Thursday, July 9, 2009

TIME TO REST................

I think we go along plunging through our days, with lists, to do's, goals, plans, dates, deadlines, everything, everyyyyyyyyyyy thing on a time clock!!!

Schedule this, schedule that........ my god, if you don't wake up early enough to get through your list, you'll be on it for days, even weeks, and may even be considered a procrastinator.........nothing worse than being labeled a procrastinator.

When, when, when, do we just ALLOW time for ourselves, without looking at the clock?

I will speak for myself. From the time my alarm clock goes off, till I go to bed at night, I look at the clock. It is a shame, because for years, I threw away alarm clocks, never wore a watch, and promised I would never live my life by a numbers game.

I have to say, those were the best years of my life, AND......... It saved money on coloring my hair. No stress, no greys!!

Seriously, I stopped making lists, and just figured, OK, I know I need to get this and that done, but if it didn't get done, it was fine. I stopped stressing over getting 8 things done, instead of 15. Who frigin cares? Yes, there is a tomorrow. And tomorrow WILL give you the opportunity to run that errand, or pay that bill, or whatever it may be. Don't be so stringent, so calculated, and robotic.

That is what I tell myself these days. No robotic stuff, because it does happen. Bed, shower, car, work, home, and then the list. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHOOT ME NOW!

I know I have got a few barriers to break. How about you?

What happened to spontaneity?

Is it the kids? Dogs? Responsibilities?

I want to be responsible AND have fun in the midst.

I want to work on myself, remember what is real and important, BUT............have fun in the meantime.

I don't want to be on one side today, and on the other side tomorrow. No pendulum swinging........I get too dizzy!

A nice teeter in the middle will do me just fine right about now.

Responsible, aware, fun, spontaneous, daring, adventurous, a little mystery here and there..... no numbers though.... god, no numbers please, and of course, LAUGHING.............please let me laugh along the way, or what will all of it matter??? Really! That is my Truth!





  1. just hurry up already and be spontaneous....wrap it all in smoke and mirrors. bibbadee bobbadee boo


  2. I think the een ter net is having a huge laugh about now. things from the past pop up and things from the present disappear. tawk about mystery, what could be more mysterious...ok yeah ..a lot of things
    personally, i'd like the mystery of having a vacation. I think it's been thirty years...some might say it's overdue...i'm just waiting for the right moment. help with E in place and a quick trip to the Big Rock Candy Mountain...did I say that?
