Tuesday, July 7, 2009


OK, so really, this is self explanatory, but........BUT, BUT........... REALLY........IT IS SO HARD!

Especially when things are totally out of your control. Wow, how do we swing with things that fly our way, that we would never entertain, even as a thought, and yet, they are in our lives, so full, so alive, as if we purposely said, "Hay, c'mon in", I want you, and will not take no for an answer.

Isn't it funny how all of that is? Here we are, living life, as we see good, or fit, or just simply, natural to our liking, and then BOOM, circumstances hit, and you start blinking your eyes as if you are watching a movie, and seriously, it's like...........IS THIS MY LIFE? ME? MINE?

Certainly someone gave me the wrong deck of cards. Dealt the wrong hand, or cheated somehow.


Maybe not?

Karma? Not karma? Self induced? Accident? Ahhh, sorry, I can't go for that one, let's pick another one.......... what? What is it that speaks to us in a different language that we need to learn?

What do we need to pay attention to? Perhaps there is an underlying reason for us to wake up, smell the roses, (I prefer coffee, I hate the smell of Rose). Not ROSES, but the SMELL of Rose perfume or Rose air freshener..........it reminds me of a funeral, or my grandmothers purse. Save it for when I'm 80, and if I'm still alive, I'll let you know if I've gravitated toward it. Probably not, Patchouli will still be growing, and more than likely, I'll still be a hippie at heart, so.......

Back to what we need to pay attention to.

Why do certain things happen to one person and not the other? Really, can anyone answer that instead of taking the easy way out and saying it is just KARMA?

C'MON GET CREATIVE. Help spark the left side of my brain. I can do the right side, it is the left side that needs attention these days.

Do we look at our lives practically speaking, or do we say, well, that is what happened in the moment or at this time, and leave it at........ this is just a ..........for now...........happening, and this too shall pass?

What is it?

I have my own way of looking at things, but mostly, I feel alone in those thoughts. Confident, but alone, for the most part. It is an individual road that we tread alone, and either we are OK with our thoughts, or we put our noses up someones skirt and pretend that their way is the way we want to live.

You tell me.

I am fine with my thoughts, for the most part, aside from a moment of doubt here and there, just because black sheep don't generally live in Texas, and.........well........... where to fit in?

Accept what is in your life! Don't run from it. Embrace it with a surge of passion, even if it seems like you have no passion what so ever. Forge forward with the acceptance that life sometimes gives you prunes, not nice round dark cherries. I actually like both, maybe that is why someone out there is supporting my beliefs......... I don't like to.....dislike.......anything!

My life is eclectic. True. Arduous. Fun! Exciting. Mysterious. Passionate. Sweet. Innocent. Feisty.
And tons of other adjectives that would encompass alive, no matter the title. It has to be ALIVE for me to breathe that deep, out of a calm, or a stress. When you really look at it, the aliveness gives us the same teaching, it's just that I would rather be alive, and calm, rather than alive and hoping the next breath will be good enough to get me through.

Accept your life the way it is unfolding, and move forward with courage, and be brave amongst the muck.

I am here for you, as well as for myself.

Hold your own hand. Sometimes there isn't anyone there to do it, so find compassion in one hand, and transport it to the other.

Feel it and live it.

You are with you, when all is said and done.

Goodnight and sweet dreams. DREAM BIG AND SPECIFIC.


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