Monday, August 24, 2009


Today, I listened to Chopin.

On the way to work I listen to Chopin or some other genius that puts great thoughts in my mind.

I literally get so intoxicated listening to Chopin that I hate coming down, to go to work, or do anything other than what is brewing in my mind, creatively speaking.

It sets my day up, and on the way to work, I am so incredibly juiced up, so deep in thought, that I wish the drive were 4 hours long, and not half an hour.

I listen to music that keeps me on track. I have been listening to my CD that I have had forever, but until recent, it has somehow, made it's way to "the only CD" I listen to. It has catapulted me into a realm of great, great consciousness, that has led to major creativity, for my private projects, writings, and own indulgence in the great spirit that is so utterly profound and succulent.

God, where do all the hours go? I am wishing for more hours in the day, I really am!

It is amazing what music does. How it makes you feel, what it makes you create, or think, or conjure up. Seriously, I thank music for my most incredible moments. For making me stretch to the limit of my mind, for making me go beyond what my mediocre mind thinks, that when, I hear a great piece, I close my eyes, and fall into an abyss, of what, I cannot tell you. I know it to be the mystical , the unanswered, but too, the answered, the part where you really DO know, to be good, where all questions are answered, and every "small" thought that you had, is no longer, "SMALL", and you are in alignment with WHAT IS!

I am so high in that realization!

This started out as me sharing about Chopin.

Have you listened to Chopin?

Allow yourself, the grand opportunity!!

I thought tonight, "How can I possibly create something grand when there is no time??

But, then, the answer came Quickly.


Take the moment and create something grand, something that will enable a healing somewhere, or, in you!

That is it! There is so much to say on this subject, I am on fire. But, for now, take it for what it is.

Right here with you,

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