Thursday, June 11, 2009


I know this is a wide scope, a whole huge area to cover, but within the lines, you can probably apply it to each and every category there is.

Where do you feel that you are compromising your TRUE SELF? Not adhering to exactly who you are?

Is it work? Is it your friendships? Is it in your personal relationships?

Are you not living by your own set of standards, and allowing others to set the tone for YOUR LIFE? What are your own standards? Really? What are they? Write them down for god's sake! It is not a silly thing to do. Sit and write down what your own personal standards are, and see what your life executes now, and see, if, in fact, they match up.

It is a constant process, something that you don't just do once. It is like gardening. You till the soil to make sure things are growing, and if not, you re-evaluate and see if you need some Miracle Grow, or you just need to find a new gardening device.

What is it that IS NOT IN ALIGNMENT?

Make a list. Go.........right now and get a pen and paper. I'm not goin' anywhere.

Find the goods. You'll be happy to see it all on paper, look at it, and go........"oh, what was I thinking?" I don't wanna be doing that? Here, I'll just change things up a bit.
And you may do that with your whole list, or maybe just 2. Either way, is not a good or a bad, it is just an alignment happening. Getting the "car" tuned up so it runs right sort of thing.

Check it out. It's a good thing, those tune ups. Let's us know if we're drivin' the right car or not.

Get in the drivers seat, and actually drive to where you want to go.

Yourself, is waiting, for yourself! Don't dissapoint.........your.........self!

Goodnight my friends.

You are my heart.


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