Friday, July 31, 2009


With unfailing kindness, your life always presents what you need to learn. Whether you stay home, or work in an office, or whatever, the next teacher is always, always, going to pop right up.

Be awake.

I don't know about you, but I hate to be surprised. Wake up!! Stay alert. I'm telling myself the same.

P.S. It's almost imperetive!



A fresh attitude happens when we look to see that yesterday was yesterday, and now it is gone; today is today and now it is new. It is like that every hour, every minute, changing. If we stop observing change, then we stop seeing everything as new.

I want to be new. What about you?



A human being is part of the whole called by us,
"the Universe", a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest~
a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening the circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in it's beauty.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


I am currently on a mission. One that will be conquered, not because I think I am super woman, (although, this past year, I earned a few good lookin' capes), but because I am willing to throw them to the curbside, if it means I can do some heavy conquering WITHIN.

Sometimes I think that is more strenuous, than saving a man from jumping off of a building, and swinging down on your rope, to save them, and bring them to the streets safely.

You peek inside at one tiny fear, and everyone is ready to commit hairy cary. Go figure!

Those Ghouls and goblins are nuthing to sneeze at ya know.

My mission is to not care how I look, or how it feels, to embrace all of the stuff that needs tending to inside, on all levels, and just take it in stride, and make it an interesting game, instead of dreading it, and wondering how long it will take to get over all of this stuff, that I really do want to shed, and make light of.

And, ya know, some people don't even know they have stuff. I do, only because I am the type of person that wants to see inside Pandora's box, check it out, and see why I am the way I am, or why I attract certain things, that may,or may not work for me. If it doesn't, than why? Is there something I can do to change things up a bit? How is my wording with people? Really, how am I? Do I need to change me, or do I just need to change my perspective, and maybe make a few boundaries here and there, or maybe not show my peace sign so much, and save a few hugs for
someone who gets it?? Who knows. Ya check things out, get some objective advice, and work the details out. I think, then, in the meantime, you just go on with your life and study what you love, do what you love, and be who you are, because, all of those things aren't going to change over night, so you might as well have fun in the midst of, right?

Some great lessons come our way when we look at things dead on, blow it up, so there is no mistake as to what the hell it is, and then dive in. But, as I am learning too, dive in slowly. You don't have to crash to the bottom of the pool, so it feels as if you cracking your head wide open.
Dive slowly and gracefully, and take your time to get to the bottom of things. You can jump, dive, do a cannon ball, but you have the choice to wade in the water for awhile, or just go down slow, and then make your way to the bottom when you feel that you are ready to.

Stay open to objective advice. You'll know it and feel it when it is in front of you. Don't be defensive, especially if someone is being sincere in their approach. What is there to be defensive about anyway? If it is because you will feel stupid, or vulnerable, or not right, or lacking something....whatever the case may be, let that be your work of art too.

So many things will show up. Take your time with everything and do it with much tender care. I know I need to. I'm my own worst critic.

Love yourself first, and then, maybe you'll get the love, back, that you are looking for. I think, though, if we get in relationship with ourselves first, date ourselves for awhile, and see what we are about, intimately, then we can share ourselves in a more clear and conducive way, with someone else, so that our little needy selves, or insecure selves will be secure enough, and objective enough to feel good and solid, so that we can actually REALLY love someone, without needing or wanting anything that would be expected from someone else.

I'm all for dating myself for awhile. At least I'll be good with my sleeping habits, my no snoring, no kicking, dog on the bed, classical music, good food and wine, quiet nights and walks..............MAN, I JUST THINK I MET MY MATCH!!

I think I'll jump back and kiss myself!

Be light about your life.........loosen up. I'm telling myself all of the same things.

There is too much going on good, to be worried about all of the other stuff.

It will all work out.

Have a great night, and look up at the sky tonight. We have been having the most incredible is lit up and looks quite mysterious, actually.

All of my heart felt love,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


OK, so how many of us have FULL cheer leading squads, that cheer us on everyday? Do you have that many friends that come and cheer lead for you everyday? Or, are you your own cheerleader?

Who inspires you? Who motivates you? Who really gets those frigin pom poms out to say your name out loud, to route for you, and you only??? Who............tell me? Who dares to go that far to scream in your ear, YOU ARE OK? YOU ARE CRADLED! YOU ARE LOVED, SOULFULLY LOVED!! WHO? REALLY?? C'MON....................

Do people whisper sweet nothings in your ear during the day? Does someone remind you throughout your days, that you are loved, so purely, so genuinely, and not have a motive attached?

I know I have had my own cheer leading squad, for 40 plus years. The team is called "Gabriela Team".

Damn, you want to hire that team, they do a pretty darn good job............all inspiring, motivating, and all kinds of good stuff. I kid you not!

Who is on your team? Do you even have a team? Or is it a fake team? One that pretends to be there, but really, wants their own squad, so they pretend to be YOUR squad, but, really, they need their OWN squad, before they get to yours. And probably, you want them to stick to their own squad, because they haven't had one in awhile, so them coming to cheer lead for you might be quite the disaster. They are probably basketball players, pretending to be cheerleaders........ kind of what I did in high school. Yes mom, I will be a cheerleader, if that is what YOU WANT. Don't worry, I didn't really like basketball that much............ I just asked for a basketball court for Christmas, as my ONLY gift......... why would I want to play basketball, when I could CHEERLEAD?? YEAH!!

Because you know the second thing on my Christmas list was POM POMS........... ahem......... uh....yea.......... pom poms and a skirt........... YOU KNOW ME SO WELL. Bring them on.


Go Steinert!!

Where is my glass of wine!!

Or my puke bag!

No wonder I go to therapy. I was traumatized by little skirts, pom poms and giddy laughter. I wanted to trip all of my peers trying to make a pyramid so they would stop cooing. God, that girlie laughter, those heeeeeeeeee noises............. and there is me, goin' you have got to be kiddin' me.................. Oh, stories to tell........ I skipped locker room girl time.............. more therapy trauma............. ( I'm laughing so hard). I need to finish my book, so I can finally rest.

My friend is going on vacation with her friend from high school that was a cheerleader. I laughed when she told me. She said, "Yea, I'll do some cheer leading for ya". I thought, "Great".......I need it!

She's no cheerleader, I could tell by the way she threw her hands up over her chair, that it didn't come natural. She's field-hockey or softball, for sure. Broad shoulders an' all! Maybe a swimmer with those shoulders, but not a cheerleader............. not a cheerleader, for sure.


I'll take it.

I took it today. I let someone cheerlead for me, and it takes some getting used to. We are so used to hearing our own voices, that when someone kicks their feet up and yells a cheer, you're like, " "Oh, You are funny", what the hell are you doing?" Once you get past the laughter, you see the realism in it, and calm down, and relax into someone else ra ra-ing for you. I love it!! And, I need and want more.

Did I say that I need and want it more? Let me rephrase that. I NEED IT!

I never say that I need anything, but I am taking the time now.

It's important to specify your needs. (so, camden you need to come in tomorrow no matter what)

Nurturing, love, caressing, hand holding, soft speach........... gentleness, innocence, playfulness, everything soft, and easy.

That is my new game.

What is it that you are wanting from your cheerleading squad?

Write it, email it, say it, just tell me already. I can't wait any longer.

I will cheerlead for you, Gabriela style.........which involves everything BUT pom poms.

Love you like crazy, combat boots an' all............
Gabriela.........not Gabby............but...........ahhhh..... Gabriela.............. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


......and as I am re-learning....... take some deep breaths in between your story lines. I know there are a ton of story lines that we have, maybe work related, home life, inner life, kids, animals, relationships, no relationships, sex, no sex, friends, no friends, trust, no trust..........I know I can just write one big blog on STORY LINES.

We all know we have them. Some we cop to, some........ well.......... I plainly think that we are aware of all of them, it's just that we don't particularly care to give up the goods, so we pretend, to a degree, to cushion the blow, and I guess when we are good and ready, we'll take the goodies out of the box, set them all out nice and neat on the table, and take a look see...........

