Friday, August 21, 2009



I went down to get my mail, which is very far away, and a beautiful walk, for sure. I took one dog. She likes it when I don't take her on a leash. Loves the freedom. (not MY dog is it?). She meanders around, and that, in and of itself, is a sight to see, and I could just watch her, all of her animal instincts, and be in a state of wonderment for the rest of the evening. It's THAT pure!

Well, that happened anyway. That incredible wonderment. Why wouldn't it, on a night like tonight, when the wind is taking the lead, the stars bowed down to the wind, and felt they didn't need to be AS important, but little do they know, they go with any package, so, my eyes were just as fixated on them as they were with the wind and the lightning staring me in the face.

The smell of rain is in the air, the trees are blowing and the branches are telling stories already, and I haven't even begun to write.

We walked back up to the property and I decided to sit outside, on some different pieces of the property that look great, but I never actually sit there, to enjoy, and just relax. I always see it everyday, see it from the terrace above, or just acknowledge it, passing by, because it is such a sweet area, one devoted, boldly, to peace, devotion, and sacredness.

I layed on the hammock and took in the night. Looked around at my surroundings and just kicked back.

I couldn't help the mass thoughts that enveloped my moments. From staring at my huge statue of St. Francis, loving why I love him, as to why he is in my garden, with fixtures of love, reminders of Mom, Grandma, and just the peace and tranquility of all things innocent to me. Why wouldn't anyone love nature? It is innocence at it's best! There is nothing tainted about nature!

God, I could just disappear!

For a moment, I watched my dog, Surrender, sniff the statue of St. Francis, then lay down and put her head on his feet. She stayed there for a long time, and as I caught a glimpse. I just gazed, and gazed, and became aware of so many things.

I cannot seem to spill it all out tonight, but, it was a moment in time, one worth explaining. The epiphanies, the simpleness, the solid feeling of loving who you are in a single moment, and not wanting to venture anywhere else, knowing it would, then, be tainted, by some random thought, some "regular" kind of moment that will beckon your attention. I didn't want to move, for that reason alone!

I stayed out there for quite awhile. I sat under the biggest, most beautiful Oak tree, that has all of these interesting looking pods hanging from them. I felt as if I was in Louisiana. I remember so many things, about nature in Louisiana. How gorgeous, and too, poetic.

I guess, to me, all things can be poetic, but in these moments, it is a rare thought, just because of the grandeur, you think that nothing else can possibly compare.

How about for now, nothing else does? Because, after all, this is our moment in time, here, right now!

Not in 5 minutes or tomorrow, but RIGHT NOW!

It was getting late. Although I didn't want to go inside, I did, but the walk back up was unpredictably slow, and as if there was a strobe light, slowing me down, to take in every last drop of gorgeousness, before I got to the door.

I turned around, looked at St. Francis, looked at the Oak tree, and just went blank. Not for any other reason, but the naturalness of being so intoxicated by what REALLY IS, and not the boring old stories that play in our heads, moment, to moment, everyday, like an old tape recording of outdated stuff.

I came in, and acclimated to noise, animals, and the "regularity" of life, and felt myself come "down", so to speak, and here I sit.

It is a feat to stay so innocent, to see the beauty beyond the muck, and to choose to see what you want to see, rather than thinking you have no choice to think the thoughts that you want.

It sounds complicated, but it isn't, really.

Just acknowledge what you love, and expound on it every chance you get.

That sounds like something to end a story on.

I will go to bed in peace.

That is always a good set up for your next moment, or day......

Keep the Faith.


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