Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Living Freely

How is it that we find ourselves doing everything we can, to do what we DON'T want to do?
How much attention do we pay to spending so much time every darn day, doing the things that we really don't feel like doing. Why? Because we think we have NO CHOICE?!

What do you want to do for a living? Really? I mean, is it jumping out of a plane? Is it rescuing every animal you can because you are passionate about that? Is it painting? Is it walking around the winding hills in the Catskills, what the heck is it?

Look, the bottom line is, we can do whatever the heck we want. I do know, that it does take perseverance. It may not happen over night, but you have to have a plan. Don't get lost in the illusion that you can't because of this or that. Trust me. I take that road a lot, and then reality sets in and I know, most of my life, I have accomplished every last little desire that I have wanted, and have had a blast, AND .........HAVE MADE GREAT MONEY!

It takes some planning. Fine tune what you want. Nothing is stupid, nothing is small, nothing is going to be a problem. The only problem will be us, standing in the way of ourselves.

This blog is for US, not the reader, but us. You and me!

If you get quiet enough, you'll hear your calling. Whatever that may be. Whatever it is that you want to do for a living, how you want to spend your days, with whom, and how you want your energy expended.

Truth is, we all have bills right? Big ones, big circumstances that could make you say," HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO THAT?" And you just have to say back, "Well, I will start here, and not look at the whole entire picture of what I need to do to accomplish that, and just SIMPLY START. The gods will look after you, knowing your intention to stay true to yourself.

LIVE FREELY IN YOUR SKIN. Map your life out. And ya know, it will change all the time, so maybe we need to get used to "camping", so to speak. Camp out for awhile in your new skin, check it out, see if you like it, and hhhhmmmm, didn't I say somewhere in these blogs, maybe 92 times that there is FREEDOM to be had? Freedom of speech? Freedom of choice? Ahhh, well then, we can choose to change our path if we find out that the one we thought we wanted, really isn't in fact the one we thought was for us. CHANGE IT UP! HAVE FUN.

I'm going for it.

Maybe I'll map quest it, for some sort of direction. Hay, ya never know right? You can find just about everything else on this darn thing.

It's a gorgeous day, get out there and think............ what do I love doing? How can I make money doing it? And go from there. No heavy thoughts, just fun...........and then sleep on it.

Lemme know.

I'm here.


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