Wednesday, June 24, 2009


all of the situations that life puts in front of you.

How do we keep motivated? Do you have someone motivating you, everyday, out of your funk your work complaints, your personal complaints, just regular complaints that come with daily living?

You are lucky, if you do! Count that person, as a blessing.

Everyone gets in a funk, and life has little "gifts" for whatever reason it unveils to each and every one of us.

Why "this", for me, and not that "this" for you? It is so indentifiable, in moments, and then, totally baffling, in others.

Maybe we just need to see it for what it is, take the steps we need to fix, or take care of, and then call it a day.

Next day, see what life reveals.

Maybe it won't be so bad the next day, or trying, or hard. Maybe we just need a fresh head, fresh brain, to get our mojo back, "I dunno, wadyou think?

There is always a way to get out of our funk, sometimes it just takes a little bit of this and a little bit of that...............

Me? I'm wondering what that little bit of this and that is going to equal tomorrow? I guess I don't really need to know, since it is way far from this moment, right? Why worry? A lot could happen from now till then.

How about you?

How about we just stay in the moment, count the stars in the sky, and leave it up to God to fill us in on the rest?

I think that is a plan, not a cop out. A true plan.

I'm all for it.

Those who join me, raise their hands?!

Let me play my teacher role out. I haven't gotten to do that yet, in this life, haha.

Like my sister would do when we shared a room together, when we were little.

I would want to go to my room and then I would peak in there, and she would be "teaching a class", and using our closet door as the "chalkboard", and her hairbrush as the stick to point out who she wanted in the class to answer what question.

I always tease her now, and say,"Paul?" Can you answer that? And I pretend to be her, looking into the classroom, pretending there is a class full of kids.

Wow, what a hoot. How funny! Well, that just got me to a place of good. I can see her now, doing that and laugh my butttttttttttttt off! She was so cool, so funny and woa, an intense kid, but that is another story to be told, if she doens't get mad at me for revealing such stories.

We are all funny characters, aren't we? I know I am, and I hope to always laugh at myself. And if I don't, can you all please, remind me of something funny, to bring me back to real life?

I don't want to take anything too serious. This is not what life was meant to be.

I know we all have stuff, and it is sad, it is joy, it is hardship, it is all kinds of stuff. But let's all be there for one another to keep us good, and REAL, not hiding under some rug, or behind some curtain.

Let's show ourselves, our raw, real selves, and trust that someone, SOMEONE out there, will be genuine enough, to respond to our pure ways, and join in on the REAL party.

I am not one to think that ALL LIFE is jaded. I do think, for the most part, that life IS, jaded, and that is just factual, not pessemistic. Or as my fellow co-worker would call it, being an "naysayer".

I am not a negetive person, just a realist. Taking real life and digesting it fully, and accepting it, and then moving on, in accordance.

Well said.

I'm happy.

Are you?

Thanks for always listening.

I'm thankful for all of you, and the smile that you bring to my face.

It makes my days and nights become something different, and beautiful.

All my love to you,


1 comment:

  1. I'm a big observer...or others of myself. I am a figurer of same.
    I am always trying to learn, to make sense of, to understand.
    often what I find myself doing is just shaking my head and hoping it doesn't fall off the hinges.
    sometimes I nod with a smile or even laugh.
    Anger can emerge, and sadness
    it's all part of this getting into the unknown and letting it swell and absorb.

    One small thing I notice with a set of waves in after I am particularly open, there is a closing
    after I'm especially up
    there's a down
    sometimes I wonder if it's about equilibrium
    or some sort of set point around which I travel..
    time will tell
