Saturday, April 25, 2009


I probably have written so much about solitude, you might not want to hear about it anymore, but.... if you are like me in any way, you won't tire of simply hearing the word. There has got to be a reason, right? In my life, it is of the utmost importance to have that time, alone, away from anything that you would call everyday life, and to dip into yourself, to catch a breath away from the outside. Who ever has time to check out the inner side? Does anyone even think that there is a need, or that there even IS an inside?
What is inside? Why do we need to do that? What purpose will it serve? How do I do it?

Ya know, it is really different for everyone. Going inside for some people is losing themselves in playing music, painting, in dance, in sitting outside by their pool, going for walks, being with animals, meditating, praying. There are a multitude of ways to just "be".

For myself, it is writing, walking, gardening, being with my animals, just sitting quietly, meditating, closing my eyes and just emptying myself so that I can hear that subtle voice of wisdom that knows way more than I could ever convey.

I happen to think that is the same place that artists, prophets, teachers, and everyday regular people who are a service to humanity, generate from.
There is something so naked and raw that naturally bubbles up from a very deep corner in your consciousness, and it somehow becomes very apparent that it is not you who writes, or who dances, or who teaches, or who DOES anything!! It is that "corner", that deep mystical corner inside that has a story tell, if you let it.

These aren't "special" people because they are different from you and in a class by themselves, like some hierarchy or something. It is what it is because somehow, on some level they have chosen to take that time, to separate themselves in some way, however that may be, and to listen to the quality of life that resonates from within.

It doesn't happen overnight, but takes a definite diligence to WANT TO HEAR something else. Every one of us has this gift. Not a select few, but ALL OF US!

This is the time that I speak about. This solitude, these small pockets of time that can be utilized to gain a better perspective on your life, your goals, yourself as a human being, a soul, and a spark of light to anyone who you may come in contact with.

Granted, life is crazy. Trust me, mine can be totally crazy, and nothing short of that, but why am I still laughing in lieu of it all? Why am I even writing this to you?

Because it is REAL! Life inside is real and true, and when there seems to be no hope, or justice, or fairness, or death comes, or any kind of loss, or job change or whatever it may be....... you ALWAYS HAVE YOUR SANCTUARY INSIDE........YOUR LITTLE CORNER to check out, to sink into and find solace.

You may not have great friends, or family, or anyone to talk to, but you will always have your inner wisdom, that quiet place that will tell you just how loved you are and how important your stay here is, and how valuable you truly are. And if you really get good at listening, you really realize that there isn't much that you HAVE TO DO........... WITH ANYTHING. It becomes fun if you get the swing of it. The subtle voice from within will tell you exactly where you need to be from moment to moment.

How about that? You are off the hook!! See that? You just don't have to worry about too much.

Try it out. Spend some "me" time and just get quiet.

Just when you think you know yourself.........

get even more quiet.........

you'll meet up with the most amazing person...........

that amazing person....




  1. time with self
    is like time in a metaphysical gym
    the "muscles" of self
    only develop
    by taking time
    to 'not work' on them

    thoughts get to unravel
    emotions get to defuse

    what is left changes
    time changes

    perhaps the fear of the changes

    up up up from who knows where
    there is a gurgle of something
    waiting brings the answer

    sometimes it is a torrent of sadness
    held down by the smile of everyday life
    sometimes it is pain
    of slogging through another painful decision
    beneath all of it
    waiting in stillness brings it out
    is a special joy
    of aliveness

    getting through
    and having faith
    is what cultivates it

    without the time to let it emerge
    we miss having 'ourselves'
    in harmony
    with these moments

    comes from these moments

    perhaps who we end up as isn't what we thought
    perhaps it is even better than we dreamed

  2. Pretty packages will fade, but the prize inside the box is what takes ones attention!
