Sunday, June 28, 2009


Remember that game? I used to love that one. I won all the time because I practically would do anything, and go ahead, ask me anything! It was usually the person asking me a Truth question, who would either feel uncomfortable, or disappointed, one or the other.

I, on the other hand, had a blast with it. I liked the truth questions better. You could be more creative with it. The dares? Well, it usually had to be done right then and there, so you were limited in your creative process.

Here, on the other hand, we have lots of room to play with.

I figured we can play a little game with ourselves, and, each other. Try to muster up some fun ways to make things happen for us.

OK, so......... TRUTH? OR DARE?

(pick dare, it'll be more fun)haha

Lets dare to do one thing........ just one, this week, that we think we cannot do. Not anything crazy, just something that has been or is difficult. And like we do with our jobs everyday, as much as we don't feel like going, our butts show up on time, and we dredge through it, even if our minds are still in the bed, snoozing away. The point is, we go because we HAVE TO. We have to make money right?

So, why does money, (always ranking first place, that money is), take precedence over making ourselves feel better or look better, or wanting that other job we want, or the boat we know we want, or this or that? Money really isn't THAT POWERFUL, we just treat it like it is some God, but really, if you really look at it, it's just like anything else. It really does sit on the same shelf as everything else. I'm thinking, and this is for me too, that we need to switch our mind sets about money, and it's place in our lives, and the superiority we give it, and knock it down a notch, and put something else in it's place.


What do you want? Right now, it can be small, or big, but I suggest we start small, so we don't set ourselves up for instant failure. Let's go tiny, just to start, like, I promise myself that for one week, I will eat one really good meal a day, and who cares what happens to the rest, as long as I get some fresh veggies in, (excluding peas and corn guys), and some protein. Good, one week is gone. WE DID IT. Small, little steps.

How about, even though I don't make a tone of money, NO MATTER WHAT, I will put 20 dollars aside and hide it, for the week. Just 20 not 200. That will be in my hidden safe called I DARE TO DREAM, or something like that. That will go towards your boat, or your new outfit, or whatever your minds eye is on, that thinks it CAN'T HAVE.

DARE TO PICK ONE THING, FOR THIS WEEK, and make it small, and do it for one week only. Then next week we will amp it up a bit, but not until we conquer the small ones.


Not kidding!!

I will wait to hear from you, and you do not have to disclose WHAT it is, but trusting you will tell that your DARE, did in fact challenge you, and you beat all odds........ there will be a sweet surprise at the end of the week, for the ones who made it, clean, and honest, and jumped over some hurdle.

OK, ON YOUR MARK, GET SET...........................


Yes, I was the bratty kid who did that 3 or 4 times, until someone got mad enough to say......C'MONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!

OK, OK.........ON YOUR MARK.............GET SET....................




It's the beginning of the week. Make it happen!!!!!

I have mine.

Wait, no fair..........who gives me a prize if I win?

Alright, I don't need one.

I get gifts all the time.


DARE TO LIVE, DARE TO DREAM, DARE TO BE DIFFERENT...............dare to truly challenge yourself, and win..........because.....................YOU CAN!!!

Always goin for the gold,

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