Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So, when is it that we finally recognize true, honest, unconditional love?

WOA, BIG ONE, I know. A life's mystery.

Not just from a lover, but include everyone. You work 8 hours a day with people, a huge, huge part of your life. Can you say there is unconditional love there? People who actually care about you UNCONDITIONALLY? Or, do they WANT something from you?

How about your friends? Is there unconditional love there? Or, is there something that they want?

Now, this doesn't have to come across as a negative, because, in essence, we all want SOMETHING from one another. It could be love, it could be affection, validation, oh, the list goes on. It doesn't mean those things are bad, but.......IS IT A HEALTHY WANT?
Are there strings attached to it? Is there a price to pay somewhere down the line? Or can you honestly say, that you feel 100% comfortable with the fact that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that no one wants from you? That they just enjoy you, for you, and then they go home?

There are so many subtleties, that yes, I guess we can all say that we ALL want SOMETHING from someone, if we are being THAT literal.

I read in one of my favorite books by Anthony DeMello, that in essence, we all use one another. He is pretty abrupt, and straight to the point, but the things he says really rings true to me. It sounds harsh, and you immediately want to debate him, but if I were to be honest, it would only be because I wasn't ready to see such an awareness about myself. After all, who wants to be labeled a USER? That sounds so bad, so negative.

It's not. It's real!

If you look at any relationship you have now, with whomever, you will see that there is SOMETHING, that you wish to derive from that person. It may be attention, validation, love, support, caressing, anything...............really.............pick your own words.

I know I have mine for different people. It sounds funky, but it is just REAL. Don't let the word USE, distract you from the Truth of the statement.

I have a friend who, every time we are together makes me feel loved and nurtured. Do I purposely hang out with this person because of that? Well? It's one damn good reason. Who doesn't want to feel nurtured and loved? Is that the only reason? No! But I know where to go if I want a particular feeling, so...........I head that way. And then, over here, I have so and so, and this is how I feel with them................ I'm gonna use that ticket up as fast as I can, cuz it's a hot one..............I LIKE THAT FEELING................ so there I go............. USING may sound harsh and not right, but it is.......RIGHT ON! And............not bad. At all!

Can you decipher which is good and not so good? Do you use your intuition when it comes to people, how they are with you, and what it equals in your life?

Are they an asset or a hindrance? Complimentary or not?

I know I want people that compliment my soul, my personality, and support my beliefs.

That sounds like so much to ask, but I guess when I ask for things, they are never little.

I will stand up and say, right now, that to GET unconditional love, you have to GIVE unconditional love.

What you are seeking in others, you must acquire on your own. Don't ask for things in people, if you cannot give that very same thing.

"Do not expect, and you will get all things", says the Buddha!

I truly believe that. Just "be". Stay true to who you are, give unconditionally, without a want in return, and just keep giving is the best thing since sliced bread............. GIVE, GIVE, GIVE, AND THEN.................when you run out of things to do...........................GIVE SOME MORE.

Don't care if he or she is giving as much or as little as you are, just care that you are giving, and don't look for a return.

The return is what you feel in your heart, as you give!

That is the gift. Not a wrapped present on your doorstep.

But, if a wrapped present turns up at your door, don't refuse it. What goes around comes around. If it is that easy for you to give, than it should be that easy for you to accept.

Let the flow of life happen. Don't stop it with an idea.

Life is meant to be shared. A little bit of give and take goes a long way.

For me? I love to give, and it is usually hard for me to accept. It is humbling to receive love, let alone a pure gesture, or even a gift. My heart melts in receiving mode, even if it is just an unexpected phone call to make sure I am OK. I silently bow in gratitude, and thank god for those special people who do care, and don't want a thing from me.

Are you giving without wanting? Do you give easier than receiving? Why don't you trade places with yourself, and allow a new experience to occur?

Be comfortable with accepting, rather than giving so much, and then, maybe you can retreat back to the giver, but don't exclude one, or the other. Balance the give and take, and know, when you are giving from a pure place, as apposed to giving with an expectation.

It gets subtle, and most times, you won't notice, but it sneaks up on us.

Give...............and let go! You will never go wrong. Don't look for accolades, or a payback. In your purity of heart, you will be compensated, just don't have an idea of how that should or should not look. Just know, you will always be taken care of.

Me? My little heart is so humbled tonight, I can barely stand it.

Thank you so much, for the people in my life who give, who receive and allow that great flow of life to happen, where there is no question as to what is pure, and what is not.

I love my little life so much, in all of it's eccentric ways. It makes my life, MY LIFE! And I happen to love my life............considering!

A huge warmth to all of you who cradle my life with love, and who make me laugh, and forget about all the absurdities that occur on a regular basis.

I for fit my heart........... for the most part. ;)

Love you silly,


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