Hmmm, what do we have here? Maybe I'll throw that one back in the bag. I don't think I want to play with that one right now, and in that moment, we feel, in our bodies, IF WE ARE HONEST ENOUGH, the physical sensation, of JUST THE THOUGHT...............just the mere THOUGHT, of working on that issue, or even just saying the issue out loud, to bring it to life.......the physical sensation is there, already, making you sweat, or tingle, or get tense, or it feels warm, or even hot........... listen to your body and what it tells you, because, moment to moment, your body is sending off signals that, if we were to pay real close attention, we could just take away any and everybody, tune in, and allow those bodily sensations to be an outlet of wisdom, to help us go along, feel what we are going through, let them guide us to a more clear, calm, and conducive platform, inside, so that we can get to the very core, the very bottom, of what truly aches inside.

Our bodies tell us stories all day long, about us, about our fears, our joys, our sorrows, our everything!!

I will say for myself, it almost takes a bulldozer, to get myself quiet enough, on a daily basis, to check in, feel what my body is telling me, and to actually take a back seat to analyzing from a judgemental place, and to look at what happening on just a physical level. Just to NAME what the feeling or sensation is, and then, be able to dig a bit deeper, to understand how this really relates to us on a bigger scale, and understand that it is all about synchronicity. Synchronizing our bodies to what or should I say, WHO we really are, and taking inventory on how we can align it all, to where we just do it naturally, and so effortlessly.

I say, "One moment at a time", for EVERYTHING!

One moment at a time for learning something new. Don't be hard on yourself!
One moment at a time for changing careers, or moving to a new place, or starting a family, or ending a relationship, or starting a new one.

ONE MOMENT AT A TIME............. LET YOURSELF DIGEST WHAT IT IS THAT YOU ARE EMBARKING ON.......without plowing through, with no emotion attached.

I have been to that extreme where you are going through so much, or working your way through a multitude of things, and it all sort of becomes robotic, and done in such a detached way, that you almost miss out on the journey of your specific life. It is all here for a reason, and if we don't get sucked in too, too much, and we can keep some sense of objectivity, than maybe, just maybe, we can see the gifts in the whys and hows, and utilize them for future reference.

I keep bringing myself back, every moment, and I look around, see what is happening, and it sort of takes me out of my brain, brings me back down to a simple reality, and allows me to stay present with things, and too, reflect on the things that need to be addressed, but with a more grounded sense of who we are, as beings, living moment to moment, as if these were, our ...........very last moments.

Right now, my life, in the moment is so utterly sweet. And yes, that is in this moment. Not in my head, not anywhere else, but what is happening NOW.

I hear backround music. Soft, Native American echoes and drums. I hear the ever so sweet pants of my dogs........... I see their eyes, watching me, to see if I am ready to pet them, I smell amazing insence, I see the lights out of my dining room window, that reflect on the water, I smell my fresh scent from the shower I just took, feel the refreshing chill, on the satillo tile underneath my feet, and nowhere, NOWHERE, is there a thought, coming from my head, aside from the words on this page, that will affect me, in some grand way tonight.

I don't want to wander one second beyond THIS SECOND, because who knows what that second will bring, and really, what business do I have jumping the gun?

There is plenty for us to have, and to love, if we just look around. Look around in this.................ONE............ ONE.............MOMENT IN TIME!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

WHEN YOU DIG DOWN IN YOUR SOUL will ALWAYS FIND SOLACE, STRENGTH, AND A FAITH THAT GOES WAY BEYOND COMPREHENSION. Trust me on this one. We all have stuff that we are going through, and we wonder how we will make it to the other side, and then, in your day, a ray of light shines in, however that may show up, and you are reminded that it really isn't the end of the earth, the end of you, or the end......period! As a matter of fact, for one brief moment, you look and go.....oh.......this really COULD BE the beginning of something. What that something is, you really don't know, but the feeling inside is so good, and so mysterious, and so dead on, that you know, without knowing, that something good is going to happen. I have no idea what that something is, and in one sense, that is good, I don't have to figure anything out, but in another sense, it would be nice to know what the hell we are in for. C'mon, now, what the heck do you have planned for me?? Years ago, I would have been OK with all of this, but man, you get rusty, and have to check in with yourself, and actually look under a microscope to see what the heck it is that is going on in your life, without being the gypsy that is so inherent in your heart. Trust me, I'd be Johhny Depp on the Caribbean........... I kid you not. Girl got gypsy.............that's all I'm gonna say. When you dig down in your soul, you'll find gems that are sooooooooo amazing, so pertinent to your evolution, so darn detailed to who you are, and if you are quiet enough, you will see, feel and hear, the exact thing that needs to happen for you, in every moment. You may question it, and go over it, again, and again, and again, but the bottom line is.................if you are smart, and give yourself, quality time, you will never have to ask a single soul , what the heck you are going to do, or what direction you are headed in. Someone, actually, should pay you, for your services, and you laugh, and call it a day. A friend asked me the other day, "Where are you when you write, in what room, and what are you looking at?" I don' t have to be anywhere special to write. I have been in the most bizarre places, writing on napkins, scratch pads, god, I have written on so many odd things in my life, just to get it down, at least until I got home, and I still have that stuff............ toilet paper, paper bags, grocery bags, cups, you name it.........I have poetry on the most bizarre items................. it's cool..............I love it!!!! But where? These days, I sit out on my deck, that I am sure you hear of so often, and the night breeze is so consistent, and the lights, the light house, and the lake, truly...............truly........make my "canvas" so extremely conducive to write, to create, and to let my mind, that may be filled with so many thoughts, to just empty, and get back to good, with positive energy, and ammunition, to conquer any, and everything. That is where I am now. Now, today?? I would not have said that. My day usually changes once I get home, cozy, and suit myself up in the Gabriela "gear" that I know wards off any negativity, and grabs any and every bit of good, positive energy to make it to my next destination, plan, or even, to my next day, to keep me good, and head held up high to conquer anything. Hay, life is tough man.......... and you know it. We all have our separate stories, and I bow down to all of you who have made it through any obstacle......... I am there with you!! When you dig down in the darkest corners of your soul, and latch onto whatever it is that needs light, amp up the voltage and see all of the spiders, cob webs, and anything else that may be in the way of you attaining anything you need or want. I am all about it, and will be for you too! I am going to bed so inspired. Whatever it takes ................ in the moment.............. that is all we have right? I don't want to project past this moment, this moment, right in this very second, if this were the last moment for me on this would that mean? I have loved so greatly........... so innocently.............shared my feelings no matter matter the consequences................ pushed the envelope, not for any other reason than.......... I can, if I feel the need, and if I can't, I'm told.........well............I can't.........and respect that............... I've given..............for the plain ol' give.............. I've loved again............and again..............and hugged.............and shared the most innocent thing that man could ever convey to another....................... which!! I have stayed true to my being, whatever that entails, and invited, the un-invited, to peer into my curtain............. just to take a peek............and then, well, whatever, after that................ I ........have loved, is the bottom line, and even if it hurts, at least, in that pain, you know, above and beyond all else, that it was derived from the core, when I dug down deep, to check out who I was, in that moment and time. I am so pumped up.............. I hope I wake up in the morning.............. I LOVE YOU ALL, AND GIVE YOU EVERYTHING I HAVE.......TO SUPPORT, ANY AND EVERY CAUSE...........AND SITUATION, TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. I AM HERE FOR YOU, AS YOU HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME. IN SHEER GRATITUDE............... I LOVE YOU, GABRIELA

Sunday, July 26, 2009


........Or at least someone who speaks your same language, where not too many explanations need to happen, they just GET IT.

That, indeed, is a hard person to find, and too, a very high expectation.

I think everyone wants to be heard. And, there are a lot of great listening ears, as well.

Not everyone is going to be perfect. And for the record, I think, that the word "perfect", needs to be removed from our vocabulary, unless, of course, it is a freedom of choice thing, like, "God, that Marinara sauce was "perfect". Well, that is your opinion. I may think it sucks, but if YOU think it is PERFECT, go ahead and think that, it doesn't affect me in the least. But, if you are looking to me, as if you want me to be that "perfect" marinara sauce, and flawless, based out of your own opinion, than you better hook up with Betty Crocker, cuz that shit ain't happenin' here!

And, this all goes both ways! Me to you, and you to me!

I do not look for perfection, but in all fairness, we ALL have preferences, and if I have a few preferences, or ideas about what would be good for me, than, truly, I should know by now, what works for me and what doesn't, right? I mean, after all, I've been in relationship with me for over 40 years now.

Hopefully, I have some idea of what makes me feel safe, comfortable, easy, and good with any interaction I have.

