Saturday, July 25, 2009


.........good healthy food!!

I know, I know, I love hot wings too, and french fries, and banana creme pie, but, really, when your body gets a huge dose of good, healthy food, it notices a difference. It's saying, "Wow", thanks mom! I needed that!

I mean, you can really tell the difference. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you eat fish and vegetables, you are going to feel light, energized and just plain' ol good, as opposed to stopping at Sonic for your Cherry Lime-Aid and God knows what? I've never ordered from there, and friends say the Cherry Lime Aid is to die for. I'll go for the Italian Soda at your nearest Italian Market, thank you very much.

Not being a snob, just loyal. It's probably good, but I'm so weird about that stuff. It's like any of the food that I like. I would eat the hell out of lasagna, or baked Rigatoni, or bread, or cheese, or anything carby, but as soon as I do, you might as well say goodnight to Gabriela.

The only reason why I choose the things that I do, is pretty much, because it feels good to my body, and I have listened enough to know that, when I eat X, it makes me feel this way, and when I eat Z it makes me feel this way. X always makes me feel tired, lethargic and incapable. Z, on the other hand, proves itself, time and time again, that if I stick with it, it will give me life, energy and so much optimism. It won't make me tired, angry, sleepy, or irritable. It will liven me up, make me happy, and give me tons of energy. HHMMMM.......... WHAT SHALL I HAVE FOR DINNER?

I am having Salmon and a cucumber and beet salad. Fresh Rosemary from my garden, fresh squeezed garlic, and fresh squeezed lemon, for my fish, cracked black pepper and coarse ground salt. I'm tellin ya............yum!! Aged Balsamic and Extra Virgin Olive Oil for my salad. It sounds boring but I tell you what, there is a reason I stay up late at night......... I have so much darn energy that by the time I have to go to bed, I'm staring at the ceiling, dreaming, or near hallucinating............. protein will kick your butt. There is something good about Atkins diet, and that is one. (I don't believe in diets, just think that one is OK for a period of time), being all protein laden an' all.

Don't get me wrong. I am all about eating what you want and not excluding what you love out of your diet. That is why I LOVE DOING DIET PLANS. It knocks the idea right out of your head that you have to give up all of your goodies. No, you don't! Maybe for a week or two, just to get you to a good start, but eventually, it all evens out, and once we get you to a place of good, you eat what the hell you want, and we work with you so that you can live your life as close to what you love as possible. Hey, I ain't gonna let you for go your Merlot, or your Chianti, or your Cabernet Sauvignon. We'll adjust sugar levels elsewhere. Trust me, it's a gamble, if you are willing to throw the dice. I do have my own private theories, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Atkins, or Mrs. Craig. With all due respect, I do happen to be my own eclectic entity, so allow me to introduce you to my way, and if it doesn't work, you know where to go.

Hmmm, I watch my writing unfold. This is not about promoting something, it is/was about eating healthy, and me feeling like there is nothing better than eating something good for you, and feeling the effects of it, in a positive way, as opposed to a negative way.

I get all jazzed and pumped up thinking about health, fitness, and also, living in moderation, enjoying yukky, bad for you food, yukky, bad for you drinks, and fried yukky food that is so darn good when you are craving it. I only crave two fried foods. One is Calamari, and the other is Michelle's moms Cajun Catfish. That stuff is to die for. Louisiana, here I come. ( No good Calamari in Texas). Gotta go home for that! And, if anyone knows of the best Calamari in Texas, than you shall tell me ASAP, so I can go be bad, and prove to y'all that you can eat bad, and still look OK.


No one said you had to live austere. You can be spiritual and eat meat. You can be healthy and eat a T-bone. You can be vegetarian and eat tons of oil. WHO CARES?


Yesterday I ate Garlic Fries, bread, Salami, cheese, you name it...........

Today, Fish, veggies, salad and fruit. OK, good combo. now, no thought about it. Go to bed, be happy you enjoyed your choice of yummy food, and don't stress over it. Before you know it, you'll be 80 and in a wheel chair or somethin' like that, and you'll be wishin' you ate the stinkin' french fries.


I love you,
Be merry, enjoy your food and wine, and hopefully happy company that makes you laugh!!

My sheer pleasure,


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