Thursday, June 25, 2009


It is so funny how a multitude of circumstances show up in our lives to try to pull us away from our center.

I mean, really, it gets ludicrous after awhile.

You look at what life presents and you literally want to go.............."Oh, c'mon, you have got to be kidding?"

"No", says life, " I ain't kiddin!"

Buckle up guys........and get to gettin.

What does today offer, and what do you need to do to fix, finagle, or make good?

I know I have my good ol' list goin. Life never seems to cheat me of strange happenings or odd occurrences. Trust me. Life must have heard, too many times, how I hate to be bored.

I think I might change that least to something more creative and fun.

What made it's way to your doorstep today? Did you freak out? Did you just go along with the program? Freak out AND go along with the program?

Look, we ain't saints, ya know, so if you did freak out a bit, and then buckled up for the program, you ain't doin' so bad, ya know?

Ease up on yourself a bit.

I had the opportunity to buckle up today. It's funny how life sets in, and sometimes it is a fight or flight............( I might be getting bored of that one).

I find that if you just grab the information that is handed to you, whether it be, you are losing your job, have no money, oh god, the possibilities are endless, you name the situation, if you just grab the info, without any emotion attached, and just forge forward with just the facts and the gumption to fix it, you will be fine. The effort was put forth, and you really, are at no place, to lose.

I think that is when the "Gods" come to assist you, because you Surrendered, and didn't put up a fight, or try to dodge your own reality, or deny it in some way.

I find, that when you just comply, (Gabriela is complying to a rule.....notation please), it is so much easier to make headway, with certain things, of course. (don't make me get detailed to back myself up).

Things that are necessary, definite rule laden for society, things you just cannot change, that is what I am talking about. Go with the program, find out what it is that you need to comply with, or adhere to, and just move the hell on. Pay it, do it, find the solution, and moveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee forward!

Much easier than paying late fees.

Life is full of funny rules, and some, I just really DON'T want to comply with.

I will debate the reasons why too. Even if they are staunch, and the same rules for decades. Who is to say I don't have an opinion about it, and hay, I can try to wiggle my way, or try to change it, if someone lets me, or, at least hears me out.

No matter the situation, I AIN'T GONNA BE FOOLED, into believing that whatever the circumstance, it is going to take me to the Matt. No!

Bring it on. You ain't gonna fool me, thinkin' that I am going to buy into the martyrdom, or the "whoa is me" or the "can you believe this is happening to me?" blues.

I may go there for a second, and then I try to pull on every resource I have to bail me out of that way of thinking, or simply, shout out to a friend, " aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh what the hey??" Bring me back to reality PLEASE!! Make me laugh already.

I don't want to be fooled that THAT is my true reality, because IT IS NOT!

My reality is............ It will all work out, and as long as I am responsible, and taking whatever steps it takes to move forward, then I am OK. Life might assist me in the process, ya know?

Be good with any circumstance that comes your way. Trust me, I know what freak out mode is. Try to avoid that mess, and head straight for, alright, what do I have to do next? And without a blink, you are just taking the steps to undue, or do, whatever you need to do.

This is all first hand. I ain't tellin' you nuthin' that hasn't come my way. I'm learning too guys.
That is why I say, let's hold hands and support each other in our quest to be good with all things, to get good with our lives, our intentions and good with each other.

I have some homework to do, in a bunch of areas. I'm workin full time. If I had the money, I'd be workin' overtime. It is THAT important to me.

Thank you all for being such great reminders to me, to smile along the way, forget the BS, and chill out......... read......... write.............have a margarita............ hang in the hammock............... sing............. and make a huge fool of yourself in the meantime.

That is what I love...........

Don't let a situation get the best of you. Say out loud...........YOU AIN'T GONNA FOOL ME.

It works. Say it..............and you'll see how you get over it real, real quick.

Tons of love in these hard, hard times.
Ain't nuthin' gonna beat us!


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