My intuition is usually right on the money!

People laugh at me, but even when things look grand, and oh so "perfect" in my world, and I call the shot that it ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE............for whatever reason........ I will have tons of people saying, "Oh, Gabriela, you are crazy", and I say..........."Really?". Once in awhile I second guess myself, but for the most part, and most times, it is unfortunate, but my intuition serves me so well, and what I had thought to be a RED FLAG, had actually turned out to be, none other than............... hmmmm...........let me guess??? Yes, you guessed it...............A FRIGIN RED FLAG!!

No surprises here. Maybe disappointment, because sometimes I don't want my intuition to be right on, for the simple sake that I want people to be genuine, or real, or pure, but the fact is, for whatever reason or another, they aren't. The people you thought, for a second, that got you, really, don't get you at all!

I think what is really important here is that we GET OURSELVES, and after that, who gets us or who doesn't get us, is completely IRRELEVANT.

It may be a lonely ride, but........ that might be the way it needs to be, or........we may be surprised and find out that there is someone, who actually gets it, and will be in our corner, for some cushion, and support.

We can't depend on it though.........

I say, do and go and play and figure, and along the way, you will feel, in your soul, what is good, what is right for you, and if you listen close enough, you will hear some awesome clarity, and it will guide you in a way that NO ONE ELSE could ever guide you. Not your parent, your friend, your colleague, your boss, your twin, no guru, or anyone else that professes to have a title of some sort or another. You have the key to unlock all the answers that you ask. If you give yourself the time, the patience, and the ultimate willingness, you can figure it all out.

I'll be honest. I have done that, and right about now, I could use a cheerleading squad that reeks of the same stuff. Cheerlead my own me.

Sometimes we get tired, or unfocused, and we need someone, someone, to show us the mirror of our soul's desires.

Just ask if you aren't on the ball. I do........and it is very humbling.

I don't wanna ask, but, sometimes, you just gotta!!

You will know in your heart when someone gets you. If not, like I said, "Get Yourself", and then, it really doesn't matter after that, if someone does or not. Just know, that it is your choice, no matter what you choose. If you want to be heard, and understood, be ready for some opposition.

If you don't, and you are cool with being solo, then you shouldn't have any dissapointments whatsoever.

It is a different, and not so easy road, but I tell you, it pays, to not care what people think of you!



Saturday, July 25, 2009


.........good healthy food!!

I know, I know, I love hot wings too, and french fries, and banana creme pie, but, really, when your body gets a huge dose of good, healthy food, it notices a difference. It's saying, "Wow", thanks mom! I needed that!

I mean, you can really tell the difference. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you eat fish and vegetables, you are going to feel light, energized and just plain' ol good, as opposed to stopping at Sonic for your Cherry Lime-Aid and God knows what? I've never ordered from there, and friends say the Cherry Lime Aid is to die for. I'll go for the Italian Soda at your nearest Italian Market, thank you very much.

Not being a snob, just loyal. It's probably good, but I'm so weird about that stuff. It's like any of the food that I like. I would eat the hell out of lasagna, or baked Rigatoni, or bread, or cheese, or anything carby, but as soon as I do, you might as well say goodnight to Gabriela.

The only reason why I choose the things that I do, is pretty much, because it feels good to my body, and I have listened enough to know that, when I eat X, it makes me feel this way, and when I eat Z it makes me feel this way. X always makes me feel tired, lethargic and incapable. Z, on the other hand, proves itself, time and time again, that if I stick with it, it will give me life, energy and so much optimism. It won't make me tired, angry, sleepy, or irritable. It will liven me up, make me happy, and give me tons of energy. HHMMMM.......... WHAT SHALL I HAVE FOR DINNER?

I am having Salmon and a cucumber and beet salad. Fresh Rosemary from my garden, fresh squeezed garlic, and fresh squeezed lemon, for my fish, cracked black pepper and coarse ground salt. I'm tellin ya............yum!! Aged Balsamic and Extra Virgin Olive Oil for my salad. It sounds boring but I tell you what, there is a reason I stay up late at night......... I have so much darn energy that by the time I have to go to bed, I'm staring at the ceiling, dreaming, or near hallucinating............. protein will kick your butt. There is something good about Atkins diet, and that is one. (I don't believe in diets, just think that one is OK for a period of time), being all protein laden an' all.

Don't get me wrong. I am all about eating what you want and not excluding what you love out of your diet. That is why I LOVE DOING DIET PLANS. It knocks the idea right out of your head that you have to give up all of your goodies. No, you don't! Maybe for a week or two, just to get you to a good start, but eventually, it all evens out, and once we get you to a place of good, you eat what the hell you want, and we work with you so that you can live your life as close to what you love as possible. Hey, I ain't gonna let you for go your Merlot, or your Chianti, or your Cabernet Sauvignon. We'll adjust sugar levels elsewhere. Trust me, it's a gamble, if you are willing to throw the dice. I do have my own private theories, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Atkins, or Mrs. Craig. With all due respect, I do happen to be my own eclectic entity, so allow me to introduce you to my way, and if it doesn't work, you know where to go.

Hmmm, I watch my writing unfold. This is not about promoting something, it is/was about eating healthy, and me feeling like there is nothing better than eating something good for you, and feeling the effects of it, in a positive way, as opposed to a negative way.

I get all jazzed and pumped up thinking about health, fitness, and also, living in moderation, enjoying yukky, bad for you food, yukky, bad for you drinks, and fried yukky food that is so darn good when you are craving it. I only crave two fried foods. One is Calamari, and the other is Michelle's moms Cajun Catfish. That stuff is to die for. Louisiana, here I come. ( No good Calamari in Texas). Gotta go home for that! And, if anyone knows of the best Calamari in Texas, than you shall tell me ASAP, so I can go be bad, and prove to y'all that you can eat bad, and still look OK.


No one said you had to live austere. You can be spiritual and eat meat. You can be healthy and eat a T-bone. You can be vegetarian and eat tons of oil. WHO CARES?


Yesterday I ate Garlic Fries, bread, Salami, cheese, you name it...........

Today, Fish, veggies, salad and fruit. OK, good combo. now, no thought about it. Go to bed, be happy you enjoyed your choice of yummy food, and don't stress over it. Before you know it, you'll be 80 and in a wheel chair or somethin' like that, and you'll be wishin' you ate the stinkin' french fries.


I love you,
Be merry, enjoy your food and wine, and hopefully happy company that makes you laugh!!

My sheer pleasure,


Friday, July 24, 2009


I cannot help but to think of my one friend, who I adore and love. She exudes nothing other than humbleness, and a modesty, amongst her great talents, and genuine, sincere soul.

Of course, she would never see it this way, and when she reads my blog, it won't even enter her mind, that this may be about HER. That is how she is.

Who me? Yes, sweet, ask nothing of you, friend. Could care less about anything but spending time with you, kinda friend, who wants nothing from you, or cares less how your life unfolds, or what it is, for that matter, just is there, objectively and sweetly, like a tiny little lotus flower, existing in some pure waters.

(She would have a cow right about now). Oh, no Gabriela, stop!! And that is her genuine feeling. It is so natural for her to exist in a certain way, that there isn't even a slot in there for any kind of accolade, or pat on the back. It seriously, is NOT THERE!

She is heading to a place I used to live, Sante Fe New Mexico, and has never been there, so I have sent her email amongst email tonight about where to go, what to see, and also, my feelings about even sending those sights, or places to go.

New Mexico is where my heart lies, and living there made my soul thrive, and come alive, and it truly was the most exquisite time of my life, doing nothing, and everything!

It reeks of meditation and living out your soul purpose.

Anyway, this is just a huge reminder of how awesome it is to acknowledge, AND to be, in humbleness. It is a trait that I continue to learn, appreciate and honor. If I see it in someone, I will immediately respond and also, tell them the gratitude I feel for it's presence and for the exchange that happens when it is looming around, in all of it's naturalness.

I love background people man.
They don't need standing ovations, accolades, pats on the back, or any reminders of how great something was that they did. They silently know what they naturally did.......did it..........and it is kept in a box that is not labeled anything................. because? They never labeled it to begin with. It is just a natural flow in an existence of giving. There is no reminder of what they did, how they did it, or what it took to get there, it JUST IS!

