Sunday, July 26, 2009


........Or at least someone who speaks your same language, where not too many explanations need to happen, they just GET IT.

That, indeed, is a hard person to find, and too, a very high expectation.

I think everyone wants to be heard. And, there are a lot of great listening ears, as well.

Not everyone is going to be perfect. And for the record, I think, that the word "perfect", needs to be removed from our vocabulary, unless, of course, it is a freedom of choice thing, like, "God, that Marinara sauce was "perfect". Well, that is your opinion. I may think it sucks, but if YOU think it is PERFECT, go ahead and think that, it doesn't affect me in the least. But, if you are looking to me, as if you want me to be that "perfect" marinara sauce, and flawless, based out of your own opinion, than you better hook up with Betty Crocker, cuz that shit ain't happenin' here!

And, this all goes both ways! Me to you, and you to me!

I do not look for perfection, but in all fairness, we ALL have preferences, and if I have a few preferences, or ideas about what would be good for me, than, truly, I should know by now, what works for me and what doesn't, right? I mean, after all, I've been in relationship with me for over 40 years now.

Hopefully, I have some idea of what makes me feel safe, comfortable, easy, and good with any interaction I have.

My intuition is usually right on the money!

People laugh at me, but even when things look grand, and oh so "perfect" in my world, and I call the shot that it ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE............for whatever reason........ I will have tons of people saying, "Oh, Gabriela, you are crazy", and I say..........."Really?". Once in awhile I second guess myself, but for the most part, and most times, it is unfortunate, but my intuition serves me so well, and what I had thought to be a RED FLAG, had actually turned out to be, none other than............... hmmmm...........let me guess??? Yes, you guessed it...............A FRIGIN RED FLAG!!

No surprises here. Maybe disappointment, because sometimes I don't want my intuition to be right on, for the simple sake that I want people to be genuine, or real, or pure, but the fact is, for whatever reason or another, they aren't. The people you thought, for a second, that got you, really, don't get you at all!

I think what is really important here is that we GET OURSELVES, and after that, who gets us or who doesn't get us, is completely IRRELEVANT.

It may be a lonely ride, but........ that might be the way it needs to be, or........we may be surprised and find out that there is someone, who actually gets it, and will be in our corner, for some cushion, and support.

We can't depend on it though.........

I say, do and go and play and figure, and along the way, you will feel, in your soul, what is good, what is right for you, and if you listen close enough, you will hear some awesome clarity, and it will guide you in a way that NO ONE ELSE could ever guide you. Not your parent, your friend, your colleague, your boss, your twin, no guru, or anyone else that professes to have a title of some sort or another. You have the key to unlock all the answers that you ask. If you give yourself the time, the patience, and the ultimate willingness, you can figure it all out.

I'll be honest. I have done that, and right about now, I could use a cheerleading squad that reeks of the same stuff. Cheerlead my own me.

Sometimes we get tired, or unfocused, and we need someone, someone, to show us the mirror of our soul's desires.

Just ask if you aren't on the ball. I do........and it is very humbling.

I don't wanna ask, but, sometimes, you just gotta!!

You will know in your heart when someone gets you. If not, like I said, "Get Yourself", and then, it really doesn't matter after that, if someone does or not. Just know, that it is your choice, no matter what you choose. If you want to be heard, and understood, be ready for some opposition.

If you don't, and you are cool with being solo, then you shouldn't have any dissapointments whatsoever.

It is a different, and not so easy road, but I tell you, it pays, to not care what people think of you!



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