Sunday, June 21, 2009


Now don't narrow that down to vegetables, although there is a lot to say there.
That is what precipitated these thoughts, but as I ran through the process, of course, it took on a life of it's own.

I remember when I first moved to Austin. It was a shock to me, after living in New Mexico, where I think my heart does rest, but anyway, when I first moved to Austin, I didn't have a job, and so I always do what I know, if I need to get to gettin, if ya know what I mean.

I opened a cleaning business, and there we have it, money, clientele, and moving forward, again, after a huge move. Survival always kicks in, and I do know, I will always make it. If I have my hands available, and my feet, of course, I can do anything. I can even make things up, if need be, creative stuff, where people are saying, "Oh, yeah, I need that service", and I say, No problem. I guess I just use what I have at any given time, and if it works it works.

I gathered a clientele, and one of my main customers was a family. Husband, wife, and two kids. Lived in a nice area, just wanted every Friday cleaning, and that's it really.
They were so cool.

The husband was so layed back, very male, AND female energy, and so personable. He had a heart of gold. Loved his wife and kids.

The wife, very, very........did I say, VERY COOL, was a stay at home mom, that did her writing from home.

If I get too detailed I will be here forever, but let me just skim on some things.

They both were sort of hippies in the 60's. Why do I love them? Hmmm?? They both meditated, had a spiritual teacher, and practiced a lot of things that the every day norm, wouldn't.

I related to them so much at the time.

I, at the time, had a spiritual teacher, and everything they talked about, I related to. One difference. At the time, I thought I knew something that they didn't, since my experience at the time seemed to be way out of the norm, and so high on the evolution scale. We never really got into the detail and gore of it all, but what we did skim with each other, made me fall in love with them. Not because they had a teacher, but because they were real, in front of me, practicing, and, also, staying true to what they thought was real, and true, outside of what they were "taught".

For God's sake, I saw them eating avocado's and thought, OH MY GOD THAT IS TOO MUCH OIL FOR THE BODY TO TAKE. How ever will they be able to meditate if they are coughing so much from not being able to digest this concentrated oil? And Linda would say,"But it is good oil", and oh, this is such a long story, but in my own way, I thought, oil is not good for you, and therefore, would get in the way of any meditation to move through you.

Don't laugh! When you check out the affects on the body, and how it has repercussions on the body, you may not think I am a crazy woman.

Anyway, every Friday, I'd go over there, and it was AWESOME!!

It took me 4 hours to clean the house, but while I was cleaning, Linda and I chatted about life, love, spirituality, kids, anything, you name it!

I looked at her as the total inspiration. Why?

She was real!

She somehow made it to stay at home, to write for a living. In the meantime, she took care of her kids, and also, had a huge love for her dog, I forget his name now, and also, she would go out into her garden, pick fresh herbs, tend to her garden, and just revel in what she loved. She loved fresh veggies, herbs, fresh everything. She loved to cook. I'd always love cleaning the kitchen because there would always be fresh jalapenos in a bowl with fresh tomatoes, fresh tomatillo's, and almonds would always be soaking on the counter. Sprouted almonds. They do digest better.

I used to make fresh almond milk everyday when I lived in New Mexico, because I am allergic, really to so many things, so me, and a special friend, would always concoct anything with almonds. Gotta love it!

So, on with my special friends.

Not only was the environment conducive, I really, never wanted to leave. They became sort of parents to me, friends, and confidants. I worked there for years.

At the time, I was living a very constricted life, spiritually, and I really didn't do much outside of that spiritual community, but that one day, that special Friday, made my week come together, for so many reasons, too much for one blog.

I thought of Linda today, as I had the day off. My favorite things to do, seemed to be the things that I saw her do. She would sit at her computer and write. And sometimes she would come home from Central Market with bags of great stuff. Maybe seems nothing to you, but to me, or us, is important. Organic vegetables, fresh herbs, just great vegetables........I laugh to myself, and all of the other cool products she would buy, with great awareness, and a consciousness that supersedes the norm.

