Friday, July 10, 2009

I WANT TO GO........

I want to go
where the mountains
are high enough
to hear the echo
of my song.

I want to go
where the rivers
run deep

to drown
my shame

I want to go
the stars shine
bright enough

to show me
the way.

I want to go
I want to go
I want to go

where the wind
calls my name

Wind is calling
Wind is calling
Wind is calling

My precious name!



  1. If you can should. Life is too short not to answer when she calls. Don't regret; your energy is better spent elsewhere.

  2. Regret is one word that I think won't pop up too too much for me. I usually do what I want to do.

    Now, timing may be a word that comes up more often.

    Should I go now? Or stay...........hmmm........that is always the question.


  3. never a query, after you're living the life that results from the "clash", of what might have been? maybe not, maybe you're one of those people that recognizes that the other option played out as well as the one you chose? (for instance, even if you chose to stay, the other option of moving to some far off place, removing your self from the grid, would be running parallel) maybe your not one of those people either and you are willing to chalk up to timing. I'd like to thing we have more control than that.....
    curiosity has gotten the best of me, stay or go? where?

  4. hmmm , I'm a little confused with your statements, but I will try to read into them a bit more.

    You'd like to think that we have more control than what?

    Where the wind calls my name.........

  5. and, what direction is that coming from? did you write the poem?
    more control than life being so random that something as simple as timing can....well it is confusing and I'm not articulating well. ever see run, lola, run?

  6. Actually this is a quote from a song that I really love, and I so resonate with it.

    in my life, I do go where the wind calls my name, and that direction surprises me sometimes. If I listen, and am quiet enough, I don't actually need to know a literal direction, just where my soul is being guided, and then the details of all of that fill themselves in where they need to in my life, and then the puzzle is put together. It is a moment to moment thing (timing), and then, the planning and practical come after the base is understood, within.

    Is that too googlie for you? too esoteric?

    If you truly listen, you will know when your time to do things or not do things is available, or ready.

    No, never saw Run Lola Run, but my sister loves it and has always told me to watch it.

    Should I get it?

  7. Which song?
    i get it, and no, it's not too googlie or esoteric (had to look that word up) for me. does it really matter if it was? the question still remains unanswered, tho. ;-)
    yes, you should watch the movie. it's supposedly done in real time too. there are may others with the same theme, just like the soundtrack and the deliver method best on this one.

  8. No, by all means, the reason why I love my blog is that I can be, say what I want, and no one has to get it or not get it. But, in this case, you are trying to understand something, so I will try to make it as easy as possible, for you to understand, in a language that fits for you. My language sometimes leaves people questioning things, as yourself.

    The CD is called India.Arie and the song is #8. or look up or The entire CD is amazing. I actually bought the cd because of one particular song, called I AM NOT MY HAIR, which I will blog about very soon. This cd resonates with so many aspects of myself.

    What is the question that remains unanswered?

  9. p.s. the cd is Testimony volume 1, so you know.

    You didn't read what I wrote back a few. Go read it again.

    It will tell you where.

  10. i read it and it explains how you hear the calling but it didn't answer the question, or are you still at the puzzle stage? if so, are you quiet enough to hear

  11. right now, i meant to say, oops!

  12. Right now? Where? What? Ask me the question you want answered.

  13. where has the wind been guiding your soul? why are you questioning whether you should go? simmer down, simmer down, now ;-) (SNL skit)

  14. It is the classic case of left brain vs. right brain.

    There is the logical, which I never lived by, then there is the up and go, fly by the seat of your pants, right side of the brain, which I have always lived, and loved. Situations occur, responsabilities, and such, so it isn't that I can't go where the wind calls my name, it is just now, I have to dip into the left side of my brain and go......alright, if we MUST, we will have to PLAN for this one.

    But, it kills me to be living in the daily life that I am living. Not that I don't enjoy people, but the wind has better things in store for this soul. Maybe I shouldn't say better, but more appealing things, that suit this soul.

  15. Might be just a tad bit of a puzzle. Have to do some figuring.

  16. And it is a daily task to make sure it is quiet enough for me to hear the call of the wind.

    Life presents things that are way too noisy for this gal. But, you move and go, and hopefully can find a peace within all of the noise.

  17. hmmm...i'm not getting my question across very well. gotta go, continue convo later?

  18. I am always writing. You can post a comment, and I always like to respond.
    Not too many people take the opportunity to respond, and I love it. It gets those points out there, and people like you, who have questions, get them answered, or, jjust gives us good feedback into knowing ourselves more.
    thanks for asking.
