Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am sitting out on my deck. It's a gorgeous night. I'm all comfy and cozy in my lounge chair. The wind is blowin', my kitty is rubbin all over my leg, all happy that I am here, my pups are panting in the breeze. It's a cool picture, especially with the flowers next to my dogs face. Where is my camera when I need it?

I was sitting here, hangin out, and I had an itch on my leg, and so, I go and rub it and scratch it, and a thought came to me as I was rubbing my leg. Now, mind you, this thought probably wouldn't come to me if I were at work or something, busy as all get out, scurrying along, but since it is so nice out, I'm relaxed, the animals are content, and the scenery couldn't get any better......I think, of course, my environment makes or breaks my reality.

So, in that, I sit here, with the realization, in a tiny second, that women, these days, have no idea how incredibly beautiful their bodies are. All the hype that you need to be this thin, and on that diet, and no carbs, and doing this flush and that flush, grapefruit diet, cleanse after cleanse, salad, salad, and more pasta.......... (did someone say, "No Pasta") EGADS! What is a woman to do? At least an Italian woman anyway! Gotta have the pasta and clams, that's all I know!

Anyway, as I sat here, and I was rubbing a sort of "pocket" on my upper leg, just naturally, and I thought to myself, "this is sexy".............not me, of course, but curves, women, their bodies, their natural make up of being a woman. And it bothers me to no end, that everyone thinks their frigin fat!!!! What the hey??? I get it, I understand it...........for god's sake, I was a personal trainer, I know fat when I see it, but the reality is.............WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CAREEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS????? Acknowledge your gift of a beautiful form. Please, I really ask you.

Are you healthy inside? I mean check out your cholesterol, your stinkin triglycerides, and whatever else is on the basic list of.....AM I HEALTHY...........and call it a day!

Enjoy your pasta and wine! Quit thinking that you have to starve yourself, when you know damn well you want that Buccatini Carbanara. Hell, I do!!! Ain't no one stoppin' me. I know my limits. I gained 10 pounds in Italy, but who cares?! I had the best damn time of my life........ squeezing into my jeans an' all. I got home and took care of it. A challenge! Good for me. Get me goin, get some motivation goin. Challenge yourself guys!

Know your limits and then you don't have to be on any diet. God, people are so diligent when it comes to their checkbooks, being on time for work, getting things done for deadlines, making tons of money for someone, making that their priority....... that ain't no easy sneeze.....I'll take the salad and tuna please......but when it comes to eating? Drinking? It's like they jumped off the Titanic and forgot to throw the tube out!
Throw the tube out silly ass!

Go eat pasta, have wine.......and the next day, find your tube, float on it, and eat sensibly. You got your chill.........and have some chicken and veggies, it ain't gonna kill ya. Throw a spice or two on there, some good dressing and your guilt about the pasta and wine will be gone sooner than you think.

Women.......girls............ ladies.............. moms................. please do me a favor............. even if you don't know me, which a ton of you don't............ but I see that you trust me..............


Please have fun with your life. Don't make eating and drinking such a drudgery! Food and drink is the passion of life!! "Eat, drink and be merry", is what I say.

Yes, be fit, inside and out, as you will, but don't go crazy with the, "I cant's," no carbs, no this and no that. That is not life! Unless, of course you have some big work to do, like losing 100 pounds, then, I might tell you something different, for the first several months, but then, we'd talk.

Be sensible, have fun!!!!! Find a balance so you don't have to diet.

This is silly, but this is what I do. Just say, I have a dinner date and we are going to go out to have Sushi. Well, hello......lets eat rice for dinner, right? So, I know that in the earlier part of the day, I ain't gonna be eatin no stinkin rice or pasta cuz most of my dinner will be rice and fish. No veggies in Japan I guess, unless you like the Ocean taste of Arame, or Hijiki, (seaweed), which I do, but they are not considered a "green" in that good ol' standard food pyramid, which, I will debate to no end, but this isn't politics or a debate session, at least in this particular nights blog. ( I do laugh at myself, quite often, ya know).

Now the tortillas, chips and queso every night is a different thing. My favorite, but lethal, nonetheless.

So, the point is........relax, enjoy your nights of indulgences, but get a scale going in your head of what you had, when, and do a juggling act. Real simple, no biggie. I had a bagel for breakfast. OH MY GOD, A CARB! No biggie, so for lunch, I eat a salad and some protein. You did good, now maybe for dinner, you'll have a bit of both, a carb and protein AND a veggie. See how hard that was?

Bodies are made to love, adorn, cherish, in all sizes, shapes and forms. Don't let anyone tell you you are fat! You do the math in your head. If you feel uncomfortable, than THAT is what you listen to, and you move in the direction that you need to. Your intuition always tells you where you need to go. If you need help, you find someone that you trust and are comfortable with to guide you along with trust, support and love. NO judgements. You hear me? If there is a trace of a judgement, get outa dodge. Find someone else, please!

Women's bodies are unique, beautiful, and meant to have some cushion. You don't see women in the 1940's, who I think are fantabulous, looking like a sea horse for god's sake. They actually have butts, and curves, and they are round and voluptuous. Rock on, is what I say. They are gorrrggeeeouuusss!

Now, if you gotta man hangin around, good luck, cuz you'll never be skinny enough! That is a whole other blog, in and of itself. Not saying ALL MEN, but I've hung out with enough to get the don't have to be the chick on the cover of Maxim Mag, OK? Cheap, cheap, and cheap! Don't buy into it! Again..PLEASE!

Look in the mirror. Acknowledge the beauty in your curves, the extra weight that you hate, and the marks, the NATURAL, NATURAL, NATURAL........... ( I said natural, right?) Just want to make sure I get the point across. The natural marks. Whatever, call it cellulite, it's just skin that has matured. For god's sake, we are as natural as the plants outside. We get water, we get sun, so we grow, right? No difference there! Noooooooooooo difference! And, I'm not even talking about pregnancy or hysterectomies. More blogs to be had. It would be crazy if we didn't stretch, or grow, and for the women who try to save their 20 year old bodies, go right ahead, I'm exhausted thinkin about it! I'll take my grey's and cellulite.

Balance it all out, and have fun.

It's like Sharon Stone said when she had her near death experience. They interviewed her and said, "What was the main thing that you saw, or that you learned?" And she said, "It was so intense, and as I was at the cornerstone of life and death, I finally got it............. (the interviewer was all hyped up and wondering what gem she was going to share, after all, THIS WAS SHARON STONE.

She said, "What I learned is, TO JUST EAT THE FUCKING FRENCH FRY".

Excuse my language, it was a quote, (much to my liking, of course).

So there it is....just eat the damn french fry and be done with it, go to bed happy, and when the next day comes, you'll have a new decision to make. Whatever that may be.


Me? I'm going to cook up some good ol' pork chops that I never, ever eat, and have fun in the kitchen with crazy food that is hangin out in my frig and cabinets.

It's a great night to eat and do whatever.

Movies, chocolate, wine, popcorn, whatever I want.

Why? Cuz I ate egg whites and vegies for breakfast. heee

But, really, I did.

Love you all........ you beautiful women with curves.

Blow it out, have fun and lemme know about it.

Ce'la vie.....we only live once ya know.

I know you know that, I'm just reminding you.

Love to you all my fantastic women are, by far, more fantastic than you realize. I'll always be there to remind you of that!

Enjoy your wine, or chocolate, or whatever you may choose tonight. Eat it with great PASSION.

Love you more than ever.


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