a book, quite often, I am so intrigued with how it is going to end, that I miss the glory of reading what is happening on page 9, when in my head, I'm already on the last line of the stinkin story. WHAT HAPPENS? DOES SHE END UP WITH THAT PERSON?
When really, chapters 2 through 20 were the most gratifying, soul defining, and compellingly intelligent, that who would've even cared what happened at the end. The climax already occured. I coulda been snoozing for all I know, at the last line. Almost a bore, I swear.

Isn't life like that?

I am at the end of a chapter, and I am beginning to read the pages of the next. It is still new, just learning the characters, new places and the bold faced letters. The beginning pages weren't so bold, now, the lettering gets big and dark. Hmm!!

What will be in this chapter? What characters will fade? Who will remain? Where will the story take place?

Where will the story lead?

Maybe it's that rotten quote that we think is so darn hard, "Stay in the moment". Life's ride would be so much more enjoyable.

What is your book about? Is it good? Is it boring? Is it compelling? Sad? Honest? True?
Does it start out happy and slowly get sad? Is it sad, and then it gets really good and juicy?

Tell your story out loud. To yourself, and see what you think.

Why go to a bookstore when we have our own great stories to tell.

My won't be cheap...........are you kidding? I have to pay to cover up these greys!

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