Saturday, August 8, 2009


Ya know, whatever it is, huge, small, mediocre, catastrophic, life label it........ I don't care what it is............... we WILL HAVE TO MOVE THROUGH IT, of course, if we want to choose to live WITH life, and not against it.

Really, no matter the title, we will have to go through some growing pains, and those suckers are no small feat, trust me, I do know that, but also, what I am sure of, is that we WILL GET THROUGH IT.

Staying completely in your one single moment, which is THIS MOMENT, the moment that you are reading these words, and not allowing your mind to stray to the next minute, or 10 minutes, or the next week that you are focusing on that bill that needs to be paid, and you don't have it, or your mortgage that is screaming..............NO MORE LATE PAYMENTS.................

You can think about that when the moment presents itself, but RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE READING THESE WORDS, AND THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE.

If you truly ARE IN THIS MOMENT, AND NO WHERE ELSE, you'll see that you will find some sort of peace, and some relief, in that, this moment is pretty darn cool. I'm not worrying, not suffering, and I actually am enjoying Gabriela's Daily Quotes......... and then you'll see all of the moments that ensue, are pretty much the same. You still have all of the information that is factual, true, and not evading or escaping your responsibilities, you just focus on the one moment and what it brings, STAY PRESENT TO IT, and you will discover the gift in giving something to yourself. NON-JUDGEMENT, A LITTLE RELIEF FOR YOUR INNOCENT SOUL, and a clarity that you may not think is there, but when you give yourself that gift of not floating away to worry land, something magical happens.

Everything is like that!

I learned something amazing from my Japanese mentor, when we were prepping vegetables for hundreds of people. We were in the kitchen, and mind you, she never said much, which I loved. She would watch me cutting my vegetables, and would say, "Why are you not with that carrot?" Of course back then, I was like........uhhhh, come again? And she said,"You are everywhere else, but cutting those matchsticks". I, of course thought I was cutting them. They sure looked like carrot sticks to me.
She would say, "Stop thinking of what ever else is going on in your head, and give respect to this carrot, who will be sustaining many people and their health. You don't want your energy of worrying to go into this food, and then it will be passed on to someone else". Watch the knife, focus on slicing, and take deep breaths and move with each slice. If you feel like you are going to think another thought, then stare at the carrot, and get back to slicing.

WOW, WHAT A MIRACLE THAT WAS FOR ME. Every day she would tell me to give respect for the life that we breathe with each moment that comes. If I was kneading bread, she would tell me to focus my fists on the dough, and any other thought? Squeeze the dough harder.

Same with eating. She trained me not to do anything while I was eating, but to To be mindful of my chewing, to chew well, to be present with the amazing foods that are so readily available to us, and to be grateful for them, for they are what sustain us and keep these motors clean. No TV, no phone, no newspapers. Actually, eat in peace, and with gratitude and acknowledgement.

I did that for more than 15 years, and that alone, those few acts alone, transformed me, and it carried on into many different aspects of my life.

I'm not saying that I don't eat without TV, or don't type, like I am right now, while eating a salad, but there is a balance, and a consciousness that courses through your blood, for you to take advantage of. You know where to access it, and how to use it, so, in times when you see it is needed more than other moments, go for the gold, get it out of the library of your memory, and remember what it is like to stay so present to this very moment. It will carry you through to the next moment, that may call for something else, who knows? That is the beauty of it. It becomes sort of a surprise, as to what just may happen in that next moment. Something maybe your worried mind would not have thought of. Maybe you'll be rewarded for taking care of yourself, and get what you needed, or wanted.

This may sound like crazy talk, but it is sacred, and simple.............very simple, but it does take a retraining of the mind, to just settle it self down, and to trust that everything really will be OK.

Today, so far, my moments are razor sharp, and although things are happening at a rapid pace in my life, I am slowing down, and checking out what is in all of my single moments, and am loving the energy, the grace, and the simplicity of allowing myself to just be divorced from my woe's. Acknowledging them, but not fretting, and knowing, this too shall pass. It always does!

I'm learning right along with you.

Huge hug, huge smile, for your huge hearts.

All my love,


  1. You are so right! And appreciating all the small moments in a day, like having my bird sit on my shoulder while I write this, make it so much easier to get through it. I know you know what I mean!

  2. Your bird, my dogs, the moon, and the blue jay that is eating the wild bird seed that I put on my railing, just so they could be in plain view of my window. Simple stuff, always gives way to what I too!!
