Tuesday, July 28, 2009


......and as I am re-learning....... take some deep breaths in between your story lines. I know there are a ton of story lines that we have, maybe work related, home life, inner life, kids, animals, relationships, no relationships, sex, no sex, friends, no friends, trust, no trust..........I know I can just write one big blog on STORY LINES.

We all know we have them. Some we cop to, some........ well.......... I plainly think that we are aware of all of them, it's just that we don't particularly care to give up the goods, so we pretend, to a degree, to cushion the blow, and I guess when we are good and ready, we'll take the goodies out of the box, set them all out nice and neat on the table, and take a look see...........

Hmmm, what do we have here? Maybe I'll throw that one back in the bag. I don't think I want to play with that one right now, and in that moment, we feel, in our bodies, IF WE ARE HONEST ENOUGH, the physical sensation, of JUST THE THOUGHT...............just the mere THOUGHT, of working on that issue, or even just saying the issue out loud, to bring it to life.......the physical sensation is there, already, making you sweat, or tingle, or get tense, or it feels warm, or even hot........... listen to your body and what it tells you, because, moment to moment, your body is sending off signals that, if we were to pay real close attention, we could just take away any and everybody, tune in, and allow those bodily sensations to be an outlet of wisdom, to help us go along, feel what we are going through, let them guide us to a more clear, calm, and conducive platform, inside, so that we can get to the very core, the very bottom, of what truly aches inside.

Our bodies tell us stories all day long, about us, about our fears, our joys, our sorrows, our everything!!

I will say for myself, it almost takes a bulldozer, to get myself quiet enough, on a daily basis, to check in, feel what my body is telling me, and to actually take a back seat to analyzing from a judgemental place, and to look at what really.........is happening on just a physical level. Just to NAME what the feeling or sensation is, and then, be able to dig a bit deeper, to understand how this really relates to us on a bigger scale, and understand that it is all about synchronicity. Synchronizing our bodies to what or should I say, WHO we really are, and taking inventory on how we can align it all, to where we just do it naturally, and so effortlessly.

I say, "One moment at a time", for EVERYTHING!

One moment at a time for learning something new. Don't be hard on yourself!
One moment at a time for changing careers, or moving to a new place, or starting a family, or ending a relationship, or starting a new one.

ONE MOMENT AT A TIME............. LET YOURSELF DIGEST WHAT IT IS THAT YOU ARE EMBARKING ON.......without plowing through, with no emotion attached.

I have been to that extreme where you are going through so much, or working your way through a multitude of things, and it all sort of becomes robotic, and done in such a detached way, that you almost miss out on the journey of your specific life. It is all here for a reason, and if we don't get sucked in too, too much, and we can keep some sense of objectivity, than maybe, just maybe, we can see the gifts in the whys and hows, and utilize them for future reference.

I keep bringing myself back, every moment, and I look around, see what is happening, and it sort of takes me out of my brain, brings me back down to a simple reality, and allows me to stay present with things, and too, reflect on the things that need to be addressed, but with a more grounded sense of who we are, as beings, living moment to moment, as if these were, our ...........very last moments.

Right now, my life, in the moment is so utterly sweet. And yes, that is in this moment. Not in my head, not anywhere else, but what is happening NOW.

I hear backround music. Soft, Native American echoes and drums. I hear the ever so sweet pants of my dogs........... I see their eyes, watching me, to see if I am ready to pet them, I smell amazing insence, I see the lights out of my dining room window, that reflect on the water, I smell my fresh scent from the shower I just took, feel the refreshing chill, on the satillo tile underneath my feet, and nowhere, NOWHERE, is there a thought, coming from my head, aside from the words on this page, that will affect me, in some grand way tonight.

I don't want to wander one second beyond THIS SECOND, because who knows what that second will bring, and really, what business do I have jumping the gun?

There is plenty for us to have, and to love, if we just look around. Look around in this.................ONE............ ONE.............MOMENT IN TIME!!

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