Thursday, July 23, 2009


I feel like I have been singing that tune my whole life.

You go about your days, you see, feel and experience your surroundings, what you do, who you are with, and what it all consists of, and you look and say, "hmm, not so bad", and then when you get in your car and you drive home, you sort of melt down off of that role, and morph back into what you really are, deep down, and it is a homecoming. A true homecoming, back to yourself that truly knows what it wants, what it consists of, and what to do to get there.

I guess it can be daunting because, for me, the baa baa black sheep, has always been so incredibly different from everybody else, for the most part, and it seems so hard to swim to that reality, when everyone else and their mother is doing X.

I seriously am not one of those people to go with the "norm", just because, or if I think about how everyone feels about my way, or my decisions. If that were the case, I would have never lived out most of my existence, the way I had and still want to. It comes with some tough luck, and a ton of opinions and negativity, or maybe ignorance is the word, who knows?

Look, if you want to live your life the way you want to, go straight ahead, but whatever road that works out to be, especially if it is out of the white picket fence, cubical world, with kids and a pool, than get ready for some opposition. It just is that way. And I am the kind of person that doesn't like to hide anything, but am very selective with what information I put out there in the world. Not because I am trying to hide anything, but because I am sensitive to people's different ways or should I say upbringing. I think it can be a common courtesy almost, although I know some people would debate me on that, but what else is new? If you are sensitive, there is a way to be with this one and that one. It isn't so black and white, like, THIS IS ME, ACCEPT ME AND IF NOT, TOO BAD. Oh, god, truly a long great conversation to be had. Where is the wine, cheese and crackers?

It truly depends on the person and the scenario, but for the most part, there really should be no explanation of who you are, what you like, what religion you choose, what your hobbies are, if you are a recluse or a socialite. There is no right or wrong, and I embrace everyone for their eclectic ways. I really do. I may laugh, just because life is funny, and presents interesting scenarios with interesting people, but I laugh, and smile big, and say, WOW, I like Joe. He is an individual who carries himself the way HE LIKES, and that is that. He certainly is not looking for approval from the next guy, he just People either like him or not. I happen to think Joe is cool. No matter what people say.

Be your own black sheep man. Don't back down because of society or the people you work with, or your family who says you are weird, or crazy, or off the wall, or too this, or too that.

Your intuition tells you who you are, and you MUST stick with that. Even if by the time you lay your head on your pillow at night, you seem tired from the trek, the lonely ride of trying to do what you want to do, and feeling alone in it, just forge forward. I know it is hard, especially when no like mind surrounds you, and you are your own cheerleader. Don't throw away your pom poms. Do what you need to do, if it is to make money, take care of business, but when you are free and clear, get back to your own way of free thinking and cram if you have to. Make your own test, take the test, yourself, and see how you fare. You may ace it, you may grade it and say, nope, that is not the grade I want, and so you go on ahead and do more homework to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

BE YOUR OWN SOLDIER, YOUR OWN JOAN OF ARC, YOUR OWN SOLID MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY, that has no question as to how it is going to make it, no matter the business.

GET OUT THERE. CREATE, "BE", AND bud like a beautiful flower, waiting to be recognized by some great photographer, to be captured in it's most glorious moments of growth.

As a matter of fact, let me be the photographer. I would revel in witnessing the enormous amount of growth that happens when one is willing to let something in.

God, I am humbled. God, I am so wide open, and ready to burst with so much, you have no idea!!

There are so many ways to express your black sheep. Find the outlet, discover who you are, and then so fast that no one sees where you go, and then you can secretly do, and go, and create, before anyone ever notices.

Go ahead, I'm not looking!

Hurry before you get caught!!

I'm there man...........I am so there!!

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