Friday, August 28, 2009


It is so hard, I know, to NOT be swayed by what is happening on the outside.

I'm sure every one of us could name off 1 through 20, different things, that grab a hold of us, situations that seem too crazy, unmanageable, too stressful, and really........just something that we don't feel like dealing with.

In those cases, I am sure of it, too, that we just want to rush right home, and do what is comfortable, relaxing, and anything, anything, to get our minds off of what we were taken away from our center for.

We all have our cocoons. Some, it is bed, some TV, the computer, some gadget, or some, it is in just plain ol' "doing," some happy hour, some just staying busy to avoid the "circumstance".

We all have our own coping strategies, and hay, no judgement there...........who wouldn't?

But, I am finding that our coping strategies really aren't so bad after all, that even if we think they are screwed up, they have certainly served a purpose.

I think life is a series of chapters, for sure.

Like writing, it is moment to moment. You never know what is going to be the next great line, or the next thought, but staying in the moment, you discover what works, for that moment, and you just go with it. If you wanna flip the channels and zone out, go right ahead. That is where you are, and if something needs to change, inevitably, it will reveal itself to you, and you will either choose to change, or.........not! But don't judge where you are by any means. Be open to changing, if need be!

Hopefully along the way, you find out what DOES work, and you stick with that.

It is one big fat learning process, that only you can determine if it works for you.

There are so many things that can take our focus, our determination, our drive, into a completely different mode. Anything external can take our focus off center.

It doesn't have to be a negative.

It could be falling in love, it could be a new hobby, anything, that will take your attention away from being true to what it is that you really want. There are a million different variables.

You have to name yours. This is a good one to sit down with. Pencil and paper, or napkin, depending on where you are, or any old thing that will enable you to express just where it is that you are.

A small tangent, not long, I promise.

It reminds me of when I lived in New Mexico, and I spent a bunch of time alone, writing, as usual, and I always carried a backpack around with me. Always had journals, amongst journals, plenty of pens, cuz you knew you would be writing all of the time, and if, by chance you didn't have your backpack, you always wrote on whatever was in sight.
Do you know how many poems I have written on napkins? Toilet paper? Match book covers? Paper bags? movie tickets? Water bottles?

Don't laugh!

When you are that passionate about something, you will do whatever, to get it out, to spill all, and to feel so satiated when it comes time to make the exclamation point, or to finally put a period at the end of a well thought out statement.

In that, there is an ecstasy!

I find that in expressing yourself, it makes way for more clarity, no matter what it sounds like.

What will keep your center?

How do you avoid not being pulled into external circumstances when, maybe you feel like you are?

What helps you stay clear?

For me, it may be writing.

What is it for you?

There are a ton of ways to cope with outside circumstances that maybe the next person wouldn't do, but you would, because it cuts to the chase.

I'm finding up to date ways to NOT BE SWAYED, and it is cool!

I want tons of choices, not just writing, but healthy strategies to keep me in alignment with who I am, and what I am about, and not caving into being swayed by this or that.

I tell you, it seems to me that we better have some vein of creativity, otherwise, we are at a total loss for doing things that we, ourselves, only know to work for us, not what some cockamamie book told us to do, or what we see on AOL's top 10 list is, for WHAT WE SHOULD DO IF............'S...............

Don't second guess yourself. You know yourself better than anyone, so don't be so free to go and ask everyone about you, and your life.

Take a moment, check yourself out, and see what it is that you need to do for you, and do not be anything, other than what you know to be true, inside.

OK, that is enough on that.

I don't want to sound preachy. Maybe I do, but that is not my intention.

I'm just going to school myself.

Y'all are truly my classmates.

Let's do this thing.............make it work.............for all of us.............

Then, we can meet at the pencil sharpener.

G'nite.............. I know, I'm silly, and I love it!


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