And, you will probably never hear about it again, as long as you live. It just was was it was, and now, that moment is gone. Onto whatever life presents next. The beauty is, there is NO THOUGHT IN THIS WHOLE PROCESS. IT JUST IS!!

Thank you my friend for being who you are, for being a "nobody", with nothing to ask, no preconceived notions of me, just an acknowledgement of a soul, meeting with another soul.

I acknowledge you continuously and am ever so grateful for your humble soul.

I hope you enjoy the sacred places that I have trekked upon, and hope, also, that you will think of me, and recognize the things that we always talk about, through the beauty in the landscape.

I know you will.

all my love,

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I feel like I have been singing that tune my whole life.

You go about your days, you see, feel and experience your surroundings, what you do, who you are with, and what it all consists of, and you look and say, "hmm, not so bad", and then when you get in your car and you drive home, you sort of melt down off of that role, and morph back into what you really are, deep down, and it is a homecoming. A true homecoming, back to yourself that truly knows what it wants, what it consists of, and what to do to get there.

I guess it can be daunting because, for me, the baa baa black sheep, has always been so incredibly different from everybody else, for the most part, and it seems so hard to swim to that reality, when everyone else and their mother is doing X.

I seriously am not one of those people to go with the "norm", just because, or if I think about how everyone feels about my way, or my decisions. If that were the case, I would have never lived out most of my existence, the way I had and still want to. It comes with some tough luck, and a ton of opinions and negativity, or maybe ignorance is the word, who knows?

Look, if you want to live your life the way you want to, go straight ahead, but whatever road that works out to be, especially if it is out of the white picket fence, cubical world, with kids and a pool, than get ready for some opposition. It just is that way. And I am the kind of person that doesn't like to hide anything, but am very selective with what information I put out there in the world. Not because I am trying to hide anything, but because I am sensitive to people's different ways or should I say upbringing. I think it can be a common courtesy almost, although I know some people would debate me on that, but what else is new? If you are sensitive, there is a way to be with this one and that one. It isn't so black and white, like, THIS IS ME, ACCEPT ME AND IF NOT, TOO BAD. Oh, god, truly a long great conversation to be had. Where is the wine, cheese and crackers?

It truly depends on the person and the scenario, but for the most part, there really should be no explanation of who you are, what you like, what religion you choose, what your hobbies are, if you are a recluse or a socialite. There is no right or wrong, and I embrace everyone for their eclectic ways. I really do. I may laugh, just because life is funny, and presents interesting scenarios with interesting people, but I laugh, and smile big, and say, WOW, I like Joe. He is an individual who carries himself the way HE LIKES, and that is that. He certainly is not looking for approval from the next guy, he just People either like him or not. I happen to think Joe is cool. No matter what people say.

Be your own black sheep man. Don't back down because of society or the people you work with, or your family who says you are weird, or crazy, or off the wall, or too this, or too that.

Your intuition tells you who you are, and you MUST stick with that. Even if by the time you lay your head on your pillow at night, you seem tired from the trek, the lonely ride of trying to do what you want to do, and feeling alone in it, just forge forward. I know it is hard, especially when no like mind surrounds you, and you are your own cheerleader. Don't throw away your pom poms. Do what you need to do, if it is to make money, take care of business, but when you are free and clear, get back to your own way of free thinking and cram if you have to. Make your own test, take the test, yourself, and see how you fare. You may ace it, you may grade it and say, nope, that is not the grade I want, and so you go on ahead and do more homework to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

BE YOUR OWN SOLDIER, YOUR OWN JOAN OF ARC, YOUR OWN SOLID MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY, that has no question as to how it is going to make it, no matter the business.

GET OUT THERE. CREATE, "BE", AND bud like a beautiful flower, waiting to be recognized by some great photographer, to be captured in it's most glorious moments of growth.

As a matter of fact, let me be the photographer. I would revel in witnessing the enormous amount of growth that happens when one is willing to let something in.

God, I am humbled. God, I am so wide open, and ready to burst with so much, you have no idea!!

There are so many ways to express your black sheep. Find the outlet, discover who you are, and then so fast that no one sees where you go, and then you can secretly do, and go, and create, before anyone ever notices.

Go ahead, I'm not looking!

Hurry before you get caught!!

I'm there man...........I am so there!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

RAIN WARRANTS CERTAIN THINGS warm blankets, cuddling up, doing nothing, eating take out, wearing flannels, and sipping hot tea.

Usually I have all of my reading material stacked up, or whatever good book I'm in the middle of, or, I throw in some great movie that I have watched over and over again, just to get a good laugh in, or maybe to disappear for awhile into someone else's drama, other than my own.

Tonight, I did the warm blankets, flannels, doing nothing, sipping hot Ginger Lemon Tea, and cuddled with the dogs, and then said, "Ya, know, it is way to perfect of a moment to let this slip by", so I went out onto my deck, where the city lights captivate me nightly, and gazed at my favorite light house, the one I insist was put there just for my muse, and stood there naked, while the rain poured down on me. It was such an innocent, grand moment in time, to just empty myself out there, breathing deeply, getting intoxicated by the aroma that rain emanates, and licking the salt that had been dripping from my face, in the mere 15 minutes, that seemed like a lifetime.

There are a million ways to disappear into a reality that doesn't have anything to do with daily life. When I say that, I don't mean to check out in an unhealthy way. It simply means there is a grand opera playing, and I just can't seem to pass up the tickets. How can I not use them when the ticket says, "Attend Now?" I'd be a fool. Even if there was an expiration date, I'd be afraid I'd miss the show somehow. Such is the saying, "IT'S NOW OR NEVER".

I may believe in that statement too much these days. I have to access that and get back to ya on that one.

Rain evokes so much, and yet, the simplicity it yearns for you to latch on to, allows, mostly, for your being to just say NO to things you normally would be doing, to slow down, and to just be. You know, that thing where you just allow yourself to DO NOTHING and to not feel guilty, or ridden with thoughts of the should and shouldn'ts. It is just a BIG FAT AAAAAHHHHH!

And there she blows.......THAT IS IT!! Done. An evening with no to do's, and you are in bed at a decent hour, relaxed and ready for the next day that will present you with all that was there right before you noticed the rain, and decided to check out into your own separate reality, separate from the grind, and all else that occupies that little head of yours.

Wow, can you believe how much it takes to get coerced into doing NOTHING? I mean if you are a regular couch potato, these statements don't apply, but for those of us who think we are superhuman, and can go to bed at 1, wake up at 5, and never stop till you lay your head down, is a true feat, when you do see that rain. You end up running towards it like it was a long lost love, arms spread out, music playing an' all. ( I'm Italian, I will be dramatic at times) :)

I think these days, I need to do a few rain dances at night. Even if it only sprinkles, I'll pretend it's a storm, hurry up, run upstairs, throw my big ol' flannel on, some big fuzzy socks, and head to the couch, or maybe I'll get one of those Cd's that plays the sound of rain continuously, and let that be my pretend world, to allow me the hall pass to DO NOTHING.

Hay, whatever it takes, ya know? I'm all for the things that get you to where you need to go, no matter what it looks like, uh....for the most part.

I hope you all at least sat and looked out of your window, stared at the lightning, listened to the thunder, and maybe the rain took you away for one flat second. Maybe you dreamt of that boat you want, or the vacation that you are planning, or the person you want to be with, or maybe, just maybe, you actually didn't think of a damn thing, and you rested in your soul, and that was that!!

Any which case, I hope you took yourself away, even for a moment in time, to be with you, the person you spend most of your time, away from.

I think we need to give ourselves more of what we give everybody else, and see how fast we respond to such minute amounts of attention, and then, on a larger scale, visualize giving yourself grand amounts of time, and just imagine, how we would respond, then, to all of that attention, just for ourselves...........and contemplate an incredibly beautiful existence, because, it will be, when you allow that time.................for......just YOU!

Get out in the rain. Kick through the puddles, sing in it, hold hands with someone and be a kid again, laugh for no reason, say WHO CARES to your current situation............just for a second, cuz don't worry, it will be there to tap you on the shoulder any second now.


RAIN WARRANTS CERTAIN THINGS................... Go get in your flannels, flip the TV on, make some comfort food, and snuggle up.

It's that kinda night!

My ginger tea has me warm, the dogs are all curled up, the crickets are playing more tunes, and I am headed to a fuzzy land, beyond my imagination.

Sweet dreams.
Sleep cozy.

