Thursday, August 13, 2009


I think it to be quite the balancing act, to be able to acknowledge all sides of us, to blow them all up, and see all aspects of ourselves, in the clear light, and to be able to be OK with all of them, for what they are, and mark it in BOLD LETTERS, that this is where you are in your evolution.

There are no rules guys. I mean, whatever rules you place on yourselves, than that is what you have, a book of statements that either gel with you, or not. But, it is a choice that you make.

I am taking a good look at all kinds of sides of myself that I LOVE, and sometimes I swing more on one side, than the other. I love all sides, but maybe I spend too much time on one end, and not the other.

No one side is better than the other, just mere expressions of different aspects of myself that need to be expressed.

Sometimes things show up that are obvious that need to be payed attention to, and other times, it doesn't even show up, so other aspects get the attention, and when the time is right, I think things just show up when they are ready to be dealt with, or played with, or experimented with, or just plain ol' looked at, whatever your case may be.

I always look at things as a sign. Especially if it is a strong feeling.

What is this? Where did it come from and why am I attracting it? Is this something I called in? If so, why?

I can hear some friends saying, " Do you have to dissect everything?" Well, no, but it is a natural thought process to see why things appear, and if there is anything I can learn, from my past, or present, that may be applicable for future learning.

I don't want to make the same mistakes over and over, do you? So why not look at things in a conscious way, check it out, and see if this might be conducive, or not. What have I learned thus far? What is it that I want to paint on my canvas right now? What does that look like, and am I attracting that? If it isn't in alignment to what I am picturing, than maybe I want to ask if that is something I want to take my time with.

There are so many "goodies" out there. I am not looking for goodies, I am just looking for balance........... realness, genuineness, and people who want to share simplicity and goodness. That doesn't mean we have to join a convent or anything, but to be consciously aware, do some good deeds, and have a good time.........wadyou say?

How bout it?

Help out around town, be a listening ear to a friend who needs it, cook for someone, make dinner for friends, look at what you need............ fulfill it..........mind, body, soul. Physical sensations that need expression................ do it all, with a love from the soul.............. interweave it all, and allow everything to be a sacred act, from the purest place there is.

Don't let that scare you, there are plenty of fun ways, obscure ways, to mask that title. Spirituality doesn't cut off our creative minds, so have at it already. I know I am. Interweave, the mental, physical, sexual, spiritual, fun, love, caring, giving, and anything else that falls under the umbrella of WHO YOU ARE.

Balance all of your sides, or at least try. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself what you want, how you want to go about it, and make a damn plan already.

Be smart.

Time is ticking and we don't want to lose out on some good time with ourselves.

Don't bark up any wrong trees that you know in your gut are wrong. Stick with your intuition, it always serves you well.

Express all sides, and marinate in that passion.

Enjoy the goodness of it all.



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