Thursday, August 6, 2009


OK GUYS................what is the focus? I know what it is for me............ doesn't mean I'm a saint or anything........... just know what the focus is, and then, hopefully my spirit will catch up to the consciousness that permeates my entire environment.

What is YOUR focus?

Just pick something small, by god......... we have so much to deal with and work with, that if you give yourself something TOO huge...... and you don't meet up to it, than there is your discouragement.


Stay EN couraged!

What will encourage you?

I have plenty of things in front of me that could discourage me. At work, at home, and in all kinds of areas that I could easily sway to, because it is a comfortable spot.

There is nothing wrong with that, but look at your particular situation, and access whether this is the comfortable spot you actually want to stay in. You do have choices, you know.

There are always going to be things that take out attention away from what we are working on, or what our focus needs to be, but if we stay focused, we can see the priority, and maybe forfit some play time, or distraction, for something that is taking precedence.

I never said that was easy, and it isn't, but if you are given a hard core choice, and you are awake and aware, with enough gusto, you will do what you need to do, to overcome any situation.

The price tag is high guys. It is not a fun ride.

But to stay true to the soul, is worth it's weight in gold.

I may have to pull out my "spiritual scriptures" that mean something to me, and make sure this is what I want to follow.

I have theory amongst theory that is strangling me right now. Strangling me for some expression.

Until I relay those expressions, with some deep clarity, I will sleep, in good thoughts, for where they are, and will revel in the beauty of how they have come to manifest in my world.

I hope you are doing the same.

All my love,

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