All my love,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


There is so much for us to do. I get it, I understand you, any of your situations, and have sheer compassion. I am right there with ya!


There, we have it!

No super man cape, just awareness, FAITH, and a tenderness in your heart that wants to grow, to learn, and to pass by all of the situations that come your way. It is rough, and I am with you on that one. These times right now are not conducive to living easily, especially if you are an artist of sorts, someone who is devoted to their passion, and feels as if regular everyday life is a total compromise. I GET IT!!! I GET IT..............and wish I had some magic dust to sprinkle over you, and over me, so that we could disappear into our own magical land of creativity, of inspiration and into the realms of what we insist is our true love, the truest love making of all!

Get into your brain, the brain that creates, that rows your boat, that tells you how incredibly smart and talented you are, and that nothing will stop you from expressing that, in whatever way it needs to.

Jump on that horse and ride it till you feel like you have tired yourself out completely, and then when you go to bed, you will feel like you have written a thousand poems, with orgasmic endings, and when you wake, you will be rested and inspired like no one else. It is so organic, so pure, and intelligent beyond belief.

Don't be one way or the other. Try to balance out the go, go, go, with the genuine laughter, and then contemplate what you are about to embark on. Your thought process, your goals, your desire to achieve any and everything. What is it? GO, GO GO.................slow down though. Check it out, and make sure you are clear with your intent, on what you want, and just how you are going to go about it.

Take your time and see it clearly.

We are in no rush, yet, we don't want to sleep either, right?

Laugh a bit. You can accomplish your goals and have fun along the way. You can see the seriousness in your end result, but figure out a plan that will make it fun along the way, with the same goal in mind.

Don't make the trek to accomplishing something so hard core that you don't enjoy it, or the people around you don't enjoy it, otherwise, it is just a business deal, with robots running around, and no one happy. Integrate, make light of life, and of work, and be creative in finding a way to be joyful and light in the process. After all, we are here to have fun, to enjoy life and what it has to offer, not to dredge through our days, waiting to get out of work to catch a breath.

Contemplate your goals, laugh with your co-workers, be team players, be serious when need be, but by god, have fun, have fun, have fun, otherwise it is not worth the long hours put in, to just run around, delegating and taking dust off of shelves.

Love one another, help each other, achieve goals for one purpose, and collaborate, as friends, on this grand journey.

Be friends with who you spend most of your time with, even if you don't want to.

It makes you grow, and see how simple things really can be.

Giggle, OK? Laugh a bit, and by god, don't take all these things so seriously. Trust me on this one!

I love you like there is no tomorrow.

Sweet dreams to all of you,


Monday, July 20, 2009


I am beginning to solidify that statement, for myself.

Well, let's start here.

What, really IS the OTHER SIDE?

Is it a side where money grows on trees? Is it a side where everyone is so nice and packaged neatly?

Is it where salaries are high, we have extra money, we have the cars we want, the bank accounts we desire, and the perfect person who understands us? Is it no bills, no stupid drivers, no ignorance, tons of food, 2 cars, or maybe one is a truck, a boat, and a cabin in the Sierra's?

Is it with the perfect lover, mate, girlfriend, boyfriend, who understands you, who listens, who has compassion, who needs no explanation, they just KNOW YOU, and no more has to be said?

What is it?

Do I want some of those things? Do I think my life sucks, because it is missing some, one, or two, of those things? Am I spending my energy wanting, and not being present in my moments, that I miss out on what is happening for me, in my evolution, no matter what is happening?



Or, do I stay in the moment and see what life offers?

What school do I choose?

What resonates with me? What resonates with you?

Is there only one way to go?

Is the way you choose really for me, or my way, for you?

Just because MY WAY works for me, does that mean it will work for you too?

We don't need to debate do we, because, after all, isn't this a world of free thinking?


Are you a corporate girl/guy? Or are you there just to make some extra bucks?

Are you a salesperson, or are you there because that is what Mom and Dad told you, you would be good at?




IS .......................IT.......................YOU???

ASK, and then wait. Don't answer yourself right away. Marinate on it, and scan over all of the possibilities, ten times over, and then, come up with something that cuts to your core, that you believe in, no matter what it is SUPPOSED TO look like. If you make the money you think you should be making, or not. Let it seem ludicrous, let it look insane.............. IS IT YOU, IS IT WHAT YOU WANT??

Is the grass really greener over there, or is it green, but underneath, full of manure, or maybe there is a big fat septic tank underneath that is keeping it green, but really, it smells so bad, and reeks of a ground not worth sittin' on for any period of time??

You tell me?

I think the grass is green where you make the grass green.

I have been to places that were dry as a bone, and no life to be had, but once I got there, and checked the scene out, I MADE THE GRASS GREEN, WATERED IT, AND MADE IT MY OWN. Then, I said, "Oh, look, the grass all of a sudden is green", "Imagine that?"

We can make the grass green where we are, or we can look at it and say, "I have fertilized this lawn for years now, and I ain't seein' no green", and you make alternate plans.

I don't think there is one particular place that is secluded on this earth that we pull up to and there is a big sign that says, THE GRASS IS GREENER HERE, PLEASE PARK PAST THIS LINE.

It isn't the pie in the sky, at least I don't think so.

I can imagine lots of greener places, but really, would I be as humble on that flat of grass? Would I be as strong and courageous? Would I appreciate the gift of simplicity? Would I slow down enough to smell the flowers, to look at the sky, the stars and contemplate a life so divine?

Me? I dunno! I have had a life of plenty before and I think I filled it up with buying, and spending, and going, and seeing what was new, gorgeous, and suited to my personality.......... traveling, and doing all of the things that you can do when you have oodles of money to choose, whatever you want.

No one wants to struggle, but I have to admit, the difference is, when you are in a place of non wanting, it humbles you and gives you a perspective of simplicity, and a genuineness that you cannot buy, or find, really, anywhere.

I don't think the grass is greener, so in my life, I am choosing to go with what is on my dish, looking at it, and making myself smile, in the midst of. At least I try. I don't think I do such a bad job, myself.

If not, and it really bugs me in some way, I will change it, but not to think that life is more grand over yonder, but to know that it is OK to make choices, that are in alignment with my being, and that they are things that make me happy and closer to who I really am.

It is good, I think, to take inventory of where you are, periodically, even if you think you should stay where you are, doing what you are doing. Heck, you might have a change of heart in the midst of something "good", and everyone may say, "What are you crazy?" And you giggle to yourself and say, "Maybe!" Then you laugh at the absurdity of it all, and go on, with your lovely intuition, and on your journey you go, the one that you are paving, specifically for you, with no one else's opinion to bother your decision, because.................why? IT IS YOUR LIFE!

Let others have their opinions and you go ahead on your beautiful trek, discovering who you are and what you want to delve into.

You get one shot man!!

I SAY................GO FOR IT, as wild and crazy as it may seem!



TOUCHE'..............CHEERS...................... AND ANY OTHER WORD THAT SALUTES A GO AHEAD TO FORGE FORWARD.............


I love you and am still holding your hand. Thanks for holding mine.

Always, with total love,






DAY BY DAY BY DAY BY DAY.......................



Sunday, July 19, 2009


Let's all be honest about this one okay? You don't have to tell anyone or admit or confess anything to anyone, but just be honest with yourself in asking, "When I give, am I wanting something in return?

More than likely it won't seem so obvious, like ,well , If I give someone THIS , I hope they turn around and give me that thing, cuz, after all I AM GIVING THEM SOMETHING.

It's not like that. It's more subtle. More like, I want to give. I want to give everything I have, above and beyond, and this person is great, and I don't want anything. This is unconditional, really, it is.

Well, I believe that we all have those good intentions, and no one wants to think that we are giving with a thought of wanting something in return, but the fact is, most of the time, we do, whether it is validation, attention, love, ego strokes, adoration, to be the best friend, the hero, the one who has given it all, like no one else, no matter what, you can come up with your own story line, I am sure.

I know there have been many instances in my life where I thought I was giving unconditionally, and it took years for me to realize, and to be humble enough to look at it from a mature place, to see, wow, there was a little girl in there wanting so much. So much to be loved, so much to be needed, for someone to recognize my good qualities, and to just plain ol' get some love from whatever corner I could. So, it wasn't that those deeds weren't genuine, it is just that it wasn't as pure as I had thought it to be. I look back and think, awww, but I loved doing that, and I loved that person so much, I went to the edges of the earth for that person, and now, I recognize that is was pure intent, but there was a little person in there craving something from someone that really, in all honesty, I would have never gotten because it wasn't the REAL thing that I was searching for to begin with.

