Tuesday, June 2, 2009


WOW, so many things you think you understand because they have been said over and over again, experienced over and over again, and then, you shop life, buy into this, buy into that, and sometimes, when you are buying just a bit too much, you seem to sell out. You have just sold the very essence of your soul, for "goods".

And, I don't mean clothing or shoes, or food, or luxuries. Of course that would fit into the equation, but what I am talking about is buying into what your head tells you that you should or should not be doing, where or where not you should be, or who with, or with what amount of money, what job is good for you, what you SHOULD be doing, and where, how, and the list perpetuates until you find yourself so wound up in your head that you cannot even enjoy where the hell you are in your life, good, bad, or indifferent, because you just took the most catastrophic ride through the maze of life, called........ your BRAIN!

Where is the life in spending time in such thought? And who are we to believe that we are right in just where we think we need to be?

I am not saying we shouldn't have thoughts about what we would like to do, or who with, or make a plan to do something we love, or want to achieve, but then there is serendipity, or fate, or whatever word fits your own style. There is that timing thing that has nothing to do with us. The mystical reasoning behind how things "just happen". I think if I take that road in expressing myself, I'll wind up going off on a tangent, so let me stay clear here on just what the deal is, the true point.

I know for me, I don't want to miss out on the very things that I love doing, love sharing, and who it may be with, or where, and how, and all of the lovely details. And then I take a look at my life, as it is right now, and say, well, none of those things are happening, and you find yourself in a whirlwind of, "but how do I get there, how can I finagle doing it with this person, or why aren't I doing this NOW, AND THAT NOW? Why do I have to wait? Life is too short, I have to bust a move, make a plan, get things going and be on top of it, or it won't happen.

All of these things are true. No one will help you do the things you want unless you make an effort, BUT.....I know for me, I cannot discount the very things that ARE IN MY LIFE, and what is happening, no matter what it looks like, because somewhere in there, I DID ASK FOR IT, whether it be to be more independent, to be more free, to live more peacefully, more true to who I am, and all of the details that follow. They get subtle, but make sense.

It kind of reminds me of going to school for something you are passionate about, but when it comes to certain tests, and exams, we all of a sudden get bored or are uninterested because we just wanted the end result, not all of this crap in between. Well, reality stands that, you cannot get from A to Z without going through the alphabet right? Unless you are a cheater, and even then, who are you cheating, really, but yourself?

There are gems to be found in the present moment of where you are RIGHT NOW. You may have to do some digging to get to those gems, but trust me, they are there if you give yourself enough quiet time to seek them out. In my experience, if you don't give yourself that quality time to get that quiet, to go on the search for the true gems, you might as well go to the nearest pawn shop and buy some cheap ass gem stone that was refurbished from who knows where, and call it your "gold".

You will never find the real goods by taking the easy way out. It becomes the band aid for life, the proverbial "It's all good" attitude, and under the rug it all goes. Who knows when you'll do a deep clean, ya know what I mean?

If I'm losin' ya........ head to the pawn shop. Cuz this is where it begins. Ask yourself those very questions.

Look. Sometimes, I can say when I dig for my gems, " I'm tired of digging". I wanna play now. And maybe I put the shovel down for awhile and give it a rest, but my soul loves gem stones too, too much to not pick that shovel back up again.

Present moment equalls WHERE YOU ARE NOW, and having an unconditional relationship with it. In all of it's glory, it's pitfalls, it's sadness, pain, suffering, desires, you name the mood. Embrace the present moment and know it is part of your journey for a reason, and it is there to teach you something that you more than likely asked for, it just looks a bit different. But if you do some good ol' diggin', you'll see that it pretty much does equate, in a different kind of way, the very essence of some things you said you wanted, or asked for. Check it out, if you can follow. It gets good, ya know, it's not all that bad. Depends, I've been on all kinds of ends. Some don't feel pretty, but you do look and go, mmmm hhhhmmmm ok, and what gem do we have here today? Can I look through a rose colored glass today? Just for a moment? And ya know what? Sometimes that feels damn good. Have a rest, have glass of wine, a margarhita, and kick up your heels.

Unconditional relationship with oneself. WOW! What a cool thought! How can we attract that if we don't have it for ourselves?

Be OK with the spot you are in, in your life, right now, and let it go. God hears your whispers, your call for exactly what you want. Be with wherever you are, fully, and let go of the "I am not where I want to be" thoughts, and see what happens.

Be easy on yourself, and you will see that you feel lighter, rejuvenated, and inspired, with even more of a passion to move forward and embrace whatever life offers, or what you have created for yourself. Hopefully, it will be a good combination of both, and you will seek to find the gems, and also, the gems will have been glad to FIND YOU!

I am stoked! I'm reading my blog too guys! It's for all of us to share, and to support one another, and to let each other know that we are not alone in our emotions, our journey, our triumphs, or losses. We are here to hold hands and help each other step up to the plate of life. Some of us have huge plates, some small. No one better than the other.

Grab your friends hands and support them and give them your ear. You too will need it at some point.

Share, share, share............... STAY IN THE MOMENT.........FULLY ALIVE, IN ALL OF ITS WONDER AND GLORY, EVEN IF IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE IT.................it's there for you to cuddle up to, and make a part of you.

The more you understand, the more you smile, and wink at God, for being the perfectionist that he is.

Use your own words to make that work for ya. The essence remains the same.

The World is your Oyster.

Go get the cocktail and crackers.

Too much love to ever express,

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