Monday, June 1, 2009


Life is a colorful mix of so many things. We really work our brains overtime. It' s like there's an internal clock ticking, subliminally telling us we only have so much time to go and do and accomplish and create, and procreate, and succeed, and volunteer, and fulfill your hearts desires, and fulfill your passions, make people happy, do your best, and time is still ticking, and WOW, you graduated, you are making your way in the working world, you get an allotted time off to squeeze in your hobbies, time to play with Fido, time to explore relationships, and time, hopefully, to check yourself out, outside of all of those things, to see just where you are, on your ladder of life, and to make sure you are in alignment with where you see yourself headed.

How many hours in our day again? That's what I thought.........not THAT MANY to accommodate all of those things without having grown some grey hairs along the way.

It is a lot to stay focused and centered on exactly what we want at all times, to stay in alignment, to make sure we aren't taking life too seriously, and, to make sure that in the moments that we do need to get somewhat serious, we do, and maybe that is what it takes for us to accomplish the things that we want and need for ourselves.

Life is a trip!! To take time and look at all the variables, and your own unique way of accessing what life is about for you, is something worth taking an hour or so, out of your day, to scope it out, objectively, without anyone else's input, to be alone, and to smile at your accomplishments, your little journey so far, and to applaud that you have made it thus far.

It is such a balancing act. We couldn't have our lives complete, really, without the characters that come in and out, for very specific reasons, whether it be for 5 minutes or 5 years, they are in our lives for a reason. And, our journey wouldn't be the same without those very specific characters, helping us along, helping us to laugh, to see from a different perspective, to just be there, as a friend, or a sibling, or a co-worker, who ever it may be. They are in your life for a reason. I love that!

I think along my way, of the many people who have passed through, and how very important and poignant they were and visa versa. It's the road map of life. I celebrate those people, who are still here, and the ones who aren't. It doesn't mean they aren't still in my heart of hearts. They were there, and made my mark in this life worthwhile. Hopefully they feel the same.

Life is a quick moving river. It really is. And no telling how the river is, ya know? Bumpy with a bunch of rocks, or smooth's the chance you take when you enter the boat, on that ride. Put on the "life jacket"cuz you damn well might need it.

You don't know where that river is going to take you. You may set sail to head East, when in fact, the boat is obviously taking you West. Don't fight the current. For some reason, you need to go West. If it is that tough to go East, then maybe West is a good ride! But, but.......I didn't plan West........well, there are a lot of things that we didn't plan, and we buckle up and move forward right? Maybe West is good. You won't know until you travel that road. West could be the shit!

Way better than East. Maybe East was stale and boring. Not challenging enough. Who knows?

Go West my friend. Head to the path of least resistance. There really is something to be said about that statement.

And, if you are in doubt about East, or West, DO NOTHING!! Simply, relax and allow life to unfold, and you will be able to discern whether it feels good or not, and then, you access, rethink and apply what you need to for your awesome journey. No one is glued to a compass. You go and do as you please, with a few considerations.

You really are not paralyzed or stuck in any one situation. It may take you a little bit to get out of your straight jacket, but EVERYONE can be HOUDINI. There is ALWAYS A WAY OUT, of ANY given situation. You may have this our that, or this responsibility or whatever your scenario is, but you have the choice to paint your life in full color, the way you want it.

When in doubt, DO NOTHING. Take however long it takes you to get centered, calm, and clear on where you want to go. Take your time and paint slowly. Create a damn good picture. Don't do it half assed! (remember I am an east coaster, so let me curse g....d it!!) haha

SEE THE PICTURE............ VISUALIZE IT............... SEE EVERY DETAIL.............. SLOWLY START TO PAINT............. AND SOON.................... your natural, innate abilities will kick in and "reward" you for taking the time to scope it all out, to paint a clear picture, and to actually start to paint the EXACT PICTURE YOU WANT!

There is a sort of reward for being pure in your intentions. It feels so good to dig to the heart of your soul, dig out the guts of it, and lay it all out on the table. Sort through it like you are doing a jig saw puzzle, and then start putting it together. WOW! I just got the most incredible chills thinking how amazing it is that we actually are given CHOICES to do EXACTLY what we want in this life!


Wow. I think I have to end on that note. Pretty powerful stuff right there. Realize, when you are complaining or feeling like you can't do this or do that...............yes you frigin can!


I just told a friend that I had missed doing my blog for a few days, and she said sometimes it is good to take a break. And I said, ya know, yea, but sitting to write, for me, brings me right back to where I need to be. It answers my own plaguing questions, settles my soul, calms my anciness, and keeps me exactly where I need to be.

Thank you for being the recipients of my little writings, my thoughts, and for giving me the opportunity to share my most vulnerable self, that ignites a consciousness in me, to help me gain an amazing clarity of who I am, and for you the reader, the friends, who maybe get something, that they can take along their way, and maybe I will be one of those people that you look back on, and say, " She was a mark on MY journey, and made it worthwhile", as you all have been for me.

My heart is so soft, grateful, and ever so gracious for this tiny little thing called a BLOG.

Go figure!

I love you guys,
May your hearts be touched by grace.



  1. it's not "grace" it's another G, with a longer name.

    Back with you Gabriela

  2. Who do I know that is up at 5:10 am?? No one but me........i think...... ;)
