Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today was so incredibly cool!

It wasn't that I did much, but it was so spontaneous, so filled with energy that I let free, because I could.

I am a natural multi tasker, but sometimes on my day off, like today, I woke up because my dogs bark in their oh so cute way, (not at 4 am mind you), to specifically tell me that they need to poop. It's true! I know, it's funny, but it is like living with someone for a long time. You know their every little move, why, and if their stomach is upset, if they've eaten something that isn't kosher....... I mean c'mon......... every one has habits, even animals.

So, yes, my one little buddy woke me up telling me, "It's time", so I mozied on down the stairs, one sleeve on, one sleeve off, but covered my butt, so that is all that matters. I used to walk around naked, until an intruder bestowed himself upon me one crazy evening, and he ruined my foot loose and fancy free lifestyle in my own home. Now, I have to be sure all of the blinds are either closed, or I am clothed, with the blinds open. Kinda sucks to be so edited in every corner of your life.

Anyway, I let my little buddy out, went upstairs, and crawled into bed. Shoot, now I am awake! I don't want to be awake on my day off. I stared out at the water, or no water, in the lake, checked out my dying flowers, whimpering in the wind, and said.............."OK, I'm awake".

I looked around my room. Had some great thoughts, because, hay, I'm awake now! This means allowance for the mind to start plotting and planning, right?

It's so funny, because you know, consciously that you are AWAKE, it is like an immediate MUST, that I think about SOMETHING that is supposed to be thought about. Like, OK, where am I today, what am I supposed to be doing, organizing, cleaning, taking care of...........yada yada.........

And today, it was so refreshing, I went back to bed, grabbed a book that I am trying to grasp, a good, good healing book, checked it out, so early, and thought....... awww, how great! I never do this, in bed, so early, and I just let the morning take on it's own color. I loved it!! I read some amazingly stimulating information. Maybe at some other point I would have been overwhelmed by the information, but since it was morning, and I was open, fresh, and not tainted with the days thoughts, I think it was a blessing, really, for me. I loved it!!

I rolled over and saw my best, best friend, lying there, and felt so privileged to be on the same turf.

My sacred, most beloved dog, Bello. I could write volumes on this "animal", and tell you how he has changed me as a person, and has given me the gift of expansion of thought. To open myself up to different realms of consciousness that would never be tread upon, not given the moment I found him with stickers all over him, hidden on Town Lake, with his brother, Tesoro, whom, I took both in, thinking I'd give them to a good home.

He is my main man, my Posse', my Paeson, my little old wise man, that literally tells me things, when we connect, eye, to eye.

Don't laugh! I kid you not, and I WILL write a book on the connection between humans/animals, I am THAT passionate about it. It runs deeper than the household pet, and is more beneficial than going to a doctor, or therapist, let's just put it that way, for now, until I do more research, but...........stay tuned............IT WILL BE GOOD!

It is existential! Extremely exquisite, beyond words.

So, not to get off on a tangent. He was part of my spontaneous morning. Allowing myself to connect to him, lay there, check out where my body was at. How does it feel? What needs attention?

Every day that I have off, I say to myself that I am going to get a massage, because my body screams, GET A MASSAGE!! Your body is not in alignment, and I feel confident that I will, and then the day starts, and there are a million other things to do. But, the good thing is, that I did respond to taking a quiet bath, with great minerals, candles, and healing incense burning throughout the house. It was so nice to wake up to that.

Fresh Italian coffee brewed, great smells, the dogs were all cozy and just cute as all get out, I didn't have to be anywhere............I was so damn excited!!!!

I took my little healing book in the tub, ran around like a little kid, like there was a treasure in the bathroom. I laugh now, thinking of myself. It was cute. My little self wanted some pure goods, and I found myself there, feeding my soul, the way it loves to be fed.

I got all excited. shoot, I'm excited now, just talking about it.

I'll have another bath please........... haha

I loved bathing in the knowing that I was consciously doing things to feed my soul. One, my leg is not the same since my accident, so I have to do physical therapy and anything else that will heal it.......(I don't want to limp for the rest of my life), so I have special minerals to help heal that, Epsom salts, we know that cures all, some good positive vibes, some good smelling candles, and incense that should wake the dead, what else do I need?

No, in all seriousness........... my bath was an awakening, in and of itself!! It is amazing what happens when you just say no to all of the robotic crap that "needs" to be done, and you just take care of yourself. Man, how great, and how I wish to have more of that time, not so obscure, harried, and few and far between, like scheduling a hair appointment. Ugh!!

My day unfolded so spontaneously, and with everything that unfolded, I loved ever bit of it!!

It's not that you are even doing things that are out of the ordinary. What is so special about it, is that you are MAKING A CHOICE to stay in a frame of mind that is moving you forward, not stuck, progressive, productive, inspired, self induced motivation!! God, I'm all about it!! If you can't find it easily, on the outside, you best muster up some good ol' somethin' or other inside, for yourself, that will catapult you to a different, more elevated place, that you can learn from, grow from, and too, when you get there, you can scream from the mountain tops that you frigin got there YOURSELF!!


Look, I wake up, fall down, fall down again, and again, and again, and somehow, my spirit wants to live, high velocity........nothing mediocre, so I am calling in some good stuff. I think the "bad" stuff surfaces to get us to a deeper place.

I don't know, but what I do know is that we have choices...............CHOICES..........and we need to wake up to what those are. Let's do what we have to do, to elevate ourselves, make higher choices, and KICK ASS!! No matter what it is that we want. There is no reason why anything that we want, cannot be achieved!!!

I'M WITH YOU! Look, I have some extra gusto, and so, let me feed you with that energy, and when the next person is low, YOU CAN FEED THEM, and when you are low, maybe you will receive what you gave is the beautiful domino of life, in flow, in center, in flow, with what is, and the incredible harmony that can, almost on it's own, guide you, and your interactions, to bring you to a peaceful, calm..........and........... to your dreams.........that are alive, and ready for you to believe, that, yes, they can, actually come true.


I AM!!!


Sleep sound, let your desires rest in the forefront of your mind, see them clearly, and let them go, out into the Universe somewhere, and then, just trust......... everything will be ok, I promise!! I promise myself too, trust me. And I am way ok.......... even when I think I'm not......I am!

I love you and support you all the way, no matter what it is!!!

All of my heart felt love,


  1. Existencial indeed! I know what you say as I have the simpatico relationship with my girls. We communicate every day in a language all our own, oral, subtle gestures, eye movement,lots of body language. Might I recommend a great book: Straw Dogs! I look forward to reading yours!
    Mucho Amor, Marko

  2. Marko,

    How incredibly beautiful. How long has it been since I have even heard those words?

    I will get Straw Dogs. Is it based on the old movie with Dustin Hoffman?

    Thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts.

    I always love hearing others stories. It is what makes doing this, the magic, the glory, and the whold Domino affect, of how love transforms.

    Have a beautiful night.