She will probably read this and think, "Oh, you're too much", or something, but really, she is an amazing woman, and her husband too.

Ooh, I forgot this part.

We had a connection as well, and so dear is he to my heart.


I would come to clean, and he would be playing the piano. Mind you, piano music is my favorite of all favorite. As a matter of fact, John Boswell is playing in my house right now. If I want to get good, and be neutral and consistent, I put on my piano music and all will be well, even if there is a disaster happening.

Such is the story with going over to the D......'s.

I would walk in and there would be John, eloquently playing the piano, and I would beg him to keep playing, at least until I finished cleaning. (that would be 4 hours and I think he tried, but that is a long time).

So, with the piano playing, talking to them together, and individually, it really became a great part of my evolution, as a soul, in contact with some supreme beings. People that really got it, but kept it real without sounding, or being all spiritual and esoteric. I, actually was the one, at the time, that felt, and sounded so immersed in a reality that was great, but removed, and not so integrated.

At the time, I thought they weren't integrated, that they maybe had compromised after living a spiritual life, then they had kids.

To me, at the time, that was sheer blasphemy! Kids? Spirituality? The two don't mix. And although they would share so many beautiful things, I still, thought that my way was the way.

Such is for a whole other topic on disillusion. What an ass!

I have grown since then, miles upon miles.

The point of this is............

Today, I had a million and one things to do. My day took a turn and I wound up doing everything I wasn't going to do, and wound up loving life immensely!

I am not surprised, mind you.

And, for those of you who read this blog, you will not be surprised if you follow what I love and what I don't love.

It's nothing complex. It's simple stuff.

I gardened, one of my top favorite things to do. I gave baths to 4 dogs, I cooked, I listened to exquisite piano music that churned my soul, I ate organically, cooked in such joy and love, and the rest of the day was silent, listening to the crickets, the animals outdoors, and the rocks beneath my feet.

I was in awe of the clouds today. White with an outline of orange. Really defined.

The air, was hot, but damn.............. I can sit out my deck and revel in the sky, the flowers and the brush beneath me. Not THAT hot, I guess!

It's quiet. Life is happening. On so many levels, but then, I access the situation, and say,"How many levels?"

Not many. Really, just one. With different perspectives.

Life is a series of real events.

Like Linda and John.

They are living as real as they feel.

To me? They've done good. They have experienced life in all facets. The good, the bad, the ugly, and then the sheer gratitude.

Their kids are wonderful, beautiful, and so are they!

Their values are good. They don't set standards that will set themselves up for failure, at least to my knowledge..............and they set out to do good, pure things, for themselves, their kids, and the world, in their way.

I love those souls. It has been a very long time since I have seen them. I used to call Linda on Mothers day and email in moments of thought, and I still see her everyday on my AOL instant messenger, and smile every time I see her.

Her purity and genuineness, resides inside of me, and is what I call, connected to humaneness, and acknowledging that beauty in someone, as yourself.

She and her family are a true gift to this life and to me.

Sometimes people plunge on in their own trek in life, just forging forward in how they think they need to go, and I am not sure that some people know, just how they affect others.

They shrug it off, and go, "Oh , no, not me.........I"m just me!" You must be talking about someone else". And the reality is? We ARE talking about THEM!

I think that if you truly are pure in your intentions, you don't look for accolades, and if they happen to come your way, you or I, act as if it isn't relevant, but...... it is. Good to stay humble, but to acknowledge an exchange of goodness that might be happening in your world.

Thank you Linda and John, for being catalysts for my evolution.

Seriously, I know you will be shocked, maybe surprised, but I think at the time, and sometime after, I have always expressed the extreme amount of influence you have had on my life, and in all of your sweetness, and humbleness, you have disregarded just how influential you truly are, on my life, as well as many others who have encountered your purity in spirit.

I thank you for your influence in my life and still, as tonight, I open up the Herb book that you bought for me for one of my birthdays, and I think, WOW, some of my closest friends, NOW, would not know to get me that gift.



Everything else, pales in comparison.

Goodnight sweet souls.


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