Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am laughing because a friend said to me once, "What are you doing tonight, sacrificing spiders?
Well, seriously, for so many reasons, I thought I would pee myself!!! I laughed so hard, and on into the next day, I heard him say that in my head, and it just struck the biggest, funniest chord ever.

Ya know, we all are just........the way we are, and then we come in contact with people who are.......the way they are........and we start looking at each other, in our own separate worlds, as if we are aliens, to some extent. Hay, you live your life with X and Z and all that, that entails, and I live my life with something after the alphabet...........not sure what that is, but it's mine, whatever it is, and I relate to it. In my getting older and wiser years, I allow myself to just sit back, allow me, and others, to be who we are, with no judgement, at least I try.......... ( I'm being human and honest).

Anyway, spiders, and sacrifice is what comes to someones mind when they think of me. Nice! And the next voo doo session is in 20 minutes, don't be late or you'll be burned at the cross! ( As if.......) But.......... hay, perceptions are perceptions. He was kidding, but the mind set is there, if ya know what I'm talkin' about.

Anyway, I make light of it, and probably will never forget that statement. It gives me great joy to be able to laugh at perceptions these days. Lord knows I have them, and they don't have to be right, they are just my perceptions and that's it. No big deal!

OK, how did I get off on that tangent. All I wanted to write about was Garlic, ginger, and some other basic, fine things that we need to keep around the house in case we want to do a sacrifice or something,, really.

Something made me want to write about some natural, great things to always keep around the house, in case, or just for main purposes........and there are many of them.

There are so many things we can do to take care of ourselves, and I know I tap into meditation, taking time for oneself, and expressing and therapy, and all of those awesome modalities for shutting our crazy minds up, and getting to the core of who we are, outside of Iphones and good pizza.

I was a chef for many years, and mainly in alternative, or ethnic arenas. My main outlet, was cooking healthy, whether it was for me, or for someone who had Aids, Cancer, or who just needed to be healed in some way. I cooked Macrobiotic for years, and studied under the founder of Macrobiotics. Aveline Kushi. She and her husband were Gods to me. I learned so much about the body, the mind, and spirit, through food, the preparation of food, and how it all goes hand in hand, with our spirits, our outlook, our karma, our energy and how food is in direct relation to where we are at, every day, what we put into our bodies, is truly, what we are, everyday.

That is not a statement to make you feel bad about the way you eat, but just a simple awareness of how food truly does affect our mind set, our moods, and the way we pave the way for our goings and doings. It is much more deep and complex, but I'll start easy, as for those, as well as myself, I am enjoying my wine, cheese and appetizers laden with who knows what, I just know, now, it tastes good, and I don't want to think about the process of how it all got on my plate, just want to simply enjoy the finer taste of things, left alone, just like that.

Call it denial. I will. I denied myself good stuff for too long, and now, I will find a balance.

I simply was going to start out by writing about a few things that we shouldn't be without, in our kitchen, things that will always, always, bring us good health. And, this goes back to way before our time, back to gathering fruits, berries, and digging in the corn fields. So, don't give me that this is some New Age diet, or some Sacrificial diet to get to enlightenment, cuz I'll have to fight ya on that one.

I'm going to start with some Immune Boosters. Can't go wrong, and will never have a problem with Vampires, I promise!!

GARLIC. The Allicin in Garlic and the Sulfur compounds act as an incredible Anti-Viral, Antibiotic, and Fungicide. Amazing for High Blood Pressure as well.
Cook away, eat garlic as much as you can guys. It will kill and cure all, I swear to you.

GINGER. Oh, man this sexy hot plant. unbelievable qualities. I could go on and on, but I will just jot down the main stuff and get to the details later.
It's Native to China and India. They use this like we use salt and pepper.The roots of the plant are called rhizomes. That is where the benefits of the plant lie. Helps so much with digestion, helps brake down proteins, rids the stomach of intestinal gas and fatty foods/oils, and it's warming qualities are excellent for high blood pressure. Hangover? Helps nausea big time. Do me a favor though, don't bring a bulb of ginger on our date OK?

Mix Garlic and Ginger together and you will fight off any cold/flu/or anything wanting to invade your private little solar plexus. Go crazy with it, you'll see a huge difference in your body.

ONIONS. I think we have the start of a good soup base on these first few ingredients, wadyou think?
Oh, everyone is so freaked out by onions, but hay, don't get all wiggy about bad breath, this stuff is so good for you. They will save you hundreds even thousands of dollars at the doctor OK? I'm not kidding.

This baby blocks every allergic reaction there is. Reduces blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and kills any kind of parasite there is. Colds and flu's don't have a chance. Just picture an onion with boxing gloves on. Kick your ash..........all over town, it will!

Alright, I'm startin' there guys. Get those in your kitchen, and soon, once you go shopping, we'll make something really cool, tasty, and nourishing for the soul, so you are not looking at these foreign objects on your counter, wondering what the hell you are going to do with them, accept ward off any bad dreams after a bad movie rental. Go Blockbuster!

Just some tid bits coming from some little voice that spoke to me tonight, saying, "Talk about nutrition". So, here I am, talking about a few cool veggies that will amp you right up, and save you a few extra bucks that you could use on the Texas Lotto.

Enjoy, and let me know when you get back from the grocery store.

Huge hugs,
and tons of love,


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