Friday, June 19, 2009


you have got stuff............ something may just happen, and you realize, your stuff ain't nuthin.

Today, as I was working with some pretty special ladies, we had "talked" about some subjects that woke me up to a reality that I may have been missing out on for awhile.

I say 'talked" because it just so happens that these special ladies that I adore, are Mexican, and don't really speak that much English, and, in turn, I no speakie Espanol. So, street sign language comes in handy, and a good laugh or two, on both of our ends, make it as if all was understood. It's funny that way.

As we were chopping vegetables, I asked one woman how old her daughter was. She said 15, and proceeded to show me a folder of her prom picture, I am guessing it was. She was stunning! So incredibly beautiful, and looking at the person who I joke with everyday, hug and have such a kinship with, that little relating took on a whole new meaning, once I saw her daughter, for some odd reason.

I always ask her questions, because I am genuinely interested, and I adore her. She is a kindred spirit.

So, I asked if she had enjoyed watching her daughter get dressed for the prom, as I remember my Mom, so totally excited, helping me with my hair, making sure my dress was "Oh so perfect", and took pictures of me and the love of my life, at the time. I mean, God, it was a whole huge event, memorable personified, not even because of him, but my experience with my Mom. It was and always will be top notch in the memorabilia section of my life.

Anyway, after 20 minutes of me trying to ask my question in my American way, I finally got the point across. She then turned to me and said, "Gabriela, she is in Mexico". I have not seen her since she was 6. And in an instant, I welled up, and just stared at her. And the only thing that came out of my mouth was........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

She looked at me and said, "Yes, Gabby, this is baby Magali. My little girl. I tried to ask why, and I think she said that she didn't want to come to Austin, but really, it didn't matter. What mattered is that this woman, who I love, her heart and soul, so good, so......I don't know, just good.......... you know it when you know it..........and what mattered is that she was not with her daughter. And, not just her, but her husband as well.

I don't need to know the details, and maybe I can assume, but again, it doesn't really matter. She is not with the love of HER life, her own flesh and blood! My heart aches in that knowing.

Ya know, I go to work everyday, and of course, in my head, is what goes through every ones head, as they mill about and in their day, is their own stuff. Whatever that may be. Every one's story is different, and they are all valid stories.

But today, especially, when I had gone into work, I had my own set of things going on in my head, my own story line, and as the day unfolded, and this event happened, it affected my entire day and night, for so many reasons.

Magali smiles every single day, she does not complain, she is a hard, hard worker, she is smart, quick witted, enjoyable, and so many other adjectives, if I had all night to tell. When her time to leave is up, she goes, with a smile. She makes me laugh, and gives me an innocent feeling that you can't take away. And..........she is without her child that she so loves.

Who am I to complain about anything? I can only imagine, as all of you with children can too, what it would be like to be without your own flesh and blood, watch them grow, through pictures, and not be able to touch, to feel, to kiss, to embrace, to teach, to help understand life, to mother, to guide, to do what she innately knows best, and not be able to.

It struck my heart to the core.

I always say to my friends, "I couldn't bare to have a child". God forbid anything were to happen, and not even that, just the emotion that is attached to a human being, and that being something that grew inside of you, is a bit overwhelming to me.

I understand my mother, more and more, as time goes by. She was right, about so many things.

A mother will always be........a mother!


So........ take a good look at what you have. Sons, daughter, moms, dads, brothers, sisters.......... you will never get another set of them.

Stay close to your children. Open up, communicate, and tell them you love them every chance you get. They will remember that more than any present, piece of candy, or movie you take them to.

Stay close........... it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Utilize it.

You are the lucky ones that get to share the same house, go play, hang out, read stories, go shopping.

Some people don't have that luxury, and those "some people" are right under your nose, under the same roof......................

This little blog is for Magali. Even though she will never read it............ I listened today, and you changed me.

May you always be watched over, and by the grace of God, be able to reunite with your beautiful, beautiful daughter, once again.


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