Those instances come up a lot, and if I am honest, I can say, "Yes, here it is again". Maybe it is a combination of both. Pure, and maybe tainted with a little girl in there that says, Love me, love me, and then the heart is just the heart, and it genuinely wants to share itself. Nothing wrong with that. I'm not looking to be perfect, or find someone perfect.

Hay, we are not god's, and I will never pretend to be, but I do know that I will always work on not wanting something false from someone, and hope that I can remain objective enough to where there is a clear understanding that some things need to be worked on. After all, we ARE HUMAN.

Look at things closely. What is it that you are expecting from someone? Are you waiting for someone to be "something" for you? Are you wanting someone to do something for you? Give you something? Be something other than what they already are?

Are you fantasizing about something that isn't really there?

You call it!

Give and give with your heart with no thought about it. Give and let go. Do not have any thought after that of what should or should not happen, how someone should or should not be with you, what may need to occur, how it should occur, or what you should get out of it, because after all, you have been there for them, or done this for them. offered, you gave unconditionally, right? Or wrong? So why should there be any other thought?

Like Buddha says, "When there are no expectations, you will have ALL things".

That saying helps keep me in check. It takes the heat off of everything. OK, don't expect anything from anyone? I don't have to look around for anything. Because there isn't anything to look for unless it shows up on it's own. Capeesh? Get it?

I do. I resonate with it. You don't have to, but what do you think?

I just want to love, and give and let it go at that. But, I also know we didn't grow up in such a free and example laden world, so there is a ton of unlearning to do. It's hard man, I tell ya.

Not too many people lookin' into all of this stuff, and if they are, they are the ones choosing to take some extra time off from regular activities to give it a fair shot at applying these things that don't come oh, so natural.

Give it the fair shot it so deserves.

You won't be sorry.

Maybe a bit lonely, but once you try, you may start staying in a bit more.

Play poker on this one.



Friday, July 17, 2009


Don't pretend as if you don' t hear them, or as if they are just chronic complainers. Do you ever REALLY, REALLY listen when someone is talking to you? Or are you just going, "Oh God, there goes Sam again", he does that crap all the time?

Maybe Sam does that for a reason. Maybe Sam had or has been going through a really rough time and needs a listening ear.

You can listen, and allow that person to vent. How nice would that be? It's not as if you have to get involved with this person, but it is so few and far between that people actually LISTEN, and maybe have a piece of good advice for you, or even just a smile or one kind word of encouragement. That's all. No one is telling you to marry the person, become their therapist, or get attached in some way. JUST BE. Be some one's sounding board! Not because you HAVE to, but because you are human, and I am pretty damn sure that there were, or are, several moments in your life that you were grateful to have that special someone be YOUR sounding board.

Maybe I am ultra sensitive to this, and always have been, because I do know that, I have had the most incredible opportunities to share my heart, my loves, my aches, my pains, and sorrows in life's deepest darkest moments, that if those sounding boards weren't there? I don't know, really,what I would have done.

Apply this to any and everyone. Don't shrug someone off.

The next time you are around someone that seems to bug you because they talk too much, or rattles off their personal life, do me a favor. Give them a moment of your time without an opinion about them. No one is less than or better than you.

Let me say that again!!


You may have that opinion, and you are welcome to that like everyone else, but in my opinion, we are all in this boat together, no matter what you look like, what degree you have, or don't have, how much money you have, or don't have, education, no education............ don't flatter yourself into thinking that you are above the person who you think is an "idiot", because more than likely, YOU ARE THE IDIOT, for thinking that you are in some category by yourself, or with others that you think are above the "idiots". Wrong, my friend. Look into that one for yourself. Even if you check it out as just an opinion, at least you looked at it.

I feel very confident that we all are on the same boat, trying to help each other swim, when we get thrown off. There are reasons for tubes and floats. Right JS? They come in handy if you work TOGETHER to get through the storms.

And go slow, cuz the person tugging the tube along needs to get a breath in every once in awhile!

Stay connected even when you are busy. And I am even talking about being at the grocery store, and you are wanting to get home because you have been working all day, and you are rushing through the isles, and Peter over yonder drops a coupala things and you just walk on by. Just stop already and help the poor guy OK? I know you are wanting to get home, but probably Peter had a jerky day too. Trust me, he'll see your face when he rests his head on his pillow that night, saying thank you for the little angel that gave him a second while he was in the midst of his crap.

You never know.

You work with people all day long, 8 hours a day. Who is it that you avoid? Don't' want to talk to? Think that they are less than you? Don't want to give them the time of day because they and so..................

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Spend a day with that person, and even if you wind up with the same opinion, you can at least give that person a chance to know that you are a real human being, who noticed them, gave them some real people time, and actually LISTENED TO THEM.

I happen to work with some phenomenal people who are considered the biggest underdogs. Maybe I will just always stick up for the underdog, but truthfully, I just give kudos where kudos belong, and it isn't always where you might think the kudos should go.

Check your surroundings out.

There are a ton of awesome individuals out there that deserve time, love and a different perspective, other than what society has ingrained in our heads.

Step out of the box, and love just a little bit more.

It will not only do that person good, but more, for you, who will grow out of a mold that is probably so darn outdated, that it will be nice to put a new piece of art in your studio, maybe a new sculpture. You can name it, "The Soul".

Good things happen to good people.

You are one of them. I am so sure of it!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Even if you think you don't have it in you to push past wherever you are at, GO FOR IT! Take one big breath, or lots of little ones, and it will make all the difference in the world.

Even if you think no one is there for you, if you open your eyes, you will see angels looming everywhere. Me? I just decided that the angels that I have "chosen" are perfect for me. Eclectic as all get out, no wings or anything, no robes, and all of that. Some of mine are scrappy, hangin' by the seat of their pants, some are barely making it themselves, some are just sitting there, with angelic advice, but may be scrappy in their personal lives, who knows, but for sure, I have picked the ones that aren't "perfect", because I don' t believe in that word, for one, and two, if they were, I'd probably naturally brush over them, and FIND the ones who WERE scrappy, and down to earth, with some good ol' life experiences to back their "angelic" behaviour up.

Life circumstances are good.............they mold you to be strong, to be brave, and to uncover who you really are in the midst of a very complex world. That is, if you are willing to stare at your stuff in the face, look it in the eye, and be humbled by the realities of what life offers you, and to be BOLD enough to grab it, in it's entirety, in all of it's masks, fears, ghouls and goblins.

It is a definite challenge, and one to go ahead and stand up for.

Just when you think you want to run for cover, SEE IT, ALL OF IT, THE NUMBNESS, THE SCARED LITTLE CHILD, and know that if you are vulnerable enough, and allow all of that to surface, and to get healed, you won't have to run for cover, unless you just want to be on a deserted beach, like myself, and do the healing there. I mean, why not? Might as well get some sun, and kill two birds with one stone.

Why not heal in a conducive environment right?

DO YOU WANT TO PUSH PAST YOUR LIMITS? ARE YOU SCARED? FRIGHTENED? Don't be afraid to answer that. You don't have to tell anyone. Admit to yourself if you are scared. I do!!! It helps. Get it all out. "I'm scared, vulnerable, emotional"................whichever it is. I find that if I own my feelings, it is easier to push through to the next "level".

I cannot bare to have a question about things, if I can help it.

You have to look around at your options, as far as people you trust, to hang out with, to open up with, and then seize the opportunity........go for it........... and just listen to your intuition, and pave the way for better understanding, as long as it feels right, good, and not tainted with someones projection, or yours, for that matter.

If you are feeling low, swim to the shore of optimism. I know that seems incredibly esoteric, but just find whatever it is that will make you feel good. Genuinely good!

Not to be corny, but lately, I have been listening to the same CD for months now, same songs, all frigin day long. I am not kidding! I hear 3 or 4 songs on the one CD, and again, I press the same darn number to replay it. WHY?

It inspires me! It gets me past my feelings of what I "think is going on" in my world.

I played that sucker 25 times this morning alone. And you know what? I was jumpin out of my skin. It elevated me.

What elevates you? Who cares what it is, or how it happens. DO IT! DO IT, DAMN IT!

