Saturday, August 15, 2009


I think everyone is pure in their heart when they say they want to HEAL.

Shoot, I know I am. I am just not sure how that will show up, and what it all involves, and what subjects. I mean, we have so many things to work on, and sometimes, it seems as if all comes tumbling down at once, at least for me anyway.

Some things, share a main vein, some things are in their own category, and then some just show up like a surprise, and you wonder, what in the hell is this here for?

Is it really just one big continuation of a learning curve, and many more curves after that? I think so. I really don' t think this process ends, and so, we, I, better get good with the process, otherwise, we will be stuck in a state of bewilderment, as to the why's and how's of all of this.

I see why artists are artists! There is the reality of life, and then, at some point, you just say, OK, this is what is happening on THIS level, and yes, it is important, and relevant, and this should be looked at and worked out, but then there is the level of...........IS THIS REALLY IMPORTANT?

You certainly cannot escape the reality of WHAT IS, in your present world, but when you look at the schematics, you see, hmmmmmm, this isn't really any different than how it was years ago, or lifetimes ago.

I don't wanna lose you in esoteric-ville, just stating that there is a higher consciousness to get good with, without negating what is happening here, in regular everyday life.

It could be easy to escape, all of things that show up for us, and really, could be deemed a huge pain in the ass..........and I truly mean that. Enough of working on how that pertains to my childhood, to my past, to my mother, my abandonment, my this, my that.

I know it, in my heart, to be so, so true, the correlation, and yet, sometimes, you just want to say, "God, can we please just kick back and chill out for awhile?"

All the why's and how's........... I love it like a second home, but I also know, I have a first home that I can retreat to, when I want. Ahh, the luxury!

It is a huge undertaking, to want to take responsibility for our thoughts, our actions, and what we put out in the world. In fact, in can be extremely overwhelming, to watch ourselves, in the way that we relate to people in our worlds, and what that all means, for us to feel good, and secure and healthy. If that doesn't seem to meet up to snuff, than we better take inventory on why, and how it even got there to begin with.

I want to say, to do this without a judgement, but I also know how incredibly difficult it can be when we judge ourselves, and what we think we should have done, or not have done.

Does that make sense?

I know I don't want to judge myself, but I also know, that I am just like anyone, who tries and tries to be on the right side of the track, and then BOOM, something happens and you take 10 steps back, and you may have done something that is so completely out of character, and you find yourself cleaning up a mess that never should have never
been there from the beginning.

Does that sound familiar?

Look, we are all human. We make mistakes, right?

Why should we hammer ourselves into the ground for doing what we though might be the right move?

Asking for HEALING, is such a huge undertaking. It sneaks up on us as soon as we silently ask to heal this or heal that. We have to become privy to it, and all of it's fancy colors, how it presents itself, and how we can use it to our advantage, to change, not make the same mistakes, and to move foreword with new ideas, and a letting go of old ideas, that just don't work anymore.

Touche' for attempting to heal. Touche' for embarking on a journey that truly, guys, is not easy. I can attest to that.

But, I want to heal.

Do you?

Maybe you don't think you have to heal from anything. Maybe you don't. Maybe you should take a peak at your thoughts, when you settle down, and wonder, why is this, or why is that?

Healing doesn't mean that something is wrong with you. It means you respect yourself enough to take a look at a few things to feel cozy in your soul, genuinely. So that there is no stone unturned.

It means loving yourself enough to get past what you think is screwed up, and to be open to a new idea.

I think I just gave myself an epiphany that I wasn't ready for.

Maybe by tomorrow, I will be.

Consciousness isn't YOU my friend, or ME, for that is a STATE OF BEING, that we get to, when we just say NO, to the crazy voices that tell us anything other that what we truly know ourselves to be, outside of this crazy, crazy world of thoughts, doing, going, and "trying to be".

I am so humbled tonight, by the workings of this personality, how it shows up, and how, I continue to uncover the many facets of the why's and how's, and continue to be OK, to allow, and to find some ray of compassion, within it all.

Hold my hand,
as I hold yours,

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