Friday, July 3, 2009


I think we should all do ourselves one big fat favor. Shut our left brains off for a bit, to allow the GREAT OZ of INTUITION in.

If we would just shut our brains down every once in awhile, we would see how incredibly right on we are...yes WE. All of us, who think we have to ask everyone and their mother how to go about this, how to do that, should we date this one, should we pick that career, should this and should that. At some point, you just don't have to ask to go to the bathroom, ya know what I mean?

If you just practice listening to your gut, the very first thought that comes to you, and say to yourself, "STOP", right after you think that thought, you will start to see a pattern. It comes and goes quick, and the left side of your brain is always right there to tell you, OH NO.......... YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT THAT ONE HONEY...........YOU ARE CRAZY TO DO THAT, OR DATE HIM/HER, OR MOVE, OR QUIT YOUR JOB THAT YOU LOATHE.

Meanwhile, right brain says, "GO FOR IT", WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?"
YOU CAN GET A JOB DOING WHAT YOU LOVE, JUST DO IT. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, OR SOMETHING LIKE, "I am not going to take the ride I wanted to today. I don't know why, but something is telling me not to. THERE IT IS............. THE GREAT OZ saying, "Something isn't right, who knows what it is, but don't go just to find out". You heed the warning, believe yourself, and say,"There is a reason that came to me, I ain't goin anywhere!"

Challenge yourself, and start paying closer attention to yourself and what naturally comes. I happen to think it cuts to the chase on a lot of things. It's a great tool to use, really.

My intuition is telling me that I will be a sorry girl tomorrow if I don't get some sleep since I have to wake up at 5am.

I really have missed writing in the last couple of days, so I had to take a few moments and connect with y'all.

Stay strong in your daily lives. Whatever comes at you, stand up, face it, and do your very best to conquer your fears and move through them with patience, love and compassion.

Those are gems for me these days, and probably always will be.

Hold onto someones hand, if it's there, and don't be shy, ask someone for a hug if that is what you are needing. One hug goes a long way.

Reach out.............. let someone be there for you.


(Although I think I saw a cape on my door knob the other day).

Naaaa, couldn't have been.............

( It was).

Only take the cape out if you absolutely need it. The rest of the time, let's ease into life, be gentle with ourselves, and remember that life isn't meant to be so hard core. Lighten up, I say............... lighten up.

Love to you all,

to myself.

xoxo Goodnight sweet souls.

We have a date tomorrow night. What shall it be?

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