I don't care how you need to get there, just get there!

Reminds me of another song that I have played over and over. Oleta Adams, "Get here while you can". One of my favorite songs.

Do whatever it takes for you to cheer lead for yourself, especially if no one in your world seems to want to put on tights to cheer lead for you.

Hell, forget about the tights, I could care less. As long as there is SOME inspiration.

I only depend on myself these days for inspiration, and then, if someone else comes in with some brilliant idea that will make me realize the status of my urgency's, and put them in some kind of check, only then, will I evaluate, and access the situation, and act accordingly.


Don't wait for someone else to hand it to you.

Go for YOUR GOLD. I will support you in your quest for Your Gold.


It is an incredible night,

Thank you so much for lighting my way, to help light YOUR way, if that makes sense to you.

You, this blog , and every other ray of light, is what keeps me going.

Thank you, in the kindest of ways. Little do you know, that this blog, is the highlight of each and every one of my days. Not work, not anything, aside from my animals, lights my way, and inspires me more, than this. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

I love you,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Sometimes it's hard to know if there truly is a safe corner to go to when things are up heaved, or turned around, or just different from your normal way of having things.
The people that you think will "get it", don't necessarily "get it", and then, secretly, you wind up having expectations of someone or something, that really, has no business being there.

No one owes you anything! And it is your responsibility to find a safe corner, and hopefully, it will feel secure enough for you to cuddle up in, to feel the safe and warmth that we need when times are tough.

Sometimes people have partners right there next to them, in the toughest of times, and they still don't feel secure, or loved, or nurtured. So, it isn't like this easy equation....... partner at home, will find always the case.

Sometimes, it is in the most obscure places that we feel the most comfort, the most loved, and taken care of. The not so obvious places that take you by surprise, that you find to be the prize at the bottom of the Cracker Jack Box.

It is OK to allow those "strange happenings" to become part of your experience, and to grow in , and open up to in the most vulnerable way. It can be scary for sure.

Who wants to get attached to something that is not really attached to you?

It seems as if those things are more scary than jumping off of a plane.

We are all different. Every one processes their feelings and emotions differently.

I do know one thing though. No matter who, or where, or what the circumstance are, there is always going to be an expansion of your heart, and if that is the case, how could anything go awry.

Life is funny. We didn't get a formula, or some rule book, saying "This is how your life is going to go", and adhere to this.............and all will be good, and you will ace the test.

On the contrary, I think God threw us in with the sharks.

How could there ever be a rule book to a life that is so filled with more emotion, circumstance, and events that could cover a million people, and then some?

In a way, I adore that! Swim with the sharks, and learn how the sharks exist, and then put it under your belt as, "I swam with the sharks", or........ I loved this much, and this is what happened.

Maybe life is one big fat journal!

We write as we go, tell about our tales, our mysteries, our loves, and adventures, and then, call it a Life. But, we DO get to sketch out what that entails. We do, ya know, we really do!

Sometimes not, but nonetheless, it still goes in our journal, and if you conclude that life is a bundle of experiences, not just the roses, the perfume and the chocolates, then you will include the not so great things that have happened, and make a story of love, and endurance, and strength. Throw some courage in there, along with some faith and a hope to see the beauty in all of it, and you will have a stealthy journal worth reading.

I cannot bring myself to believe that in one encapsulated time frame, that whatever percentage of time was experienced in doubt or fear sadness or loss, agony, pain and suffering, that THAT could not be included in the most amazing story or tale of some great Truth, to be bestowed upon some child that is looking for a ray of inspiration, or some literary agent that is looking for a REAL story, instead of some sappy love story that has the Big "O" on every other page, to be the "climax" of a dead end road.

Maybe I'm going off on a tangent, but this vein runs so deep, and truly, I could write till my heart changed color.

All I know is that I don't want to have any idea of where I think my comfort is going to come from. Life is filled with people, eclectic experiences, and of course, in my world, it has to be colored with crayons that came from some odd corner of the world, in order for it to be "Gabriela's Life". My life is nothing short of eclectic experiences, and I am embracing the good, the bad and the ugly, and sorting it all out to see what the heck I'm going to journal about, to make sense of it, to be able to tell some kid, what great Truths came out of it.

I want them to know that in all the myriad of events that I DID find some safe corner, somewhere that made me feel special, cared for, loved, and appreciated, as a human being.

If that could be written in one paragraph, on one page, in the story of my life, I will have rested well, and smiled, that my life gave me that.........if nothing else!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I know that word has many different meanings to many different people. Some people think it is a "giving up", as if you don't care anymore. Some people think you are weak, and don't want to fight anymore........and then there are some, who think that if you Surrender, whatever it is that you want to surrender, like, trying to make something happen, when, maybe it just isn't time yet, and you need to be aware of just when it is the exact moment that feels right, and you go by your intuition, and move in that............ there is no right, wrong, or perfect answer. It is what you believe for yourself, and actually, what works for you.

For me, Surrender is a beautiful word. Actually, I named one of my dogs Surrender, and to let you in on little "secret", I will give you the perfect example of what I am talking about.

For a period of time, I kept thinking about having a baby. I absolutely LOVE kids, and I never thought about having kids, until much later on in life, and for my own personal reasons, I had decided that it probably wouldn't happen for me, and for the most part, I was OK with that, but there were aspects of me that wasn't OK with that. It's not like I got up one day and said, "I don't want to have kids," but realistically speaking, I had, for the most part, decided, no kids this time around. It made me very sad, in a way. Because I think of being pregnant, and the experience of being a mother, which comes so natural to me, and think how incredibly beautiful that would be. To make a blanket statement that I will never have children is huge! I am at a certain age, where if that decision isn't made, it WILL be a blanket statement, but not out of a choice, it WILL BE out of a necessity, for physical and medical reasons.

Anyway, I had been having dreams and fantasies about having a baby, and it was bothering me that nothing in my life supported that desire. Not money, not someone who would be, in my opinion, adequate or perfect enough to fill the shoes of my expectations of what a partner/parent should be, in my life, or the child's.

So........... after months and months of going through that thought process, I woke up one morning, and a friend and I went to Starbucks to get coffee, and in the parking lot we go. I had followed her, and there in the parking lot was a big sign, Puppies............. well, if anyone knows me, they know, I should run for my life, because ALL of those animals will be mine......... if I had my way.

I stuck my arm out the window and pointed to the sign, and she waved her finger as if she was saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, and I pointed as if I was saying, "meet me over there". So, of course, we headed over there.

There was a pick up truck there with a litter of puppies, and I went right over and picked my puppy.............OH MY GOD............. I WAS SO IN LOVE! I had already picked my puppy, and my friend was saying, "NOOOOOOO GABRIELA...........and my heart was already set on it. I told them to hold her, and that I would be back later to pick her up and to meet her parents.

(her parents.haha how cute).

We went to get coffee and my friend thought I was insane, but, to me, it was written in stone. I WANTED A BABY! And that was the "cure", for that moment in time, better that, than going and getting pregnant, (which never was never something I saw for me). Well, it was an option, but not one that I was willing to be responsible for, especially out of a selfishness. Sounds great to have a baby, but hay, let's think about that huh? I've always been smart and aware in that arena. Not, ooh, a baby, and oh, oops I'm pregnant, and.....wonder how I'll feed this child. No...... just, plain ol' NO!

We went to retrieve the puppy, and it was almost a given what the name of this dog would be.

I surrendered the fact that it just isn't or wasn't time for Gabriela to have a baby, and I surrendered that fact. It was HUGE for me. To weigh out the circumstances, and to consciously decide that children probably aren't an option for me, and to "settle for a pup", or be able to love something else in place of............. SURRENDER TO SOMETHING THAT JUST IS............ ACCEPT THE FACTS...............AND MOVE ON..............make decisions based on the reality of your situation.

That is where I am at now. Surrendering, based on things I cannot change, or alter, but laying the facts out on the table, and deciding where to go from here. It is a huge deal, to maybe not like the circumstances, but move ahead anyway, and adjust, and make the best of it all. There is, I think, always a remedy for all things. It doesn't mean it will feel good, or seem fair, but there is an answer, even if we cannot see it.

It may be sad, or a million other words that would describe what you think your situation evokes, but all in all............ it is life.............happening...........and you move with it, or continue to feel paralyzed by what life is offering, and the choices you need to make, based on those realities.

