Monday, July 27, 2009

WHEN YOU DIG DOWN IN YOUR SOUL will ALWAYS FIND SOLACE, STRENGTH, AND A FAITH THAT GOES WAY BEYOND COMPREHENSION. Trust me on this one. We all have stuff that we are going through, and we wonder how we will make it to the other side, and then, in your day, a ray of light shines in, however that may show up, and you are reminded that it really isn't the end of the earth, the end of you, or the end......period! As a matter of fact, for one brief moment, you look and go.....oh.......this really COULD BE the beginning of something. What that something is, you really don't know, but the feeling inside is so good, and so mysterious, and so dead on, that you know, without knowing, that something good is going to happen. I have no idea what that something is, and in one sense, that is good, I don't have to figure anything out, but in another sense, it would be nice to know what the hell we are in for. C'mon, now, what the heck do you have planned for me?? Years ago, I would have been OK with all of this, but man, you get rusty, and have to check in with yourself, and actually look under a microscope to see what the heck it is that is going on in your life, without being the gypsy that is so inherent in your heart. Trust me, I'd be Johhny Depp on the Caribbean........... I kid you not. Girl got gypsy.............that's all I'm gonna say. When you dig down in your soul, you'll find gems that are sooooooooo amazing, so pertinent to your evolution, so darn detailed to who you are, and if you are quiet enough, you will see, feel and hear, the exact thing that needs to happen for you, in every moment. You may question it, and go over it, again, and again, and again, but the bottom line is.................if you are smart, and give yourself, quality time, you will never have to ask a single soul , what the heck you are going to do, or what direction you are headed in. Someone, actually, should pay you, for your services, and you laugh, and call it a day. A friend asked me the other day, "Where are you when you write, in what room, and what are you looking at?" I don' t have to be anywhere special to write. I have been in the most bizarre places, writing on napkins, scratch pads, god, I have written on so many odd things in my life, just to get it down, at least until I got home, and I still have that stuff............ toilet paper, paper bags, grocery bags, cups, you name it.........I have poetry on the most bizarre items................. it's cool..............I love it!!!! But where? These days, I sit out on my deck, that I am sure you hear of so often, and the night breeze is so consistent, and the lights, the light house, and the lake, truly...............truly........make my "canvas" so extremely conducive to write, to create, and to let my mind, that may be filled with so many thoughts, to just empty, and get back to good, with positive energy, and ammunition, to conquer any, and everything. That is where I am now. Now, today?? I would not have said that. My day usually changes once I get home, cozy, and suit myself up in the Gabriela "gear" that I know wards off any negativity, and grabs any and every bit of good, positive energy to make it to my next destination, plan, or even, to my next day, to keep me good, and head held up high to conquer anything. Hay, life is tough man.......... and you know it. We all have our separate stories, and I bow down to all of you who have made it through any obstacle......... I am there with you!! When you dig down in the darkest corners of your soul, and latch onto whatever it is that needs light, amp up the voltage and see all of the spiders, cob webs, and anything else that may be in the way of you attaining anything you need or want. I am all about it, and will be for you too! I am going to bed so inspired. Whatever it takes ................ in the moment.............. that is all we have right? I don't want to project past this moment, this moment, right in this very second, if this were the last moment for me on this would that mean? I have loved so greatly........... so innocently.............shared my feelings no matter matter the consequences................ pushed the envelope, not for any other reason than.......... I can, if I feel the need, and if I can't, I'm told.........well............I can't.........and respect that............... I've given..............for the plain ol' give.............. I've loved again............and again..............and hugged.............and shared the most innocent thing that man could ever convey to another....................... which!! I have stayed true to my being, whatever that entails, and invited, the un-invited, to peer into my curtain............. just to take a peek............and then, well, whatever, after that................ I ........have loved, is the bottom line, and even if it hurts, at least, in that pain, you know, above and beyond all else, that it was derived from the core, when I dug down deep, to check out who I was, in that moment and time. I am so pumped up.............. I hope I wake up in the morning.............. I LOVE YOU ALL, AND GIVE YOU EVERYTHING I HAVE.......TO SUPPORT, ANY AND EVERY CAUSE...........AND SITUATION, TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY. I AM HERE FOR YOU, AS YOU HAVE BEEN THERE FOR ME. IN SHEER GRATITUDE............... I LOVE YOU, GABRIELA

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