Saturday, June 13, 2009


There is never a good formula for what it takes to mesh with change of any sort, especially if it isn't something you had planned on. Well, even if you did plan on it, nothing ever goes quite the way you had planned, and there is always SOME bump in the road that you will have to spontaneously deal with, so, I guess it all winds up working out to be the same, really. Give or take a few bumps.

You know the saying, "When it rains, it pours?" It happens! I raise my hand, I stand up, I pledge, I attest to, I ...........can go on and on, about change, and from every angle. Chosen, not chosen, bumps, bumps, and more bumps............. oh, and did I mention............bumps? Yea, cuz, change, has that middle name.

Hay, they could be good bumps too. It doesn't always have to be bad bumps. Bumps could simply mean there are a ton of things to "do" and they may be good, but they are A LOT of things, and could possibly be rendered, a bump. Could be pain in the butt, could be overwhelming, could be "not enough time for this", but you bare down is all sorts of things wrapped up into one.

I am learning that, I am in cess pool of change, that in all of it's disguises, are good........really good changes, and challenging, might I add, but stretches the soul, the imagination, the brain, and your courage to stay true to yourself in all of it.

I don't want to get hard. Hardened by the challenges that life brings. I want to embrace them, learn from them and move forward with a confidence that evokes pride and strength, and a soft heart, not someone who is all cozied up in a suit of steel armor. Not someone who has to constantly wear her boxing gloves to get from point A to point B. And if point A has me wearing boxing gloves, and then by the time I get to Z, I still have those same gloves on? I might want to check the status of my whereabouts, to see if I need a change of costume.

ROCK AND ROLL WITH CHANGE. Stay strong and go for what you love with pride and joy. You can buckle down and go with the flow, be soft, but be firm in your intentions, and..........don't let people tear you down. You know what your path is, you know what your heart is. It is up to you to keep yourself in alignment with who you are and where you want to go.

If you can't seem to get there at this moment, do what you can to stay true, stay connected, and never give up the ultimate plan that you are painting on your canvas. Paint it clear, and also, be present with what is in your life at the moment. It is there for a reason, embrace it, learn from it and take those lessons with you, because I am sure you will use them on your little journey, otherwise, I really don't think they would be there.

Take the plunge.

I believe in you.

Believe in yourself too, cuz when it comes down to it, you really are, your one and only, true best friend!

You have someone with you, on your side,



1 comment:

  1. I want to share something that only those closest to me know...don't laugh too hard..hahaha (oops couldn't help myself)
    My HERO is GUMBY
    Whenever I feel so stressed, that I imagine myself as a skyscraper with steel beams in the midst of a tornado...I re-imagine myself as GUMBY. Ah bendy. how relaxing

