Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It takes such a diligence, and a certain frame of mind, to stay so incredibly true to who we are. Especially if it means being amazingly different from the rest of the clan that resides in your world.

How do we stay true when we are the black sheep? Who, then, supports us in all of our endeavors, our passions, and our pursuits, if there is no one to relate to?

It is just US. Just me, myself, and I, on a journey, that I need to be specific about, and to express who I am at any given moment, with the risk that it will be different from most, and also, so edgy, that you risk the highly charged opinions of others who may be the recipient, or the observer of your so called "beingness".

It is an amazing journey. Not so much what you do, or say, but watching the unfolding of those who watch you, on your journey, and see how incredibly different they think you are. It is a constant checking in with yourself, and can lead to a slight questioning state of mind, only because no one really lives on the edge, or as true to themselves, and you start to think you may be the minority, and probably, you are, but when there is no one around to back you up, you may glom on to those thoughts, and give in.

I have never given in. I ALWAYS RISK the trueness of who I am, and if I lose a friend, or co-worker, or a partner..........than they weren't meant to be there in the first place.

I am very strong in my convictions, and especially when it comes to personal stuff, or how I am as a person. I always feel as if I am putting myself out there on some edge, and somewhere in there, you wonder if someone is going to slaughter you for it.

Well, the truth is, it has happened innumerable times. Oh, well, for that person. They missed out on a great ride........... just a simple one, really. Just edgy........... and true.

I don't judge anyone, but it is just interesting to see all of us, our differences, and me? I hope to be as objective, and compassionate to the one standing next to me who has different preferences, different views, and to expand my mind, and open up, to something that may not be MY way, but see how it could make sense, the way that they feel.

I don't want to be so closed off that I think my way is the way.

AND JUST TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT.............MY WAY IS NOT THE WAY. They are just my opinions, with a strong conviction as to how I feel about life, and my world, as I have experienced it so far.

By no means, do I judge, or discount someone else's journey. I want to be open to new ideas, different ways of thinking, and embrace it as if it were my own. Even if I don't think that way, at least I gave 100% into thinking how it WOULD HAVE BEEN, to think in the way that Sally, or Joe did...........and have an insight on how someone else had lived, or thought.

It is freeing to be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to be able to be objective in your thoughts, and to embrace him/her or whatever the situation is. So we don't agree???

What can I get for you? Do you want a beer?

Really man......... we are all different. So raise a glass, and let's toast to our eclectic, individual selves, who are unique, and so, so special.

I acknowledge you, for your way, you acknowledge me for my way, and we should be on with it, right?

Say that out loud, and across the lands............. maybe it will adhere, at some point.

If we don't speak out, it will all perpetuate.






I do..............just gets a bit scary sometimes when not many people do what you do.

Hay, I have the Martin Luther Kings, the Joan of Arcs, the Katherine Hepburn's, the Emerson's, The Twain's................

That is enough to get me through....................




Listen to your mom, she is so god damn right! If ever you think your mom is wrong.........take one more gander.

G'nite all.

I need a day to write for 10-12 hours. This one hour stuff is killing me. It just skims the Truth. But until then............. this is wachyou get!

I love you all and thank you so much for being who you are, and the sweet recipients of my little blog, and my most intimate feelings.


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