Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I know there are a ton of things that happen on a regular basis, from small things to huge mountainous things, that we look at and go, "You know what, I'd rather not have this thing here".

I'm sure you can relate, in daily life, or those monumental things that affect you, like losing a love, or going through a big change, or death, or whatever your scenario is.

I can pick innumerable things that have transpired in the last 2 years, that have been out of my control, that have forced me to ACCEPT WHAT IS, and to move on, with a strong perseverance, to grab a hold of what it is that is happening, look for the goods in it, and try to be positive with the gifts that were given. You sort of chalk it up to, "This is life", kinda thing.

That doesn't mean it is going to be easy. As a matter of fact, I'd like to trade this deck of cards in by now, they ain't doin' me any good, ya know?

True gamblers would have kicked me out of the casino a long, long time ago. Even now, they'd go, "Ok, move on, get outa that game, and start bettin' on this one. One or two strikes on that table, and they'd hoist me over to Roulette, telling me do or die, or something of that nature. Anything other than the cards I've been playing. Ok, so I'm a novice at gambling.

The only thing I have ever gambled with, was love.

Call me a sap, go ahead. If I feel something, I go for it, put myself out there, and throw my hands up in the air. In the end, I guess I can say that I never held myself back. No one out there, whoever it may be, goes around with a question about how Gabriela feels about them, that is for sure. You either get it or you don't. And if you don't, it's because you are not listening!

The heart on the sleeve thing..........I may have to rethink that old adage as I put my head to rest tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up wanting to plunge through life a little more reserved, held in, more conservative................

I am not too sure what that means to exist in that realm, but who knows? Maybe I'll like it?!
Hay, where is my icon that rolls the eyes? I don't see one! Damn!

Where is your life? Is it exactly the way you want it? Who is in it? Are they conducive to what you see yourself being around? Where do you work? Are you happy there? What do you do in your spare time? Do you like what you see there?

What does the canvas look like? Are you accepting what is.............and trying to paint? Are you painting and allowing? Are we blocking what could be, in fear that we won't succeed? Why doesn't our life look like our canvas? What things do we need to take responsibility for, in order to be more in alignment to who we are and what we want to attract? How do we put the pieces to this puzzle together more? Read? Take more time alone? Get a CD and a book and start highlighting? What?

Why don't we have the things that we want? We certainly can accept what is, but I think we still can create what we ultimately want, even if it looks like it's against all odds.

Hay, I'm in this learning process. As a matter of fact, you should know by now, I am never, ever exempt!

Let's do some homework and maybe soon, our canvas will have some bright colors on it, sketching more of the picture we want, rather than trying to erase the mistakes that we started to paint, but then got a clue, and went to buy darker colors to do some last minute cover up.


It is a Masters Program, for sure. Buckle up!

One thing I do know for sure, is at some point, we do get to laugh............and somehow, our view changes. We've all been there.

I hope you go to sleep thinking of your perfect canvas, and get to gettin' with what it takes to paint such a beautiful picture, and actually hang it up, knowing it matches everything that truly IS GOING ON IN YOUR WORLD.

I wish all the best for you, as I do myself.

Let's go............. run to the store for more vibrant colors..............get every color possible and paint the town red............... RED EQUALS PASSION....................MAKE YOUR CANVAS YOUR PASSION.

Sweet dreams.

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