Friday, July 24, 2009


I cannot help but to think of my one friend, who I adore and love. She exudes nothing other than humbleness, and a modesty, amongst her great talents, and genuine, sincere soul.

Of course, she would never see it this way, and when she reads my blog, it won't even enter her mind, that this may be about HER. That is how she is.

Who me? Yes, sweet, ask nothing of you, friend. Could care less about anything but spending time with you, kinda friend, who wants nothing from you, or cares less how your life unfolds, or what it is, for that matter, just is there, objectively and sweetly, like a tiny little lotus flower, existing in some pure waters.

(She would have a cow right about now). Oh, no Gabriela, stop!! And that is her genuine feeling. It is so natural for her to exist in a certain way, that there isn't even a slot in there for any kind of accolade, or pat on the back. It seriously, is NOT THERE!

She is heading to a place I used to live, Sante Fe New Mexico, and has never been there, so I have sent her email amongst email tonight about where to go, what to see, and also, my feelings about even sending those sights, or places to go.

New Mexico is where my heart lies, and living there made my soul thrive, and come alive, and it truly was the most exquisite time of my life, doing nothing, and everything!

It reeks of meditation and living out your soul purpose.

Anyway, this is just a huge reminder of how awesome it is to acknowledge, AND to be, in humbleness. It is a trait that I continue to learn, appreciate and honor. If I see it in someone, I will immediately respond and also, tell them the gratitude I feel for it's presence and for the exchange that happens when it is looming around, in all of it's naturalness.

I love background people man.
They don't need standing ovations, accolades, pats on the back, or any reminders of how great something was that they did. They silently know what they naturally did.......did it..........and it is kept in a box that is not labeled anything................. because? They never labeled it to begin with. It is just a natural flow in an existence of giving. There is no reminder of what they did, how they did it, or what it took to get there, it JUST IS!

And, you will probably never hear about it again, as long as you live. It just was was it was, and now, that moment is gone. Onto whatever life presents next. The beauty is, there is NO THOUGHT IN THIS WHOLE PROCESS. IT JUST IS!!

Thank you my friend for being who you are, for being a "nobody", with nothing to ask, no preconceived notions of me, just an acknowledgement of a soul, meeting with another soul.

I acknowledge you continuously and am ever so grateful for your humble soul.

I hope you enjoy the sacred places that I have trekked upon, and hope, also, that you will think of me, and recognize the things that we always talk about, through the beauty in the landscape.

I know you will.

all my love,

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