Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I truly am in a state of awe!

I have been writing all night, and my state of consciousness is so that, I am not sure what will come out, on these pages....... really, I don't!

I can't possibly seem to write out all that is transpiring in this "little" mind of mine, at least not tonight, when it doesn't seem appropriate to dissect my mind or psychologically prepare to see the beyond, it just won't happen, at least, not tonight.

I have, though, acknowledged different things that are happening to me, in a letter to a friend, and it allowed me a great release. Just to express, in a safe way, the goings on of "Gabriela", the superficial, to the great beyond.

It's funny, cuz it's not like I will get an answer, but just the mere fact that I can write, and know, somewhere in there, that I will be heard, is a great feat, and it sustains me, for now, until my soul beckons me for some other great truth, yet to be uncovered.

I never expect it to come from "someone" else, but to let the outer experiences give me the tools to see the gifts that may be applicable, for me, at this time.

This is, by far, no one else's deal, but mine. It is my own private Idaho, and I love it, truly love it like nothing other.

Some people go home, turn on the tube, make food, do what they do, and they are happy.

Me? I cannot wait to be alone. To reflect, to take the 8 or so hours I just spent at work, and to undue all of that, and get back to me, that isn't the doer.

My world is significantly different outside of work. People think they know me, but, if they were a fly on the wall, they would see that the person they see at work is just ONE part of me, and probably is the smallest part of me.

I guess that is what makes all of us so different, so unique and compartmentalized. I like that!

I like it for you, and for me.

Touche' to you, for being you, and Touche' for me, being me. I honor you, and your way, and hopefully, but not expectantly, you honor my way.



  1. G,
    My father taught me about the Johari Window when I was young. That reminds me of your blog today. Your journey is unique, loud, quiet and lovely, keep writing, Love C

  2. The Johari window is used to for relationships with others, what they see in us that we don't see, etc. Adjectives are used in "rooms" of the house, it's a pretty neat idea to use (if done proprerly I suppose), my father's main point was this, other people see us so differently, things they see we never see in ourselves (or do later). He made me look it up long ago, I used it in a paper when I was in college and I just thought of it when you mentioned work and the fly on the wall. The Nohari window is the negative portion. But I am going on long ago memory. C xo
