Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sometimes life goes at such a fast pace, that we forget to slow down and see who and what is in our little circumference. Small favors that people do, smiles that come your way, when you know it just isn't your day, someone covering for you at work when you are sick, friends who help you when they really just don't have it in them........ even someone saying, excuse me, or thank you, or anything that is a pleasantry.

I APPRECIATE THAT! I APPRECIATE THEM! And I have to tell them, for me, but also, for them. I know that it is nice to know that people do acknowledge a kind word, or something maybe that they didn't even know made your day, or you moment. That has happened to me so many times. Customers come in and they have no idea how they make my day, just be showing up with a smile. It makes my day that much nicer, and, makes coming into work a joy. It does work both ways. I smile, you smile. I am nice, people tend to be nice back. It really isn't a hard equation, ya know? Ya get what ya give kinda thing. I know it works for me. OK, yes, you are going to get the occasional someone who just can't shake their mood, or can't shake their own personality, so they just are the way they are, and you either kill'em with kindness, which always seems to work. Some of the tough ones just go for the jugular, and then, well, have a nice day, and on you go.

I appreciate everyone in my life in this moment. I am panning on all of the who's, and when's, and why's, and I am really blessed. Doesn't matter if I just see you for 5 minutes in the morning. Trust me......... I have your faces imprinted in my little heart.

You all know who you are too, so............ I'm giving you all a huge hug! Thank you for being in my life and for making such a difference. It never goes unnoticed!

Love to you,

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