Thursday, June 18, 2009


If you can possibly run for cover, within your own life, go back stage and take a peek at what is happening on stage, you will be astounded!! WOW, look at you, believing you are your character. Now THAT is a good actor........ but guess what?? When the show is over, the show is over. You are done! Thanks for coming everyone, I'm going home now to "me".

Sitting behind the scenes is a luxury. To be able to recognize your character playing a role, and stay in that realization is a huge triumph!! You sit there, check yourself out, you laugh at things that your character is taking so seriously, you have compassion for the happenings or occurrences that play out for that character, and you see it from a whole different perspective.

To be able to access that objective standpoint takes diligence and a willingness to move from a place of believing you are your character, to recognizing there is, in fact, a character, but you are NOT THAT CHARACTER.

Stay behind the scenes. Pull the curtain back a bit, and check your life out that is playing on Stage #2.

See how serious you are? See how believable that character is? Wow! Not bad huh? What a show!

Wow, look at her. Look what that character is going through. I have so much compassion for her. I am not watching the play saying, "God, how messed up she is", How pathetic"!!

Well, the truth is, we do! I do. I forget that it is a play, and I judge myself for where I may be or what has happened in my life, and out from the curtain I come, and back on stage I go, believing that the play is real life.

It's not folks. It's just not!

What will it take to get us to remember what is real, and what is not?

I know that I always want to have compassion for everyone else, why not for my own trek in this life? Why does it come so easy to give to others, have compassion for others, love, time, all sorts of things, but when it comes to us, all of a sudden, we have amnesia? Compassion? Can you define that?

Why is that?

I work on myself a lot, at least I do what I can to figure the ins and outs of my own personal life, to get good, to get clear, and to come to the full present moment with an understanding of how things were, how they are now, and let the two meet up somehow, to be in unison. But, that is just me, I wanna know the whys and how's of everything. I could be a channel flipper, but instead I head to Spicewood to my nearest couch, for an hour or so. I could make a part time, or yet, even a full time job of it. Once a week is a mere tease, literally! If you have a burning desire to know something, you better go get a good paying job, or a sugar daddy to pay for your newest addiction to knowing yourself.

By all means, you don't NEED a therapist, but god, don't put it in the box of, "I am not a psycho", I'm not going to a THERAPIST. It's sooooo old school. Wake up already. I'm not saying they're Gods, but give credit where credit is due, and stop the judgements. As Mom always said, "Don't knock it till you've tried it". I use that saying very prominently in my life , trust me!

I happen to love it. but, again, this is my passion. To know and understand myself and life.

No college degree is going to give you the answers, and ........neither is your therapist, but they sure can be a great catalyst to push you to the edge, for you to discover and figure things out, on your own, in a way that your brain would no more entertain on a rainy afternoon. Again, where is the remote?

I'll take the challenge, and for go the remote. My brain is already distracted. Isn't yours?

This is not easy, and sometimes truly exhausting, but, in the long run, I may have greys, but I'm free of disease, ya know what I mean?

Think about it!

So, do we really get to laugh in all of this?

Such is why I wrote about this tonight.

I had a moment, briefly, "behind the scenes" while I was cooking my dinner, and I laughed my little butt off. Not just for a second, but I was busting up. Then, I was laughing that I was by my own story, my own life, and how it is playing out. I laughed so hard my dogs were looking to see if there was a second party in the house.

Uhh..........nope, sorry guys, just mom............. realizing that all of this crap IS HILARIOUS! Every last inch of it. (at least in this moment) I do say, go moment to moment, because I do know that in all of our humanness, we believe, we don't believe, we fall, we get up, we sing and dance, we cry and whale............ the pendulum will always swing. If I can do some small part to even that swing out, and not come crashing down, I think all will be well.

As long as I can have a laugh or two (or three or four), I will always be good to go for this ride called LIFE.

Go peek behind the curtain. Check yourself out. Be kind to yourself, now, or if it was 30 years ago. Be present with your past, enough to see how it reflects you NOW. It matters, even if you think it doesn't.

I am. Gently, slowly, and with a new found compassion that will change me forever.

And, in my changing, I can help change things around me, in magnificent ways. I just need to remember to be patient. too! It's all's all here..........dig in the grab bag and look at the prize. It's probably exactly what you've been asking for.

Love surfaces in the most unusual nooks and crannies.

Be on the look out!

I love you more than words can say.


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