Saturday, August 29, 2009


I look at what is available to me, what IS, in my life, and how it all gets perceived, and no one would ever believe how I would feel, in.........all ........of it!!

Many people go for the "opportunity", and seize the moments that are bestowed upon them.

Me? I'm funny! I look at everything that is presented to me, and sit back and go..........hmmmm!!!

Nothing is EVER as it seems. It gets tricky too.

And that is my point about this one blog. I AM SIMPLE........REALLY............I AM!

I like simple things, nothing complicated, nothing crazy.......... just fun, nothing completely boring, or nothing completely over the edge either............(I think)............. no, really...........

I like major adventure, and will partake in anything that is new, exciting, and fun!! Why not?
That stuff is soooooooooooo fun to me.

Let's spontaneously go white water rafting, when, probably you have never gone white water rafting.......or, lets go running in the pouring down rain..........who cares if we get muddy, or wet, or you can see through our clothes.............WHO CARES? Not me!

That is fun. Who needs an umbrella? Let's get wet man!!


I wanna have fun, laugh, and giggle at stupid things, and tickle you, and wrap you up in a blanket, and make silly noises........... be goofy, and let you know, I love you to death.

Simple stuff! Innocent stuff!

That is what I love!

There is a very innocent existence, and it is not visited by many. Too many things are happening in the world. From technology, to hobbies, to our work, to our kids, or animals, and the last thing on earth, is the things that we love, or that we are truly passionate about.

I can't do that. Even in my worst moments, I have to squeeze something in that equates REAL, AND TRUE, amongst the norm or general way of being.

And, it generally is something so simple, so pure, and doesn't take much to achieve, maybe going outside, and opening your eyes. Staying awake for the sunset, or breathing a bit deeper than you did last night............... being a bit more brave than what you thought you could yesterday.

Those are the goods for me.

I could care less how much you make for a living, or what your name brand is on your pants, (just spare me some polyester), really, just come on a grand ride with me, and we will have fun, undoubtedly!! I will promise you that! We'll have a blast!!

I'm not trying to sell myself, cuz I could see where that would be misunderstood. No, I am just trying to tell you, life is way too simple to complicate it.

Trust me, there are plenty of people that will complicate it for you, so you might as well make it simple, and make the equation easy enough to do it in pen.

No erasing here!

How can you be more simple in your life?

Uncomplicate matters, and get back to a simple existence?

There are formulas. mine, yours, and theirs!

Pick one.

We need to be reminded of how we truly ARE SIMPLE!

I could go on and on and on.

Let's just make this simple.

Think of 5 things that make you happy.

Do them. Above and beyond anything.

Do them NOW! DON'T WAIT!

Start there.

Tell me how it goes.

Reinvent yourself, with new ideas, and go beyond what your mind says you can do.



I love you,
You amazing reminders you,

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