Be OK with both. I KNOW THAT IS HARD, I tell you that from my heart, and from my experience. Try to embrace all that is not in your favor, or not how you would have it. I truly believe that in the bigger scheme of things, someone, or something out there is looking out for our highest good. That, will always remain in the mailbox marked TRUST! And, guys, I stare at that mailbox everyday, trying to see those etched words........on the side of the mailbox.

That is a choice you can make for yourself. You decide how you will feel, no one else. That is a big undertaking, to be responsible, especially if you are not feeling so great about your personal dialogue.

Get good with yourself, in whatever way you can, to decide if your life feels good to you, the decisions that you are making, and how you are paving your way, on your journey.

We are not perfect, no one, ever, is.......and if they profess to be, they are only fooling themselves.

Embrace your humanness.............

Don't forget to hold hands with those you love.............. embrace them for who they are, in all of their treks, all of their stops along the way to the "Land of OZ."

God knows, we are all trying to get to a place of good. I truly think everybody has their rendition of what "good" is, and in our own right, we set out for that journey with all good intentions.

What happens along the way is for us to learn, to grow, and to help each other remember who we are, what we love, and for us to stay true to our own individual selves.

At least that is MY REALITY.

If you want to join me, I will be here. I will support you in all that you want and love.

Grab hands guys..............grab every ones hand..............WE NEED IT!!

OK, I don't know about you, and I won't talk about YOU, but I DO.

I want your hand. No one............NO ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.

I love you all so very much.


Sunday, July 12, 2009


........... to getting any point across.................


Saturday, July 11, 2009


That is one word that can stray off onto so many different subjects. Funny, just one word, and how it can create so many different meanings or perceptions.

Being or wanting to be alone, does not necessarily mean feeling lonely, or depressed.

Being alone has always been my best friend, something that has nurtured my soul and given me time to reflect on what is or has been happening for me in my life.

Even as a kid, I gravitated toward being alone.

I'd go make a fort, or get my tent, and ask mom if I could camp out in the back yard, under the stars. My room seemed so confining. Plus it didn't have the blazing stars above.

Maybe some people are afraid to be alone. They could be afraid of what they might think, that they actually may like it, and then what happens to the supposed relationships , or friends, or whatever usually occupies their time? What would actually happen in an extended period of time, BEING ALONE WITH ONE SELF?? HMMM!?

As time goes by, I want, more and more, to have that time alone. Not in noisy places. I work in a noisy place all day, why would I want to continue that on for another few hours?

Don't get me wrong, every once in awhile I love a good dance, although that has been years, or just some outside noise that I don't have to be the hostess to, or entertain, in some way. Just be a background figure somehow. That, I like, maybe listening to some good music with someone cool. Love having good friends over for great food, wine and tons of laughing............ gotta have that!

Don't ever apologize for wanting more and more alone time, if that is what you need or want.

You have to understand, most people don't want to be alone, just the general definition of the word, it scares the hell out of people. ALONE......IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG? ARE YOU OK?

Now, there is being alone, and then there is BEING ALONE!

Some people think being alone is reading a book on your night off, and petting your animal, not answering the phone and having a good night to yourself.

Love it, that's great!!! Can't think of anything better.

Now what about, on your next night off, and your next day or next 3 days off, or a week or god, amp that up to a month or several months. How do you feel now?



ALIVE, FULL, REJUVENATED, MORE CONSCIOUS AND AWARE, RESTED, CUP FILLED, REBIRTH, SENSUAL BEYOND BELIEF, ( and not even having to do with sex)........ hmmmmm! Imagine that? All of those things and more, ALLLLLLLLLLLL BYYYYYYY YOURSELF?!

WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER? Oh, yea, depressed....yup.......... lonely, she needs me, needs a friend, or a partner, or some social activity............SHE JUST NEEDS TO GET THE HELL OUT!

HAHAH, I do get to laugh, because why would someone know the benefits of being THAT ALONE, when, really, they probably never even ventured out to see what it is like to begin with.

More than likely because, WHERE, in society, do they teach you to spend time alone???

Everyone is teaching you to go buy the best lingerie, get the best make-up, go buy Abercrombie, or whatever your fashion labels are, and sport them for your beaux or your girl, and get on that Face book, hurry ...quick cuz you might miss a drink sent to you, or some gift delivered via Face book. Hurry, you have 92 notifications that need to be answered.........AND BY TONIGHT PLEASE...........PEOPLE ARE WAITING!

Then you get the person who dips into all that, here and there, but prefers the aloneness thing, and everyone gets concerned all of a sudden because you are NOT THE "NORM."

It's been umpteen consecutive days that you are alone, don't ya wanna come play?? MMM, maybe soon, but soon never really comes, if there is a preference, and no guilt to tag along with it.

There is a divine gift in spending time alone, away from all of the things that you normally do, to be a little rebel and take a detour to check out what is alive in your soul, other than your 9-5.

Who are you outside of all of that, or your house, or your kids, your wife, your husband or partner, or your daily chores?


Please give yourself time to check YOU out! It is the most incredible gift I have ever given to myself, aside from my Louis Vuitton, hahahaha. Hadn't laughed in a few paragraphs, had to trip myself up real quick!

Look, we are always going to have entertainment. The industry showers us with endless ways for us NOT TO BE BORED. It is like candy. So, don't worry. If you feel like you are getting bored, just snag any one of your gadgets. I'm sure it will be right there, handy as can be, ready for you to google, or twit, or post, or text. Whatever it may be, it will be available to you, so if in fear, take your gadget along with you on your alone day, JUST YOU, and let me know how you feel.

Try not to cheat. Give yourself permission to access that part of you that is probably more thirsty than you could imagine. You will be so surprised at how good of a time you can have with JUST YOURSELF.

I do all the time, and I cut loose!

I laugh, dance, sing, write, have good cry's, tons of innocent moments that would never be found with company, and an inner experience that I would never trade for the world.

Actually, it gets so intoxicating that it scares me to a small degree. Wondering if I dip in too, too much, will I ever actually want to come out.

That is part of my puzzle these days.

"To BE or not to BE",


Friday, July 10, 2009

I WANT TO GO........

I want to go
where the mountains
are high enough
to hear the echo
of my song.

I want to go
where the rivers
run deep

to drown
my shame

I want to go
the stars shine
bright enough

to show me
the way.

I want to go
I want to go
I want to go

where the wind
calls my name

Wind is calling
Wind is calling
Wind is calling

My precious name!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

TIME TO REST................

I think we go along plunging through our days, with lists, to do's, goals, plans, dates, deadlines, everything, everyyyyyyyyyyy thing on a time clock!!!

Schedule this, schedule that........ my god, if you don't wake up early enough to get through your list, you'll be on it for days, even weeks, and may even be considered a procrastinator.........nothing worse than being labeled a procrastinator.

When, when, when, do we just ALLOW time for ourselves, without looking at the clock?

I will speak for myself. From the time my alarm clock goes off, till I go to bed at night, I look at the clock. It is a shame, because for years, I threw away alarm clocks, never wore a watch, and promised I would never live my life by a numbers game.

I have to say, those were the best years of my life, AND......... It saved money on coloring my hair. No stress, no greys!!

Seriously, I stopped making lists, and just figured, OK, I know I need to get this and that done, but if it didn't get done, it was fine. I stopped stressing over getting 8 things done, instead of 15. Who frigin cares? Yes, there is a tomorrow. And tomorrow WILL give you the opportunity to run that errand, or pay that bill, or whatever it may be. Don't be so stringent, so calculated, and robotic.

That is what I tell myself these days. No robotic stuff, because it does happen. Bed, shower, car, work, home, and then the list. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHOOT ME NOW!

I know I have got a few barriers to break. How about you?

What happened to spontaneity?

Is it the kids? Dogs? Responsibilities?

I want to be responsible AND have fun in the midst.

I want to work on myself, remember what is real and important, BUT............have fun in the meantime.

I don't want to be on one side today, and on the other side tomorrow. No pendulum swinging........I get too dizzy!

A nice teeter in the middle will do me just fine right about now.

Responsible, aware, fun, spontaneous, daring, adventurous, a little mystery here and there..... no numbers though.... god, no numbers please, and of course, LAUGHING.............please let me laugh along the way, or what will all of it matter??? Really! That is my Truth!