Thursday, August 27, 2009


I don't know about you, but in my life, it is kind of a MUST, that , (even if I don't want to), I almost HAVE TO revisit parts of my childhood, in order to get to a parallel place, in present day, to make sense of where I am, what I am calling in, if it is good, or not good, and if there is some healing that needs to happen.

That sentence, is so broad, so filled with many years of information, and emotion, that, in reading the line, I want to say, "Don't make it so simple", but, in essence, I think the formula, to a lot of our situations, are, in fact, simple, but because our past, our emotions, are heavily attached, and maybe we don't have the objectivity to discriminate between what is in the here and now, as opposed to, what WAS, than, to me, therein lies, a bit of homework to do.

I am not saying that everyone, even a SMALL percentage of people would want to entertain these notions, or thoughts, but many do. I do, and sometimes, honestly, I don't. I just want to go have some good Mexican food and call it a night, but, for me, and my make-up, this stuff haunts me until I find a resolve.

That is just me. I've been this way since I was a kid. I want answers, and if you can't give them to me, I WILL FIND THEM.............NO IF ANDS OR BUTTS. No question, actually. It will be a given that I come to a resolve, or a solution to a problem.

Maybe I'm in the wrong field of work, who knows?

Everything is about correlating.

If you give yourself permission to ask great questions, to yourself, and not feel silly, funny, or stupid, you will see, that there is great satisfaction in asking yourself, what the hell you are doing, at any point in your evolution.

Why are you where you are? Why are you attracting that person, or that situation? Why? Really, ask yourself?

Is it good? Does it work for you? If not, WHY, THEN, ARE YOU STAYING IN IT ?

Is there the ability to see any patterns from your past that may corelate to the present?
Can it possibly be a good tool to help you mend some mistakes, learn from the past, and be able to change the present?

After all, don't we all want to grow, to change, and be on top of our game, to be able to do things differently, to change up the stuff that, really, just didn't work for us back then?

I can name a million different instances that didn't work for me, and still, quite honestly, is still a work in progress. I gather it always will be, and that is something I have to grasp a bit more, so that when things come up, I don't act so surprised.

As one of the last few words my mom said to me before she died....... she knew I was witnessing, and hurting, watching her dying, she looked at me and said, "This is part of life honey".

There are things that will come up that will be incredibly difficult to deal with, and we will have to pull on all of our resources to stay strong, no matter what it brings up for us.

I know that seems like an easy statement, easier said than done, but trust me when I tell you, there is a well. A well of whatever you want to deem it......... of good, of god, of grace, or good will, or faith, of trust.............all of the above...............

YOU MUST DRAW ON THAT! Whatever it takes to draw on that, you must do, and even if you feel like you can't, just ask for guidance, and you will be lifted. At least I know you will be given some insight on resources to draw upon, to help you through whatever it is that you need help with.

Everyone has their own way of getting through life's situations.

Once you get goin' on a good trail, and maybe you are working with someone that will help you through, you will begin to see how the past is just as important as what the present is, for you now.

Take a tiny peek. Just baby steps. What may have happened in your past that may correlate to where you are now, or what you may want to change now?? Check out certain patterns that keep reoccurring, and you wonder, why in the heck that thing keeps popping up for us??

Take a few moments to yourself to ask ,"Why?" Instead of why me? How can we all look at the situations that are here, as things that we actually have called in, so to speak, things that we obviously want to look at, otherwise it wouldn't be there, and be cool about it, be responsible, and go........alright............ here this is............ let me buckle up for what I need to do to change up this pattern.

I don't want to lose you.

All I'm sayin' is............... maybe we can see the correlation from the past, as to what we are bringing to the present.

I happen to think it helps, and when I really stop, listen to myself, or others objective opinions, I see how smart it is to stop for a bit, even if you think there is no time, stop, to look at your life, and take a stance, to make it exactly how you want it, instead of, what has been "HANDED TO YOU".

I know for me, I want to start dealing my own deck, and also, playing the cards, smart.

I would like to win, but so long as I play smart, I'll be on the right track, and intrinsically, I'll "win", whether I get a prize or not.

I don't need a prize, just affirmation that I, in fact, did acknowledge all avenues, did the best I could, and stood tall in my efforts.

Man, I love this life, and the opportunities that we are given.

We truly are lucky to have the ability to CHOOSE, to be, and to create our own individual selves.

Don't take that gift for granted.

If you look around, throughout the world, we are one hellava gifted and spoiled nation.

Stay humble, and do your homework.

I am right there, on the same page with you.

God, so much love, I cannot stand it.

I love you,


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